- Download
(I tested with latest pygin_c080105_040517.7z) - Unpack
into Adapters/ subdir of your Far directory (%FARHOME%) - Create your plugin in %FARHOME%/Plugins as Python package (dir with
) - Restart, press F11 to see your plugin in the list, F3 to see more info
- If something goes wrong, check %TMP%/pygin.log for errors and output
Here is an example plugin. Feel free to copy and adapt.
__title__ = "02fields"
__author__ = "anatoly techtonik <[email protected]>"
__license__ = "Public Domain"
# --- utility functions ---
import hashlib
def getuuid(data):
"""Generate UUID from `data` string"""
if type(data) != bytes:
data = data.encode('utf-8')
h = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest()[:32].upper()
for i, pos in enumerate([8, 12, 16, 20]):
h = h[:i+pos] + '-' + h[i+pos:]
return h
# --- plugin interface
def GetGlobalInfoW(info):
""" Called by Far Manager, plugin needs to fill the info """
info["Title"] = __title__ # should be set and non-empty
info["Author"] = __author__ # should be set and non-empty
# first string from file comment
desc = __doc__.strip().splitlines()[0]
info["Description"] = desc # should be set
info["Guid"] = getuuid(info["Title"])
def GetPluginInfoW(info):
""" Called by Far Manager to add item into Plugin commands menu (F11) """
info["MenuString"] = __title__
info["Guid"] = getuuid(info["MenuString"])
def OpenW(info):
""" Called by Far Manager when plugin is invoked """
print("[open] " + __file__)
For Far API refence, see