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Late 2016 Macbook Pro - Solving an issue with USB-C Gigabyte Ethernet Adaptor

I recently recieved a new Macbook Pro. This was one of the latest 2016 models, that have the touchbar. Mine took a little longer to ship as I got it maxed out. When i arrived I went through the standard setup proceedure for a new mac. I then attempted to hook up a USB-C Ethernet Adaptor from C2G. It was suppose to work right out of the box, but it didn't work. I hooked the same device into another collegue of mines new Macbook Pro 2016 and it worked. I could see the Network panel load a device by the name of "AX88179 USB 3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet". So I went looking on the internet, thinking if I could find the driver and install it on my mac, I could get it work. I found the USB-C driver here:

For those that are scratching your head trying to figure out why your USB-C Ethernet adapter is not working maybe that could help. It did for me.

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Thank you! This was very helpful. Solved my problem as well.

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