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Last active July 26, 2016 02:14
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Copy Hypem favorites to Spotify
if ($argc !== 2)
die("Usage: php {$argv[0]} hypem_user_name\n\n");
$user = $argv[1];
$page = 1;
$all_songs = array();
$json = @file_get_contents("$user/json/$page/data.js");
$object = json_decode($json, true);
$page_songs = array();
$index = 0;
while (isset($object[$index]))
$page_songs[] = $object[$index]['artist'] . " " . $object[$index]['title'];
$all_songs = array_merge($all_songs, $page_songs);
} while(count($page_songs));
$spotify_hrefs = array();
foreach ($all_songs as $song)
$json = @file_get_contents("".urlencode($song));
$object = json_decode($json, true);
if (empty($object["tracks"]["items"]))
echo "$song not found.\n";
$spotify_hrefs[] = $object["tracks"]["items"][0]["uri"];
echo "\nFound " . count($spotify_hrefs) . " songs out of " . count($all_songs) . ".\n\n";
echo "1. Select a playlist in Spotify\n2. Copy and paste the following:\n\n";
echo implode("\n", $spotify_hrefs);
echo "\n\n";
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TP18 commented Aug 14, 2014

works great. now Spotify just needs to add a delete duplicates button, so i can run this more often. ;)

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Ran today and no songs on Spotify were found - wondering if they're changed the format and no results are being returned from Spotify query?

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jesse-c commented Nov 7, 2014

I just ran it and it was fine.

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Complete newbie to this; how would I go about running this? Desperate but it appears that @jesse-c got it working not long ago..

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jesse-c commented Jan 22, 2015

@fitzmaro, you need a machine running PHP to execute the script. PHP can be easily installed on your local machine or if you already have a server somewhere with it, you can use that.

To execute it you run this command on a machine that has PHP:

php hypem.php hypem_user_name

This will then output some text that you can copy/paste into a playlist in Spotify. If you want to save the output of the script to a file, run a command like this:

php hypem.php hypem_user_name > favourites.txt

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Is there a way to get this to work with Google Play?

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Can someone please give a step by step here? Would love to be able do this..

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