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Created October 28, 2008 18:42
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task :write_memcache_config, :roles => :app, :except => {:no_release => true, :no_symlink => true} do
get("#{shared_path}/config/memcached.yml.tmpl", 'memcached.yml.tmpl')
template = "memcached.yml.tmpl"
File.unlink "memcached.yml.tmpl"
put template.sub(/%NAMESPACE%/, "lh#{File.basename latest_release}"), "#{release_path}/config/memcached.yml", :mode => 0644
task :lh_custom, :roles => :app, :except => {:no_release => true, :no_symlink => true} do
# other custom crap
after "deploy:symlink_configs", "lh_custom"
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