Nothing to see here.
What you want is
But if you have previously followed this guide, use the following to switch:
rm -rf ~/.fex-emu
rm ~/.local/bin/{asahi-krun-overlay-fex-rootfs,FEXBash,krun,krun-guest,steam}
rm ~/.local/share/applications/steam.desktop
rm -rf ~/.local/share/asahi-krun
DBX_CONTAINER_MANAGER=podman distrobox rm asahi-krun
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
sudo dnf install --best --setopt=allow_vendor_change=true steam
sudo dnf remove dhcpcd
You might have to reboot the system.
I've tried several times but have been unable to get Steam working because of an error during
dnf install dbus-x11 steam xdg-user-dirs
installing dbus-daemon:This then leads steam to not start as seen below: