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Created June 27, 2018 11:37
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an implementation of combvec that anyone can use, ie for octave or missing nnet
function c = mtcombvec(varargin)
% my own implementation of combvec for use in octave or without matlab nnet library
% takes args of column-vectors, produces all combinations thereof
% copyright (c) 2018 Michael Tesch, [email protected]
% released under the Apache 2.0 Open Source license.
if length(varargin)==0
c = [];
c = varargin{1};
for i=2:length(varargin)
% make sure varargin{i} isn't more than 2d matrix
if length(size(varargin{i}))>2
error(sprintf('parameters must be 2d matrices (check arg %d)', i));
c = mtextend(c, varargin{i});
function cc = mtextend(old, new)
mm = size(old,2);
nn = size(new,2);
cc = repmat(old, 1, nn);
cc = [cc ; repmat(new, 1, mm)];
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