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Last active August 19, 2022 10:39
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REDCap Testing Helpers
function addRepeatingForm($projectId=null, $eventId=null, $form=null, $customLabel=null) {
// Prepare parameters
if($projectId === null) {
$projectId = PROJECT_ID;
if($eventId === null){
$eventId = $this->getEventId($projectId);
if($form === null){
$form = "Form " . rand();
// Create new instance of Project with projectId
$Proj = new \Project($projectId, true);
// Create new isntance of ProjectDesigner with Project
$projectDesigner = new \Vanderbilt\REDCap\Classes\ProjectDesigner($Proj);
// Create new Form with ProjectDesigner
$created = $projectDesigner->createForm($form);
$formName = $this->getFormNameByForm($form);
// Set newly created Form as repeating Form
if($created) {
$sql_all[] = $sql = "insert into redcap_events_repeat (event_id, form_name, custom_repeat_form_label)
values ({$eventId}, '".db_escape($formName)."', ".checkNull($customLabel).")";
if (!empty($sql_all)) {
\Logging::logEvent(implode(";\n", $sql_all),"redcap_events_repeat","MANAGE",PROJECT_ID,"","Set up repeating instrument for ".$form);
return $formName;
function addTextFieldToForm($projectId=null, $formName) {
// Prepare parameters
if($projectId === null) {
$projectId = PROJECT_ID;
$field = "Text Field " . rand();
$fieldParams = [
"field_label" => $field,
"field_name" => str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($field)),
"field_type" => "text",
// Create new instance of Project with projectId
$Proj = new \Project($projectId, true);
// Create new isntance of ProjectDesigner with Project
$projectDesigner = new \Vanderbilt\REDCap\Classes\ProjectDesigner($Proj);
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