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This document describes a new addressing scheme for Monero.

Chapters 1-2 are intended for general audience.

Chapters 3-7 contain technical specifications.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 Why a new address format?

Sometime in 2024, Monero plans to adopt a new transaction protocol called Seraphis [1], which enables much larger ring sizes than the current RingCT protocol. However, due to a different key image construction, Seraphis is not compatible with CryptoNote addresses. This means that each user will need to generate a new set of addresses from their existing private keys. This provides a unique opportunity to vastly improve the addressing scheme used by Monero.

1.2 Current Monero addresses

The CryptoNote-based addressing scheme [2] currently used by Monero has several issues:

  1. Addresses are not suitable as human-readable identifiers because they are long and case-sensitive.
  2. Too much information about the wallet is leaked when scanning is delegated to a third party.
  3. Generating subaddresses requires view access to the wallet. This is why many merchants prefer integrated addresses [3].
  4. View-only wallets need key images to be imported to detect spent outputs [4].
  5. Subaddresses that belong to the same wallet can be linked via the Janus attack [5].
  6. The detection of outputs received to subaddresses is based on a lookup table, which can sometimes cause the wallet to miss outputs [6].

1.3 Jamtis

Jamtis is a new addressing scheme that was developed specifically for Seraphis and tackles all of the shortcomings of CryptoNote addresses that were mentioned above. Additionally, Jamtis incorporates two other changes related to addresses to take advantage of this large upgrade opportunity:

  • A new 16-word mnemonic scheme called Polyseed [7] that will replace the legacy 25-word seed for new wallets.
  • The removal of integrated addresses and payment IDs [8].

2. Features

2.1 Address format

Jamtis addresses, when encoded as a string, start with the prefix xmra and consist of 196 characters. Example of an address: xmra1mj0b1977bw3ympyh2yxd7hjymrw8crc9kin0dkm8d3wdu8jdhf3fkdpmgxfkbywbb9mdwkhkya4jtfn0d5h7s49bfyji1936w19tyf3906ypj09n64runqjrxwp6k2s3phxwm6wrb5c0b6c1ntrg2muge0cwdgnnr7u7bgknya9arksrj0re7whkckh51ik

There is no "main address" anymore - all Jamtis addresses are equivalent to a subaddress.

2.1.1 Recipient IDs

Jamtis introduces a short recipient identifier (RID) that can be calculated for every address. RID consists of 25 alphanumeric characters that are separated by underscores for better readability. The RID for the above address is regne_hwbna_u21gh_b54n0_8x36q. Instead of comparing long addresses, users can compare the much shorter RID. RIDs are also suitable to be communicated via phone calls, text messages or handwriting to confirm a recipient's address. This allows the address itself to be transferred via an insecure channel.

2.2 Light wallet scanning

Jamtis introduces new wallet tiers below view-only wallet. One of the new wallet tiers called "FindReceived" is intended for wallet-scanning and only has the ability to calculate view tags [9]. It cannot generate wallet addresses or decode output amounts.

View tags can be used to eliminate 99.6% of outputs that don't belong to the wallet. If provided with a list of wallet addresses, this tier can also link outputs to those addresses. Possible use cases are:

2.2.1 Wallet component

A wallet can have a "FindReceived" component that stays connected to the network at all times and filters out outputs in the blockchain. The full wallet can thus be synchronized at least 256x faster when it comes online (it only needs to check outputs with a matching view tag).

2.2.2 Third party services

If the "FindReceived" private key is provided to a 3rd party, it can preprocess the blockchain and provide a list of potential outputs. This reduces the amount of data that a light wallet has to download by a factor of at least 256. The third party will not learn which outputs actually belong to the wallet and will not see output amounts.

2.3 Wallet tiers for merchants

Jamtis introduces new wallet tiers that are useful for merchants.

2.3.1 Address generator

This tier is intended for merchant point-of-sale terminals. It can generate addresses on demand, but otherwise has no access to the wallet (i.e. it cannot recognize any payments in the blockchain).

2.3.2 Payment validator

This wallet tier combines the Address generator tier with the ability to also view received payments (including amounts). It is intended for validating paid orders. It cannot see outgoing payments and received change.

2.4 Full view-only wallets

Jamtis supports full view-only wallets that can identify spent outputs (unlike legacy view-only wallets), so they can display the correct wallet balance and list all incoming and outgoing transactions.

2.5 Janus attack mitigation

Janus attack is a targeted attack that aims to determine if two addresses A, B belong to the same wallet. Janus outputs are crafted in such a way that they appear to the recipient as being received to the wallet address B, while secretly using a key from address A. If the recipient confirms the receipt of the payment, the sender learns that they own both addresses A and B.

Jamtis prevents this attack by allowing the recipient to recognize a Janus output.

2.6 Robust output detection

Jamtis addresses and outputs contain an encrypted address tag which enables a more robust output detection mechanism that does not need a lookup table and can reliably detect outputs sent to arbitrary wallet addresses.

3. Notation

3.1 Serialization functions

  1. The function BytesToInt256(x) deserializes a 256-bit little-endian integer from a 32-byte input.
  2. The function Int256ToBytes(x) serialized a 256-bit integer to a 32-byte little-endian output.

3.2 Hash function

The function Hb(k, x) with parameters b, k, refers to the Blake2b hash function [10] initialized as follows:

  • The output length is set to b bytes.
  • Hashing is done in sequential mode.
  • The Personalization string is set to the ASCII value "Monero", padded with zero bytes.
  • If the key k is not null, the hash function is initialized using the key k (maximum 64 bytes).
  • The input x is hashed.

The function SecretDerive is defined as:

SecretDerive(k, x) = H32(k, x)

3.3 Elliptic curves

Two elliptic curves are used in this specification:

  1. Curve25519 - a Montgomery curve. Points on this curve include a cyclic subgroup 𝔾1.
  2. Ed25519 - a twisted Edwards curve. Points on this curve include a cyclic subgroup 𝔾2.

Both curves are birationally equivalent, so the subgroups 𝔾1 and 𝔾2 have the same prime order ℓ = 2252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493. The total number of points on each curve is 8ℓ.

3.3.1 Curve25519

Curve25519 is used exclusively for the Diffie-Hellman key exchange [11].

Only a single generator point B is used:

Point Derivation Serialized (hex)
B generator of 𝔾1 0900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Private keys for Curve25519 are 32-byte integers denoted by a lowercase letter d. They are generated using the following KeyDerive1(k, x) function:

  1. d = H32(k, x)
  2. d[31] &= 0x7f (clear the most significant bit)
  3. d[0] &= 0xf8 (clear the least significant 3 bits)
  4. return d

All Curve25519 private keys are therefore multiples of the cofactor 8, which ensures that all public keys are in the prime-order subgroup. The multiplicative inverse modulo is calculated as d-1 = 8*(8*d)-1 to preserve the aforementioned property.

Public keys (elements of 𝔾1) are denoted by the capital letter D and are serialized as the x-coordinate of the corresponding Curve25519 point. Scalar multiplication is denoted by a space, e.g. D = d B.

3.3.2 Ed25519

The Edwards curve is used for signatures and more complex cryptographic protocols [12]. The following three generators are used:

Point Derivation Serialized (hex)
G generator of 𝔾2 5866666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
U Hp("seraphis U") 126582dfc357b10ecb0ce0f12c26359f53c64d4900b7696c2c4b3f7dcab7f730
X Hp("seraphis X") 4017a126181c34b0774d590523a08346be4f42348eddd50eb7a441b571b2b613

Here Hp refers to an unspecified hash-to-point function.

Private keys for Ed25519 are 32-byte integers denoted by a lowercase letter k. They are generated using the following function:

KeyDerive2(k, x) = H64(k, x) mod ℓ

Public keys (elements of 𝔾2) are denoted by the capital letter K and are serialized as 256-bit integers, with the lower 255 bits being the y-coordinate of the corresponding Ed25519 point and the most significant bit being the parity of the x-coordinate. Scalar multiplication is denoted by a space, e.g. K = k G.

3.4 Block cipher

The function BlockEnc(s, x) refers to the application of the Twofish [13] permutation using the secret key s on the 16-byte input x. The function BlockDec(s, x) refers to the application of the inverse permutation using the key s.

3.5 Base32 encoding

"Base32" in this specification referes to a binary-to-text encoding using the alphabet xmrbase32cdfghijknpqtuwy01456789. This alphabet was selected for the following reasons:

  1. The order of the characters has a unique prefix that distinguishes the encoding from other variants of "base32".
  2. The alphabet contains all digits 0-9, which allows numeric values to be encoded in a human readable form.
  3. Excludes the letters o, l, v and z for the same reasons as the z-base-32 encoding [14].

4. Wallets

4.1 Wallet parameters

Each wallet consists of two main private keys and a timestamp:

Field Type Description
km private key wallet master key
kvb private key view-balance key
birthday timestamp date when the wallet was created

The master key km is required to spend money in the wallet and the view-balance key kvb provides full view-only access.

The birthday timestamp is important when restoring a wallet and determines the blockchain height where scanning for owned outputs should begin.

4.2 New wallets

4.2.1 Standard wallets

Standard Jamtis wallets are generated as a 16-word Polyseed mnemonic [7], which contains a secret seed value used to derive the wallet master key and also encodes the date when the wallet was created. The key kvb is derived from the master key.

Field Derivation
km BytesToInt256(polyseed_key) mod ℓ
kvb kvb = KeyDerive1(km, "jamtis_view_balance_key")
birthday from Polyseed

4.2.2 Multisignature wallets

Multisignature wallets are generated in a setup ceremony, where all the signers collectively generate the wallet master key km and the view-balance key kvb.

Field Derivation
km setup ceremony
kvb setup ceremony
birthday setup ceremony

4.3 Migration of legacy wallets

Legacy pre-Seraphis wallets define two private keys:

  • private spend key ks
  • private view-key kv

4.3.1 Standard wallets

Legacy standard wallets can be migrated to the new scheme based on the following table:

Field Derivation
km km = ks
kvb kvb = KeyDerive1(km, "jamtis_view_balance_key")
birthday entered manually

Legacy wallets cannot be migrated to Polyseed and will keep using the legacy 25-word seed.

4.3.2 Multisignature wallets

Legacy multisignature wallets can be migrated to the new scheme based on the following table:

Field Derivation
km km = ks
kvb kvb = kv
birthday entered manually

4.4 Additional keys

There are additional keys derived from kvb:

Key Name Derivation Used to
dfr find-received key kfr = KeyDerive1(kvb, "jamtis_find_received_key") scan for received outputs
dua unlock-amounts key kid = KeyDerive1(kvb, "jamtis_unlock_amounts_key") decrypt output amounts
sga generate-address secret sga = SecretDerive(kvb, "jamtis_generate_address_secret") generate addresses
sct cipher-tag secret ket = SecretDerive(sga, "jamtis_cipher_tag_secret") encrypt address tags

The key dfr provides the ability to calculate the sender-receiver shared secret when scanning for received outputs. The key dua can be used to create a secondary shared secret and is used to decrypt output amounts.

The key sga is used to generate public addresses. It has an additional child key sct, which is used to encrypt the address tag.

4.5 Key hierarchy

The following figure shows the overall hierarchy of wallet keys. Note that the relationship between km and kvb only applies to standard (non-multisignature) wallets.

key hierarchy

4.6 Wallet access tiers

Tier Knowledge Off-chain capabilities On-chain capabilities
AddrGen sga generate public addresses none
FindReceived dfr recognize all public wallet addresses eliminate 99.6% of non-owned outputs (up to § 5.3.5), link output to an address (except of change and self-spends)
ViewReceived dfr, dua, sga all view all received except of change and self-spends (up to § 5.3.14)
ViewAll kvb all view all
Master km all all

4.6.1 Address generator (AddrGen)

This wallet tier can generate public addresses for the wallet. It doesn't provide any blockchain access.

4.6.2 Output scanning wallet (FindReceived)

Thanks to view tags, this tier can eliminate 99.6% of outputs that don't belong to the wallet. If provided with a list of wallet addresses, it can also link outputs to those addresses (but it cannot generate addresses on its own). This tier should provide a noticeable UX improvement with a limited impact on privacy. Possible use cases are:

  1. An always-online wallet component that filters out outputs in the blockchain. A higher-tier wallet can thus be synchronized 256x faster when it comes online.
  2. Third party scanning services. The service can preprocess the blockchain and provide a list of potential outputs with pre-calculated spend keys (up to § 5.2.4). This reduces the amount of data that a light wallet has to download by a factor of at least 256.

4.6.3 Payment validator (ViewReceived)

This level combines the tiers AddrGen and FindReceived and provides the wallet with the ability to see all incoming payments to the wallet, but cannot see any outgoing payments and change outputs. It can be used for payment processing or auditing purposes.

4.6.4 View-balance wallet (ViewAll)

This is a full view-only wallet than can see all incoming and outgoing payments (and thus can calculate the correct wallet balance).

4.6.5 Master wallet (Master)

This tier has full control of the wallet.

4.7 Wallet public keys

There are 3 global wallet public keys. These keys are not usually published, but are needed by lower wallet tiers.

Key Name Value
Ks wallet spend key Ks = kvb X + km U
Dua unlock-amounts key Dua = dua B
Dfr find-received key Dfr = dfr Dua

5. Addresses

5.1 Address generation

Jamtis wallets can generate up to 2128 different addresses. Each address is constructed from a 128-bit index j. The size of the index space allows stateless generation of new addresses without collisions, for example by constructing j as a UUID [15].

Each Jamtis address encodes the tuple (K1j, D2j, D3j, tj). The first three values are public keys, while tj is the "address tag" that contains the encrypted value of j.

5.1.1 Address keys

The three public keys are constructed as:

  • K1j = Ks + kuj U + kxj X + kgj G
  • D2j = daj Dfr
  • D3j = daj Dua

The private keys kuj, kxj, kgj and daj are derived as follows:

Keys Name Derivation
kuj spend key extensions kuj = KeyDerive2(sga, "jamtis_spendkey_extension_u" || j)
kxj spend key extensions kxj = KeyDerive2(sga, "jamtis_spendkey_extension_x" || j)
kgj spend key extensions kgj = KeyDerive2(sga, "jamtis_spendkey_extension_g" || j)
daj address keys daj = KeyDerive1(sga, "jamtis_address_privkey" || j)

5.1.2 Address tag

Each address additionally includes an 18-byte tag tj = (j', hj'), which consists of the encrypted value of j:

  • j' = BlockEnc(sct, j)

and a 2-byte "tag hint", which can be used to quickly recognize owned addresses:

  • hj' = H2(sct, "jamtis_address_tag_hint" || j')

5.2 Sending to an address


5.3 Receiving an output


5.4 Change and self-spends


5.5 Transaction size

Jamtis has a small impact on transaction size.

5.5.1 Transactions with 2 outputs

The size of 2-output transactions is increased by 28 bytes. The encrypted payment ID is removed, but the transaction needs two encrypted address tags t~ (one for the recipient and one for the change). Both outputs can use the same value of De.

5.5.2 Transactions with 3 or more outputs

Since there are no "main" addresses anymore, the TX_EXTRA_TAG_PUBKEY field can be removed from transactions with 3 or more outputs.

Instead, all transactions with 3 or more outputs will require one 50-byte tuple (De, t~) per output.

6. Address encoding

6.1 Address structure

An address has the following overall structure:

Field Size (bits) Description
Header 30* human-readable address header (§ 6.2)
K1 256 address key 1
D2 255 address key 2
D3 255 address key 3
t 144 address tag
Checksum 40* (§ 6.3)

* The header and the checksum are already in base32 format

6.2 Address header

The address starts with a human-readable header, which has the following format consisting of 6 alphanumeric characters:

"xmra" <version char> <network type char>

Unlike the rest of the address, the header is never encoded and is the same for both the binary and textual representations. The string is not null terminated.

The software decoding an address shall abort if the first 4 bytes are not 0x78 0x6d 0x72 0x61 ("xmra").

The "xmra" prefix serves as a disambiguation from legacy addresses that start with "4" or "8". Additionally, base58 strings that start with the character x are invalid due to overflow [16], so legacy Monero software can never accidentally decode a Jamtis address.

6.2.1 Version character

The version character is "1". The software decoding an address shall abort if a different character is encountered.

6.2.2 Network type

network char network type
"t" testnet
"s" stagenet
"m" mainnet

The software decoding an address shall abort if an invalid network character is encountered.

6.3 Checksum

The purpose of the checksum is to detect accidental corruption of the address. The checksum consists of 8 characters and is calculated with a cyclic code over GF(32) using the polynomial:

x8 + 3x7 + 11x6 + 18x5 + 5x4 + 25x3 + 21x2 + 12x + 1

The checksum can detect all errors affecting 5 or fewer characters. Arbitrary corruption of the address has a chance of less than 1 in 1012 of not being detected. The reference code how to calculate the checksum is in Appendix A.

6.4 Binary-to-text encoding

An address can be encoded into a string as follows:

address_string = header + base32(data) + checksum

where header is the 6-character human-readable header string (already in base32), data refers to the address tuple (K1, D2, D3, t), encoded in 910 bits, and the checksum is the 8-character checksum (already in base32). The total length of the encoded address 196 characters (=6+182+8).

6.4.1 QR Codes

While the canonical form of an address is lower case, when encoding an address into a QR code, the address should be converted to upper case to take advantage of the more efficient alphanumeric encoding mode.

6.5 Recipient authentication


7. Test vectors



  3. monero-project/meta#299 (comment)
  6. monero-project/monero#8138
  8. monero-project/monero#7889
  9. monero-project/research-lab#73

Appendix A: Checksum

# Jamtis address checksum algorithm

# cyclic code based on the generator 3BI5PLC1
# can detect 5 errors up to the length of 994 characters
GEN=[0x1ae45cd581, 0x359aad8f02, 0x61754f9b24, 0xc2ba1bb368, 0xcd2623e3f0]

M = 0xffffffffff

def jamtis_polymod(data):
    c = 1
    for v in data:
        b = (c >> 35)
        c = ((c & 0x07ffffffff) << 5) ^ v
        for i in range(5):
            c ^= GEN[i] if ((b >> i) & 1) else 0
    return c

def jamtis_verify_checksum(data):
    return jamtis_polymod(data) == M

def jamtis_create_checksum(data):
    polymod = jamtis_polymod(data + [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) ^ M
    return [(polymod >> 5 * (7 - i)) & 31 for i in range(8)]

# test/example

CHARSET = "xmrbase32cdfghijknpqtuwy01456789"

addr_test = (

addr_data = [CHARSET.find(x) for x in addr_test]
addr_enc = addr_data + jamtis_create_checksum(addr_data)
addr = "".join([CHARSET[x] for x in addr_enc])

print("len =", len(addr))
print("valid =", jamtis_verify_checksum(addr_enc))
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UkoeHB commented Jan 10, 2022

We should compare cost vs benefit. Encrypting (i,j) with k_a^i is more useful, but still requires some brute forcing and has a much higher cost (8 bytes per address, 8 bytes per blockchain output). It could probably be reduced to 5 bytes (encrypt just j + MAC) [@tevador from IRC]

With a 2-byte MAC I think the amortized cost of brute forcing is just ciphering the encrypted indices of view tag matches with each account key (only 1/2^24 outputs unowned by an account would leak through to that account's final nominal spend key check). Most users will have a very small number of accounts, and the API can even require that the accounts to search be user-defined (a reasonable constraint imo). It might be helpful to know ballpark costs for ciphering...

The goal here is that a user can reliably identify all of an account's outputs, even if those outputs are received to an unknown address index j. With index-encrypting, the user-cost is ciphering all view tag matches (with very minor expense to test nominal spend keys when the cipher MAC passes). With a j-database, the user-cost is either storing a huge table or connecting to a third-party (which is very hard to implement in constant time with no/minimal privacy losses). It's possible that additional requests to a third-party to consult a j-table would be slower than ciphering indices (especially for small updates).

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tevador commented Jan 11, 2022

Assuming we will encrypt (i,j) with kai, does it make sense to have 4.3 billion different keys? Even if there was a legitimate use case of having billions of accounts under the same wallet, it would be unusable because checking for output ownership would be too slow even with the fastest encryption algorithms.

What about a 3-level heirarchy?

Wallet -> 65536 branches
Branch -> 65536 accounts
Account -> 232 addresses

There would be a different private key for each branch and all addresses under that branch would be generated from that key. The wallet tier "AddrGenAccnt" would become "AddrGenBranch" or something similar.

The 216 key space should still be large enough to allow for replacements in case some keys are compromised, which was the main idea behind the account-level tiers.

Checking all 216 branch keys would be feasible (roughly 5 ms per output according to benchmarks by @UkoeHB, fast enough to scan a day's worth of outputs in 1-2 seconds). The (i,j) tuple would become (branch, accnt, addr) tuple. When decrypting with a specific branch key, the branch index would become a 16-bit MAC, which seems more reasonable than a 32-bit MAC.

This change would be backwards compatible, just the existing account indices would be grouped under branches. Branch 0 could be transparent in the wallet for better UX (most users will probably not use more than 65K accounts).

Edit: for backwards compatibility, it would still be an (i,j) tuple and the 16-bit "division" index calculated from i would be just for the private key derivation and otherwise hidden from users.

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UkoeHB commented Jan 11, 2022

Summary: approaches to output->address mapping

When view-scanning an output, first you compute a nominal view tag. If that tag matches the output's view tag, then you compute a 'nominal spend key' (K^{i,j}_1_nominal in jamtis). If the nominal spend key matches one of your wallet's actual spend keys, i.e. the spend key of address {i,j} (K^{i,j}_1), then address {i,j} probably owns that output ('probably' because if the amount is malformed then the output is unspendable).

After recent discussion, there are now three methods for figuring out if a nominal spend key corresponds to one of your addresses.

Method 1: address look-up table

The method currently used in Monero is for view-scanning wallets to pre-compute a large number of subaddresses (note: in jamtis, the term 'subaddresses' is deprecated in favor of 'addresses'). To check a nominal spend key, the wallet just looks it up in the subaddress table. If there are no matches, then the wallet assumes the output is not owned by the wallet.


  • conceptually simple
  • zero-cost lookups once the subaddress table is set up


  • If an output is owned by the wallet, but the owning subaddress isn't in the lookup table, then the output won't be found. This leads to hacky heuristics around setting and increasing the table size.
  • Setting up the subaddress table is expensive (elliptic curve operations are needed to create each subaddress), and depending on the table's size it may take up a large amount of storage. These storage constraints especially impact third-party view scanners (however would not be an issue for third party scanners with jamtis, since mapping outputs to addresses would no longer be the expected responsibility of third party scanners).

Method 2: embed address index in spend key

@tevador proposed embedding an address's index in its spend key. Technically there are two indices: i (the account index), and j (the address index). In the proposal, j is embedded explicitly and i is embedded implicitly.

Assuming a user wants to check if an output is owned by one of their accounts at an address not in a Method 1 lookup table (either they don't have such a lookup table, or they need to do a special check on an output), they will perform some elliptic curve operations on the output's nominal spend key K^{i,j}_1_nominal. For each account i they want to check, they compute K_j_nominal = k^i_a * (K^{i,j}_1_nominal - K^i_s). The value K_j_nominal can be looked up in a static lookup table which contains all possible values of K_j (there are 2^32 valid values, which are the same for all users). If lookup succeeds, then the table lookup will return j.


  • Allows a user to reliably identify outputs owned by any address in an account.
  • The K_j lookup table is static, so a third-party could allow lookups for an arbitrary number of users.
  • Addresses and outputs would stay the same size (number of bytes).


  • If this method is used to map all outputs to addresses, it would be computationally expensive for clients of a third-party scanning service. Computing K_j_nominal is similar in cost to computing nominal spend keys. This isn't relatively expensive for a normal scanner, because most of scanning cost (~99%) is computing view tags. However, if view tag scanning is done by a third party (with FindReceivedSimple), then in Method 1 the client (e.g. a ViewAll wallet) doesn't have to do extra work, but in this method they have to compute K_j_nominal.
  • Anyone using this method (even to figure out just a small number of output->address mappings) would need a very large K_j lookup table (~8-32 GB). Alternatively, they could use baby-step-giant-step to derive j from each K_j directly, which would cost ~20 ms per output according to @tevador (20 seconds for 1k outputs).
  • Implementing a privacy-conscious third-party lookup system for the K_j lookup table is non-trivial. Moreover, K_j lookups can only occur after computing K_j, so a client using a third party K_j looker-upper would need to wait for those requests to succeed before finalizing their balance.
  • Account keys k^i_a must be pre-computed.

Method 3: encrypted account tags

In this method, the index pair {i,j} for an address would be encrypted with k^i_a using a cheap 64-bit block cipher (e.g. Blowfish) and attached to the address. These encrypted indices e_accnt_indices would be further encrypted with the same cipher by a tx author when sending funds to that address, using the output shared secret q (change/self-spends would encrypt {i,j} directly with a hash of k_vb and sender-receiver ephemeral key K_e). The resulting 8-byte encrypted account tag e_accnt_tag would be added to the output.

To identify whether an output is owned, the user will decrypt the account index with q, then with and a set of account keys {k^i_a}. When one of the account keys k^i_a computes an i_nominal == i, then the user further tests if the output is owned by that account (i.e. owned by address {i,j}_nominal).

The view-scanning workflow looks like this:

  1. Use k_fr to compute and check the view tag. If this fails, abort.
  2. Use k_fr to compute the nominal shared secret q_nominal.
  3. Use q_nominal to decrypt e_account_tag and get e_accnt_indices_nominal, and compute the nominal spend key K^{i,j}_1_nominal.
    1. Note: Since e_account_tag is always paired with K^{i,j}_1, but can't be further decrypted with k_fr, a FindReceivedSimple service won't learn anything about the indices {i,j}.
    2. Note2: Since change/self-spends don't use q directly, e_accnt_indices_nominal will be garbage for change/self-spends. Only ViewAll wallets will be able to discern any information from e_account_tag for change/self-spends.
  4. Use a set of account keys k^i_a where the user believes there may be funds to compute {i,j}_nominal.
    1. For each key k^i_a where i == i_nominal (this is effectively a MAC test on decryption), compute the spend key K^{i,j}_1 and test K^{i,j}_1 ?= K^{i,j}_1_nominal. If the test succeeds, then the address {i,j} owns the output.
      1. Note1: For {i,j}s that already have funds, the user can just look up the spend key instead of computing it. This optimization helps users who receive many outputs to a small set of addresses.
      2. Note2: A MAC consisting of padding 0s would also work in this case, but the value i_nominal is needed by change/self-spends, so for consistency it is used here as well.
  5. If the tx where this output was found contains one of the wallet's key images, then...
    1. Use k_vb and K_e to compute {i,j}_nominal directly from e_account_tag.
    2. Use k_vb and {i,j}_nominal to compute the spend key K^{i,j}_1.
    3. Use k_vb and K_e to compute q_nominal_change and q_nominal_self_spend, then compute nominal spend keys K^{i,j}_1_nominal with both of those q_... values. Test K^{i,j}_1 ?= K^{i,j}_1_nominal for both of them. If either test succeeds, then the output is owned by the address {i,j} (and is either a change/self-spend depending which test succeeded). (in practice the change variant would be fully tested first, since change outputs are far more common than self-spends)
  6. Use k^i_a, {i,j}, and q to decrypt the output amount, and to check that the amount commitment can be reconstructed (only q is needed here for change/self-spends). If reconstruction fails, abort.
  7. Use k_vb, {i,j}, and q to compute the output's key image. Check the ledger to see if the output has been spent.


  • Allows a user to reliably identify outputs owned by any address in an account.
  • While the decision-tree for output scanning appears quite complex, it is highly optimized.
    • Decrypting 8 bytes with a block cipher like Blowfish is extremely fast (~100ns on my machine). Even initializing the cipher context is very fast (~40us on my machine), and a single cipher context can be reused for decrypting unlimited encrypted account tags (one cipher context per account key k^i_a would be needed).
    • For normal outputs, the MAC-like test i ?= i_nominal ensures a very very low rate of false positives after decrypting a e_accnt_indices_nominal. This means a user only very rarely has to compute the spend key K^{i,j}_1 when encountering an unowned output.
    • For change/self-spends, a user only examines outputs that A) are found in txs that contain key images from their wallet, B) pass the view-tag test. Again, this means only very rarely will the spend key K^{i,j}_1 be computed pointlessly (also, computing the hash to get the key for decrypting {i,j}_nominal and setting up a Blowfish context would only be done rarely).
    • Therefore, third-party-based view scanning (FindReceivedSimple) is the same time cost for clients (e.g. ViewReceivedAccnt/ViewReceivedAll/ViewAll) as in Method 1 (practically instantaneous aside from network requests, even for huge numbers of outputs).
  • No pre-computed tables (aside from k^i_a for each active account).


  • Public address strings and outputs would be 8 bytes larger (~5% and ~8-9% respectively; for a 2-in/2-out tx it would be ~0.5%).
  • Account keys k^i_a must be precomputed for non-change/non-self-spends.
    • This restriction ensures that a ViewReceivedAccnt wallet can't decrypt e_accnt_indices_nominal and learn about output:index mappings for outputs owned by other accounts in the same master wallet.

Addendum: changing the indexing strategy

Currently, i and j are both 32 bits (~4.3 billion). This amount is excessive for accounts, but limiting for addresses (e.g. a merchant might generate many addresses that map to product IDs, or need a non-incrementing ID strategy that would benefit from more bits).

@tevador has floated the idea to change those index sizes from i=32|j=32 bits to i=16|j=48 bits.


  • Account/address indexing would be more practical and each bit would be relatively more valuable.


  • Changing the indexing strategy would not be backward compatible. If an old account has an index >= 2^16, then it would not be able to generate jamtis addresses. Users with funds in such accounts would have to sweep (either singly or all-at-once) their funds into a permitted account index (or use custom wallet software to deal with address-generation and output-handling).
    • It is unlikely that more than a handful of users (if that) have accounts like this.

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tevador commented Jan 12, 2022

Another thing to consider would be the removal of the account-level wallet tiers.


  • Reduced complexity (only 5 wallet tiers instead of 7)
  • Simpler and shorter certified addresses (only one signature is needed)
  • No need for separate (i,j) indices in this specification. Addresses could be identified by one 64-bit* number and it would be up to the wallet how that address space is divided.
  • "Method 3" output recognition would be greatly simplified. Address tags would have to be decrypted only with one of two keys: kac for public addresses or kvb for private addresses (change/self-spends).


  • The address-generating wallet tier would require the global key kac. In case the key is compromised, the whole wallet would have to be replaced.

* In this case, I would recommend to reduce the address space from 64 bits to 56 bits to allow for an 8-bit MAC. A 56 bit address space still allows over 7.2 x 1016 addresses per wallet, which is more than enough for any imaginable use case. This would only affect legacy wallets that have used account indices greater than ~16.7 million, which is impossible in the official wallets because of the lookup table size. Another option would be to reduce the account index to 16 bits and expand the address index to 40 bits.

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tevador commented Jan 16, 2022

I updated the specification based on the January 12th Monero Research Lab meeting.

The most important changes are:

  • Encrypted address tags have been added to addresses and outputs. Addresses are now slightly longer at 181 characters.
  • Account-specific wallet tiers have been discontinued.
  • Address generation uses two auxiliary keys kid and ket, which are used for elliptic curve operations and symmetric encryption, respectively. Using independent keys for different algorithms is a standard security practice that reduces the attack surface.
  • Updated output construction and detection procedures to use address tags.
  • Added a new self-spend detection method in 5.4.1.
  • Self-spends and change outputs are differentiated using one MAC bit of the encrypted address tag.

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UkoeHB commented Jan 17, 2022

KeyDerive(k, x) = Hs(Pad136(k) || x) is a function to derive elliptic curve private keys.
SecretDerive(k, x) = H(Pad136(k) || x) is a function to derive secret keys for symmetric cryptography.

Where does Pad_136(k) come from? Are these supposed to be H_s(k || Pad32(x))?

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tevador commented Jan 17, 2022

136 bytes = 1088 bits is the bitrate of keccak-256. This padding causes the key to be processed alone by the keccak permutation before any other data. It's a security measure, although it might not be strictly needed in our case since none of the following input can be controlled by an attacker.

It may have a slight security advantage because the key kga does not need to be in memory in order to generate addresses. You just need to cache the intermediate 200-byte keccak state after the first permutation.

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j-berman commented Jan 26, 2022

I'm growing to feel a lotta love for this. I'm just a fledgling cryptographer, but it seems very elegant to me. I also understand why you'd like to include everything all at once and it's as comprehensive as it is. We leave room e.g. in the headers for cool new stuff. I hope more people take the time to read through this carefully.

Some suggested touch-ups on section 2:

This reduces the amount of data that a light wallet has to download by a factor of at least 256.

This tier doesn't reduce data a light wallet has to download. Light wallets currently only download outputs sent to the user, and the transactions of outputs plausibly spent by the user.

With this change, light wallets will need to download 0.4% of all outputs in the chain, and the transactions (or just key images) of outputs plausibly spent by the user (which will likely just be the entire chain).

The third party will not learn which outputs actually belong to the wallet

I don't think this claim can be relied on. 1, if a user re-uses an address, then the third party will learn that those outputs received to the same address belong to a user. 2, timing analysis based on when the client visits the app and submits a tx that has view tag matched outputs leaks metadata in an unavoidable way that can lead to the third party learning which outputs belong to the user.

I think the claim should be weakened to reflect the above reality. Maybe something like: "The third party will not learn output amounts, and the outputs the user received will be obfuscated. Light wallet users should avoid reusing addresses so the third party does not learn received outputs."

and typically consist of 181 characters

Would be nice to include an old address and its character length here for clearer comparison.

Jamtis prevents this attack by allowing the recipient to recognize a Janus output.

Would be nice to include size impact here, or link to this section.

Jamtis addresses and outputs contain an encrypted address tag

Same here -- size impacts would be nice. Just "8 bytes each" seems it would suffice.

This [FindReceived] tier should provide a noticeable UX improvement with a limited impact on privacy.

I disagree with this framing, unless you mean to suggest that light wallets will replace full scanning wallets, which I would disagree with. Rather they will have an improved impact on privacy, and a limited UX impact.

1, we can have an always-on component with just view keys today so wallets only need received outs (source
2, like mentioned above, third party scanners will need to download more, not less

For better UX when opening or restoring a wallet, the wallet is identified by HashIdent("Monero RID" || Kid)

This is cool. You mean like when I open up my wallet app, I see this RID instead of the primary address today, something like that.

An address is identified by a 64-bit integer j with the most significant 8 bits set to zero.

Can you provide a bit more color here why the most significant 8 bits should be set to zero? I'm not seeing why (EDIT: guessing leaving room for the 8 bit MAC discussed above but I'm not seeing where that is.. I'm a little tired)

Wallet software MUST NOT generate addresses with j >= 2^56.

Just curious, why not? What happens if they do (aside from the receiver aborting and not seeing it), and is this something new? EDIT: I see it would overflow, but just trying to understand why this number in particular

If j' >= 2^57, abort.

2^57 is a typo, right?

On certified addresses. I bring this up as a pre-caution. I get how you make "c" very much so different from "a" (anonymous), but identity is sort of opposite to privacy in my view. I think it is actually a good thing that I get plausible deniability on a payment receipt. It means third parties cannot with certainty determine how much I've received, either as an individual or business, if I'm generating new addresses across merchants. The whole crux of this feature is that it is more beneficial to systems that rely on identity, rather than anonymity which is Monero's goal.

As a more practical example, what if some exchanges start requiring "c" withdrawals? It would ruin the whole point of subaddresses, and harm people who might not realize that even though they're generating new addresses, they're leaking their identity.

The person who I am transacting with does not need to know my identity. If someone claims I did not send them money, I gain defense on my claim because there is an identity tied to their address. I would hope that individuals don't start using this. Maybe huge businesses. But maybe we can just leave this feature to PGP (edit: or open alias), and keep it outside of the Monero address protocol? I don't know. Sorry if this is fud-like.

EDIT: really the only debate over this I guess is whether or not we need the address type header because "c" can be implemented and/or decided upon later, which is a super insignificant thing to debate over in the grand scheme of JAMTIS. I hope this doesn't turn into a distraction from the rest of the scheme. Considering people do seem relatively favorable toward the certified address scheme and I'm the only one with concerns from what I can see, it probably does make sense to keep the address type header so the option is there.

Apologies for not much feedback on the cryptography. I will be studying it further, but generally I lean favorable toward all the ramifications and tradeoffs made (I only feel uneasy about certified addresses).

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Tigerix commented Jan 26, 2022

Is the RID still up for discussions?
I am coming from a user perspective and would really love to see human readable words.
It makes communication of the RID so much easier, faster and less prone to errors when reading them on the phone.
And its less effort comparing words instead of characters.

Thus I am strongly voting for this:
"It would be much more human readable if the RID was, say, 4 words from a 2048-word dictionary (like BIP39), so that instead of the difficult-to-read h8eug-w77qs-aaf7m-ww63i-hn33c you would get correct-horse-battery-coffee"

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UkoeHB commented Jan 26, 2022

Wallet software MUST NOT generate addresses with j >= 2^56.

Just curious, why not? What happens if they do (aside from the receiver aborting and not seeing it), and is this something new? EDIT: I see it would overflow, but just trying to understand why this number in particular

If j' >= 2^57, abort.

2^57 is a typo, right?

There are 56 bits for the address index, with 8 bits for a MAC. For normal outputs the MAC is 0x00, for self-send outputs the MAC is either 0x00 (change) or 0x01 (self-spend). Saying 2^57 is just for the case with 0x01.

In practice I am byte-pasting the decrypted tag into separate variables (index and mac), so '> 2^57' isn't really accurate.

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UkoeHB commented Jan 26, 2022

In 2-out transactions, I want to only use one enote ephemeral key (K_e = r K_3 in your notation). This provides significant scanning speedups compared to one ephemeral key per output, since 2-out tx are >90% of all tx. I also want to avoid hashing output indices into outputs, so that tx chaining can be more flexible (i.e. allow people to make isolated enotes and chain off them without knowing anything about the tx that will fund them).

To accomplish those goals, the following rules are necessary:

  1. 2-out tx MUST have a change output; if there are either 1 or 2 destinations, but no change amount, then a 0-amount dummy change output must be created
  2. 2-out tx MUST NOT have a self-send with a non-dummy change output (otherwise both outputs will have the same sender-receiver secret; at minimum, they will have the same view tag); if you want to self-spend and receive change, then a 0-amount dummy output must be created (giving you a 3-out tx)

These rules can be enforced with asserts in the core tx builder code, and implemented with just a few lines in the higher level tx assembler code, but are kind of esoteric things people need to remember.

More rules (exceptions to your IsSelfSpend rule):

  1. Collaborative-funding txs should not have self-send outputs if funders need to vet the destination set.
  2. Enotes constructed in isolation may be self-spends, but only if the implementer is able to enforce change-out rule 2 from above. Otherwise, they should always be normal types. This can probably be done safely with another IsSelfSpend-type check (i.e. just call the 'is it an owned self-send' function when given a solitary isolated enote to fund, if a change output is required).

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random idea, sorta stems from the notion that some use cases of the blockchain require a "tx_extra"-like thing to exist, so that users can pack transactions with custom data.

i can't tell if jamtis an encrypted memo field or whatever, but here goes.

Basically, create a payload system - a piggy back - for custom user data.

So you have a transaction with all of its stuff as AAAA. You then attach a payload BB. There's some math that ties BB to AAAA, and BB gets relayed around the network with AAAA when its in the txpool. Upon entrance into the chain, BB gets pruned and there's no explicit blockchain evidence that AAAA ever had a payload. Because fees are in the clear, we could even make the network consensus such that BB can stick around on a node for n blocks in some cache, and the n blocks is proportional to the fee for the tx AAAA. Dunno if this has anything to do with addressing exactly.

but yeah. payloads.

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UkoeHB commented Jan 27, 2022

@tevador some changes I recommend:

  • Let the sender-receiver secret be q = H_32(...) instead of H_s(...). Then let the onetime address be Ko = H_s(q, "...") X + K_1. I believe this adds the proper level of separation between output components/secrets/keys/etc. It's a point that may come up in later security reviews, so might as well head off complaints now (plus it makes the 'key vs secret' semantics more consistent).
  • Rename: k_et -> k_ct (encrypt tag -> cipher tag). This is easier to write (e.g. encrypttag_secret vs ciphertag_secret), and using 'cipher vs encrypt' semantics makes it easier to distinguish between the blowfish-cipher step and the XOR-secret encryption step.

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j-berman commented Jan 27, 2022

I think the certified address idea would be a direct precursor to what's discussed in this twitter thread.

EDIT: other bitcoin wallets choosing to abandon supporting the related feature.

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Eh, ya, I'm gonna take a harder stance on this. I think the address type header should definitely be removed, and certified addresses should not be part of the design consideration for JAMTIS at all.

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tevador commented Jan 28, 2022


Eh, ya, I'm gonna take a harder stance on this. I think the address type header should definitely be removed, and certified addresses should not be part of the design consideration for JAMTIS at all.

Can you elaborate what exactly the problem would be with certified addresses? AFAICS a certified Jamtis address conveys roughly the same information as a current integrated address. Integrated addresses are still used by merchants and one reason for that is customer assurance (customers can be more certain it's the correct address because they've seen it before). Since Jamtis doesn't support integrated address, this functionality is provided by certified addresses.

Certified addresses are in line with the design philosophy of Monero: privacy by default. All Jamtis addresses are unlinkable by default and can be optionally linked to the wallet if the owner wishes so.

Certified addresses are not meant for regulatory purposes. If you give someone a certified address, it doesn't actually prove that you own that address. It only proves that the address is owned by a specific wallet. In order to prove ownership of the private keys, you'd have to provide a signature of some challenge string (this seems to be what the AOPP protocol is doing). The CLI/GUI wallets already offer the option to sign arbitrary messages with your private keys, so this is actually way more likely to be used by regulators.

This tier doesn't reduce data a light wallet has to download. Light wallets currently only download outputs sent to the user, and the transactions of outputs plausibly spent by the user.

By "light wallet" I mean a wallet using a 3rd party daemon (not sure if there is another term for that).

I disagree with this framing, unless you mean to suggest that light wallets will replace full scanning wallets, which I would disagree with. Rather they will have an improved impact on privacy, and a limited UX impact.

Again, probably wrongly phrased. The privacy impact is limited in comparison to wallets that hold your view key. UX improvement is relative to a full wallet (running your own daemon).

Can you provide a bit more color here why the most significant 8 bits should be set to zero?

It's a quick way to check that the output is not yours. If the most significant 8 bits are not all zero, it means this can't be your address and you can skip deriving the output spend key.


Let the sender-receiver secret be q = H_32(...) instead of H_s(...)

That's a good idea.

In 2-out transactions, I want to only use one enote ephemeral key

This is already mentioned in section 5.5.1.


Thus I am strongly voting for this:
"It would be much more human readable if the RID was, say, 4 words from a 2048-word dictionary (like BIP39), so that instead of the difficult-to-read h8eug-w77qs-aaf7m-ww63i-hn33c you would get correct-horse-battery-coffee"

This has already been discussed. 4 words are insecure, you'd need about 11 words for security reasons and that might get confused with a wallet seed.

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j-berman commented Jan 29, 2022

With more thought, I'd say I was too hasty to jump to a strong stance against certified addresses.

Repeating some thoughts from Matrix/IRC:

Certified addresses go a step further than reusing a primary or integrated address because you're providing a proof of ownership.

If I give you a certified address, and later I give Bob a certified address, you and Bob have cryptographic proof that I'm in control of the address on separate occasions.

If I give you my primary or integrated address, and I give Bob the same address later, you and Bob don't have cryptographic proof I'm in control of the address.

In the latter, I have plausible deniability that I'm still in control the address. In the former I do not.

I agree a critical difference to highlight between the certified address scheme and AOPP is that in AOPP you sign a message produced by the counter-party. Whereas with certified addresses, you just sign the address in your possession. And the bad part about AOPP is the content of the message being signed and its purpose.

From a privacy perspective, I don't think certified addresses are awful and I'll weaken my stance. I agree that arbitrary message signing in the client is a clearer path toward regulatory concerns in the same vein as AOPP, but I wouldn't argue for the removal of arbitrarh message signing as it's clear what you're doing when you sign a message and provide someone else a signature. However, I do think certified addresses offer a clearer, and stronger path toward linking identity to wallet identity to address, as part of the address protocol, and in a way that is not as obvious as "hey, sign this message". I don't think a slippery slope argument is strong enough to argue for their exclusion, so I concede my position isn't defended well enough to warrant their exclusion.

Perhaps it's already an acceptable default assumption that once you give someone your address, you are comfortable with them (and anyone else you've given the address to) knowing that you control that address, so a proof is not necessarily changing what users already expect in their behavior. The only major issue I can concretely identify is one of user education, in making sure users who generate new certified addresses are aware that anyone they've given any of their certified addresses to in the past could link the two different certified addresses. And your RID idea would solve this satisfactorily if widely used and recipients understood what they are.

By "light wallet" I mean a wallet using a 3rd party daemon (not sure if there is another term for that).
Again, probably wrongly phrased. The privacy impact is limited in comparison to wallets that hold your view key. UX improvement is relative to a full wallet (running your own daemon).

This is more of semantics at this point, but explaining my view:

I use "light wallet" = wallet client points to a light wallet server centrally hosted that scans the chain server-side
and "full scanning wallet" = wallet client points to a daemon, either 3rd party or self-hosted, and wallet scans the chain client-side

I think the light wallet scheme defined in JAMTIS is a privacy upgrade for light wallets today (at minor cost of UX), and is useful in reducing the threat of the seemingly inevitable not-perfectly-ideal scenario that is a large centrally hosted light wallet server. But the privacy gap between a JAMTIS light wallet that points to a 3rd party server compared to a JAMTIS full scanning wallet that points to a 3rd party daemon is large. It's more difficult for the 3rd party daemon to determine received outs since 1, address reuse doesn't reveal anything, and 2, the daemon can't determine view tag matched outputs.

To me, the ideal flow goes:
(1, the best) run your own infra and use a wallet that points to it
(2, worse) use a full scanning wallet -> 3rd party daemon,
(3, the worst) use a light wallet -> centralized 3rd party hosted server

I don't think it would be good if many stopped using (2) in favor of (3), and so I'd say the benefits/costs of this new JAMTIS "FindReceived" tier shouldn't be measured against (2), rather against (3). But alas, imo this is less important than the building of it and semantics aren't worth debating over, so I digress.

For the record I'd also include a (1.1) for running your own light wallet server but didn't want to complicate :)

It's a quick way to check that the output is not yours. If the most significant 8 bits are not all zero, it means this can't be your address and you can skip deriving the output spend key.

Ah, I think I see. Do I follow that this is what enables the if j >= 2^56 || 2^57, abort steps, which are like the view tag optimization, since they avoid the EC operations that follow?

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tevador commented Jan 29, 2022

Certified addresses go a step further than reusing a primary or integrated address because you're providing a proof of ownership.

No, certified addresses don't prove ownership.

Imagine the following scenario:

Eve's exchange requires withdrawals to certified addresses. Alice can go to Bob's online shop, which gives certified addresses to its customers, and makes an order. She can withdraw from her exchange account into the certified address provided by Bob, paying for her order in the process. Eve holds no proof who the owner of the address is (but she will be able to link the addresses owned by Bob if multiple people pay for their orders using Eve's exchange). In this regard, certified addresses are no different from integrated addresses.

To prove ownership of a certified address, you'd also need to prove the ownership of the private key kid, which would require signing some challenge message provided by the exchange.

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Alice returns to the exchange 1 month later with another one of Bob's certified addresses. The exchange gains stronger knowledge that Bob is likely still in control of the same address, because it is a fresh address that is signed with the same key.

Now assume Bob had used an integrated address instead, and Alice returns to the exchange 1 month later with the same integrated address as she used the first time around. The exchange has evidence Bob is likely still in control of this integrated address, but the evidence is not as strong since it is not accompanied by a digital signature. Bob has a greater degree of plausible deniability that he is still in control of the integrated address in this circumstance.

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Assume Fred is a data broker and wants to harvest all the data in the world so he can sell it. Fred will pay more for outgoing payments to cryptographically signed addresses, because they make it marginally more difficult to fake the economic action that took place, and are thus marginally more likely to be honest payments, aka good data. Eve can make payments all they want out to the same integrated addresses with no interaction from counter-parties. But Eve can't fake counter-parties' signatures.

It is a subtle difference; integrated addresses and certified addresses are not equivalent.

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j-berman commented Jan 29, 2022

An idea: an address where one of the public keys stays constant, but another public key is derived from j. This would allow:

  • a unified address type that all wallets support outgoing payments to by default
  • batched outgoing payments to this type of address
  • a merchant to use a constant public key so repeat customers can trust the address after first visit
  • a merchant to use a counter for unique payment receipts
  • we can deprecate payment ID's = saves some space on chain

Possible? I'm working on my math I promise

EDIT: I do see how there is still room for mistyping/copying or a grieving vector where a MITM gives you the right public address but other keys are invalid. And so it doesn't perfectly solve those issues. But another address type to consider that has attractive properties I think. RID's to the rescue...

And I figure this would make it very difficult to have unified scanning logic. But maybe that is ok? A merchant wallet could be a totally separate type of wallet. It would be easier for other Monero wallet devs who aren't concerned with implementing a merchant wallet to not have to worry about payments to different types of addresses, which is imo a much more significant benefit. Merchant wallets will likely have different UX expectations than regular user-facing wallets anyway.

Merchant wallets should really look and feel and function more like accounting software, whereas user-facing wallets should function more like Venmo UX-wise (as they currently do). It makes perfect sense imo to split development along those lines, and for internal logic to be different across both, but both are perfectly interoperable with each other without extra steps like supporting multiple address types in outgoing payments.

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tevador commented Jan 29, 2022

The exchange gains stronger knowledge that Bob is likely still in control of the same address

I don't agree with this conclusion.

  1. Certified addresses do not contain a timestamp, so it's impossible to determine when the signature was made.
  2. The private key used to sign certified addresses is different from the private key needed to spend, so someone might be "in control" of a wallet in terms of generating addresses, yet unable to spend the received funds.

But Eve can't fake counter-parties' signatures.

Anyone can take an anonymous Jamtis address and turn it into a "certified" address by attaching a signature with an arbitrary key. I could sell Fred as many fake payments as I want to any number of fake recipients. In reality, all the transactions go back to my wallet.

A merchant wallet could be a totally separate type of wallet

We had this in an earlier version of Jamtis, but it was deemed bad for UX and slightly problematic for migrating legacy wallets (you could migrate a wallet twice and get two different sets of addresses).

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j-berman commented Jan 29, 2022

  1. Certified addresses do not contain a timestamp, so it's impossible to determine when the signature was made.

In the real world, you build up pieces of evidence in a case to support a position. It is evidence, and stronger evidence than one without a signature. Just because it does not contain a timestamp does not discount its admissibility or usefulness as evidence to form a conclusion. A timestamp can be faked too, does that then discount the timestamp as useful evidence? No it does not. The primary reason a user benefits from their existence (knowing they're sending to the same person who controls the wallet EDIT: at that point in time) is the same reason they are also useful as evidence for other purposes.

  1. The private key used to sign certified addresses is different from the private key needed to spend, so someone might be "in control" of a wallet in terms of generating addresses, yet unable to spend the received funds.

Same as above. This doesn't negate their usefulness as evidence to form a conclusion that is stronger than what one can form from integrated addresses.

We had this in an earlier version of Jamtis, but it was deemed bad for UX and slightly problematic for migrating legacy wallets (you could migrate a wallet twice and get two different sets of addresses).

I propose we hear more opinions and re-consider it :) Was there an address scheme in the earlier version like this too? EDIT: here it is. Reading through it again to think on it with a better idea of the tradeoffs and goals

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j-berman commented Jan 29, 2022

Here, put another way:

LEO has evidence Eve, Alice, and Bob were communicating at a particular point in time t1, and at time t2. LEO can build a stronger case that proves this happened if they have 2 of Bob's signed certified addresses recovered from those points of communication, versus if they were just integrated addresses, since integrated addresses aren't signed by Bob.

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Anyone can take an anonymous Jamtis address and turn it into a "certified" address by attaching a signature with an arbitrary key. I could sell Fred as many fake payments as I want to any number of fake recipients. In reality, all the transactions go back to my wallet.

I could wash trade as many credit card transactions as I want and sell that data to data providers. This doesn't negate the economics that exists of extremely valuable data collection industries. Signatures make the data marginally more valuable, though yes, things can still be faked.

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UkoeHB commented Jan 29, 2022

@tevador I am going to change the view tag computation (for Jamtis). From: v = H1("view tag", Kd). To: v = H1("view tag", Kd, Ko). This fixes an edge case Janus attack.

I removed output indices from output computations, to allow 'make an enote in isolation then chain a tx off it'. Suppose A) someone makes an enote sending money to me, B) I make a tx funding just that enote (so there will be that enote + a change enote). Both of the outputs in that tx will have the same view tag, because there will be the same derived key K_d (due to the efficiency magic around 2-out txs). One thing you could do is, if there is one non-change output, always check if it is a 'normal self-send' (i.e. not a special self-send, just a normal enote that happens to be owned by you). But this check opens up a Janus attack.

If the enote in step (A) weren't sent to me, then most of the time it wouldn't have the same view tag as my change output. An attacker could test if an address is mine by making isolated enotes, getting me to fund them, then checking if the view tags match the change outputs (via me rejecting/accepting the proposed isolated enotes).

Adding Ko to view tags solves that because Jamtis change enotes and normal enotes always have different onetime addresses (even if the underlying destination address is the same).

Note that 'self-spend' enote types (non-change self-sends) will only be created by a tx author, so they can't be used for a Janus attack (hence it is safe to rely on a check is_self_send_proposal() when deciding how to create a change output). On second thought, there is one tiny edge case that allows Janus: if you make an isolated enote as a self-send, give it to someone else anonymously, then that person gives it back to you to fund (using the appearance of a 3-out vs 2-out tx as indication if the isolated enote was a self-send that you created). However, you shouldn't hand out self-send enotes that you might not fund, since if you don't fund them then you will never find them in the chain.

Note: An alternative solution would be 'if someone gives you a single isolated enote, then always add a dummy enote'. However, that isn't super robust, and reduces privacy by preventing you from hiding isolated enotes in the more-common 2-out pool.

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I propose we hear more opinions and re-consider it :)

My opinion is that this should be a UI issue.

  • Software with a focus on non-merchant use (like Cake Wallet) should default to anonymous addresses and hide certified addresses in an "advanced" menu (or just not support them at all).
  • Software with a focus on merchant use (like the WooCommerce plugin and whatnot) should default to certified addresses and should warn the merchant about their linkability.

No need for separate wallet types in Jamtis, it can just be a UI thing. I do agree with the spirit though -- casual users don't need to see the option to use certified addresses unless they're looking hard for it.

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j-berman commented Jan 30, 2022

I think everyone is under-appreciating these 3 very negative tradeoffs that certified addresses make:

  • every single Monero wallet, 3rd party wallets included, has to develop software that specifically supports sending to both certified addresses AND anonymous addresses
  • users will likely need to learn and understand why and how certified are different from normal addresses = cognitive overhead for customers at the point of sale, one of the merchant's most critical points (and the most critical point Monero is supposed to provide an excellent experience for)
  • they reduce plausible deniability that you control an address. I don't agree with @tevador 's arguments, but, it appears we will agree to disagree on that.

I think the idea to create an address type that is not different from any other regular address and does not have the above tradeoffs, but retains the benefits merchants apparently want, is far superior.

If the main concern is development concern and a blow-up of features that people have to support, I am happy to take it on myself and implement it totally separately and have all code live separate from the user-facing wallet code i.e. implement the merchant wallet. There shouldn't be anything that prevents this. In fact I might even do it if certified addresses also exist because I feel that strongly. But by choosing to go with certified addresses as the solution here, we are putting a larger burden on every Monero wallet developer ever.

No need for separate wallet types in Jamtis

Technically you could still have one wallet that supports both. But the complexity and development resources needed with this alternative address type to certified addresses is larger (I'm gonna name this alternative "merchant addresses").

From a dev standpoint, I think it's a much more prudent decision to allow for the wallet types to be silo'd and allow wallet devs to choose to support their desired UX based on expected users, rather than require every single wallet dev support an extra feature (sending to certified addresses).

I.e. anyone can choose add the merchant address feature to their wallet so users can receive payments to merchant addresses if they want to, but the likely maintenance and dev resource cost would be large. Versus certified addresses, which require ALL wallet devs to implement sending to certified addresses, which isn't as complex to implement as implementing the ability to receive to merchant addresses, but still requires resources to implement and maintain and build a UX for.

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tevador commented Jan 30, 2022

It is evidence, and stronger evidence than one without a signature.

I don't agree that certified addresses provide meaningfully more evidence than reused integrated addresses. So we can agree to disagree on that.

However, I seem to have convinced you that certified addresses don't prove ownership, so that's at least one thing we can agree on.

every single Monero wallet, 3rd party wallets included, has to develop software that specifically supports sending to both certified addresses AND anonymous addresses

Sending to a certified address works exactly the same way as sending to an anonymous address. The only thing that is different is the RID calculation. I estimate that the support for sending to certified addresses would be under 20 lines of code.

Having this feature included in the official specs means that merchants can rely on it being widely supported. If this was some 3rd party extension, it would be unusable in practice.

users will likely need to learn and understand why and how certified are different from normal addresses

No, they will not. Users will only need to care about the RID. If we wanted to prevent users from shooting themselves in the foot by using a certified address, we could restrict their generation to the wallet RPC interface.

I would appreciate some feedback from an actual merchant about certified addresses. If merchants say they don't need this feature, we can remove it.

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j-berman commented Jan 30, 2022

The only thing that is different is the RID calculation. I estimate that the support for sending to certified addresses would be under 20 lines of code.

It requires a dev to learn what they are, then find the relevant code to write, and to make sure their UI can handle larger (and variable length) address strings nicely, write tests for both. But sure I would estimate it at a few hours of work tops maybe less.

Users will only need to care about the RID.

You can't avoid copy pasting addresses in all cases. Having one address 50% longer than another is an oddity that takes thought to understand and not find strange.

we could restrict their generation to the wallet RPC interface

Ok that's something

If merchants say they don't need this feature, we can remove it.

I'm not arguing for removal of a feature that would enable what merchants want, I'm arguing for an alternative. Can you explain why you are against the alternative?

(For the record I am also a merchant, service I helped start accepts Monero)

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