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Created March 19, 2021 10:33
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  • Save tbg/7c1af445007650387841359de6f8fbbc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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pkg/workload/histogram/histogram.go:140:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/systembench/cpu_bench.go:122:5: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cli/systembench/disk_bench.go:191:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cli/systembench/network_test_client.go:70:5: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cli/systembench/disk_bench.go:203:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/systembench/disk_bench.go:212:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/systembench/tests.go:188:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/systembench/tests.go:197:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/vm/vm.go:226:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/vm/vm.go:293:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod-stress/main.go:200:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod-stress/main.go:206:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod-stress/main.go:228:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod-stress/main.go:235:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/vm/aws/aws.go:308:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/vm/aws/aws.go:379:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/vm/aws/aws.go:441:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/vm/aws/aws.go:475:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/vm/aws/aws.go:567:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/vm/gce/gcloud.go:458:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/vm/gce/gcloud.go:502:4: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/install/cluster_synced.go:1246:4: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/install/cluster_synced.go:317:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/install/cluster_synced.go:411:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/install/cluster_synced.go:438:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/install/cluster_synced.go:1022:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/install/cluster_synced.go:1104:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/install/cluster_synced.go:1289:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/install/cluster_synced.go:1343:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/install/cluster_synced.go:1460:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/install/cluster_synced.go:1648:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/install/cluster_synced.go:1660:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/util/stop/stopper.go:346:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/util/stop/stopper.go:404:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/util/stop/stopper.go:464:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/util/stop/stopper.go:467:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/urlcheck/lib/urlcheck/urlcheck.go:233:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/vm/azure/azure.go:163:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachprod/vm/azure/azure.go:182:5: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/util/netutil/net.go:153:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/security/ocsp.go:55:8: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/security/certificate_manager.go:232:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/internal/rsg/yacc/lex.go:145:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/acceptance/cluster/dockercluster.go:645:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/acceptance/cluster/dockercluster.go:649:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/acceptance/cluster/dockercluster.go:848:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/syncbench/syncbench.go:159:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/syncbench/syncbench.go:168:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/syncbench/syncbench.go:174:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/workload/tpcds/tpcds.go:309:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/cmp-protocol/main.go:47:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/cmp-protocol/main.go:54:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/docgen/diagrams.go:184:5: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/cr2pg/main.go:36:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/cr2pg/main.go:55:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/cr2pg/main.go:124:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/smithtest/main.go:228:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/reduce/main.go:90:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/kv/kvserver/concurrency/lock_table_waiter.go:342:5: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/acceptance/localcluster/cluster.go:584:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/acceptance/localcluster/cluster.go:628:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/testutils/jobutils/jobs_verification.go:84:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/zerosum/main.go:96:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/zerosum/main.go:99:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/zerosum/main.go:104:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/zerosum/main.go:105:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/zerosum/main.go:108:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/zerosum/main.go:284:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/zerosum/main.go:286:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/zerosum/main.go:450:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/jobs/adopt.go:115:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/rpc/context.go:574:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/rpc/context.go:616:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/streamingccl/streamingtest/replication_helpers.go:108:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/cliccl/mtproxy.go:175:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/ccl/cliccl/mtproxy.go:179:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/ccl/cliccl/mtproxy.go:183:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/ccl/sqlproxyccl/proxy.go:231:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/sqlproxyccl/proxy.go:237:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/sqlproxyccl/proxy.go:241:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/sqlproxyccl/server.go:106:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/sqlproxyccl/server.go:147:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/colexec/parallel_unordered_synchronizer.go:203:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/streamingccl/streamclient/cockroach_sinkless_replication_client.go:88:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/streamingccl/streamclient/random_stream_client.go:304:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/changefeedccl/changefeed_processors.go:973:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/changefeedccl/sink.go:490:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/importccl/import_processor.go:106:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/backupccl/backup_processor.go:113:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/backupccl/split_and_scatter_processor.go:207:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/streamingccl/streamingest/stream_ingestion_processor.go:347:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/ccl/streamingccl/streamingest/stream_ingestion_processor.go:189:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/ccl/streamingccl/streamingest/stream_ingestion_processor.go:374:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/copy_file_upload.go:138:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/create_stats.go:94:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/internal.go:201:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/planhook.go:144:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/allocsim/main.go:140:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/allocsim/main.go:142:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/allocsim/main.go:159:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/allocsim/main.go:164:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/allocsim/main.go:167:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/allocsim/main.go:244:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/allocsim/main.go:527:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/debug_check_store.go:159:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cli/debug_merge_logs.go:152:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cli/debug_merge_logs.go:153:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cli/debug_merge_logs.go:154:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cli/debug_merge_logs.go:215:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cli/debug_merge_logs.go:391:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cli/cpuprofile.go:93:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/debug_check_store.go:167:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/debug_merge_logs.go:339:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/demo.go:350:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/demo_cluster.go:195:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/demo_cluster.go:791:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/format_table.go:364:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/start.go:312:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/start.go:525:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/start.go:756:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/start.go:825:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/testutils.go:269:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cli/zip_per_node.go:108:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/cluster.go:2649:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/cluster_init.go:50:5: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/decommission.go:195:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/decommission.go:200:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/follower_reads.go:264:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/follower_reads.go:298:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/follower_reads.go:334:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/follower_reads.go:448:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/hotspotsplits.go:42:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/hotspotsplits.go:52:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/rebalance_load.go:70:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/rebalance_load.go:86:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/allocator.go:54:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/backup.go:256:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/bank.go:210:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/bank.go:274:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/bank.go:412:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/bank.go:459:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/bank.go:496:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/bank.go:532:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/cancel.go:59:5: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/cluster.go:329:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/cluster.go:346:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/cluster.go:463:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/cluster.go:475:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/cluster.go:2727:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/cluster.go:2742:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/cluster.go:2776:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/cluster_init.go:92:5: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/disk_stall.go:103:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/jepsen.go:194:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/main.go:354:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/main.go:364:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/multitenant.go:37:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/rapid_restart.go:48:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/schemachange.go:53:5: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/sqlsmith.go:167:5: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/test_runner.go:292:5: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/test_runner.go:755:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/cmd/roachtest/test_runner.go:1032:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/colflow/colrpc/outbox.go:327:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/execinfra/base.go:314:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/colflow/vectorized_flow.go:1289:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/server/drain.go:86:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/server/init_handshake.go:500:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/server/init_handshake.go:514:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/server/status.go:1439:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/flowinfra/flow.go:326:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/flowinfra/flow.go:401:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/flowinfra/flow.go:488:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/flowinfra/flow_registry.go:260:5: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/flowinfra/flow_registry.go:415:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/flowinfra/flow_scheduler.go:114:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/flowinfra/inbound.go:132:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/flowinfra/outbox.go:470:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/pgwire/conn.go:554:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/pgwire/server.go:443:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/rowflow/routers.go:309:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/rowexec/indexbackfiller.go:362:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/sql/stats/stats_cache.go:324:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/testutils/net.go:198:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/testutils/net.go:220:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/testutils/net.go:403:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/testutils/net.go:408:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/util/ctxgroup/ctxgroup.go:160:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/util/ctxgroup/ctxgroup.go:165:2: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/util/hlc/hlc.go:223:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/testutils/testcluster/testcluster.go:105:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/testutils/testcluster/testcluster.go:291:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/util/sdnotify/sdnotify_unix.go:83:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/util/sdnotify/sdnotify_unix.go:86:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/util/log/clog.go:318:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/util/log/flags.go:185:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/util/log/log_flush.go:41:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/util/log/log_flush.go:42:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/util/syncutil/singleflight/singleflight.go:121:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/workload/pgx_helpers.go:100:4: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/workload/pgx_helpers.go:138:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/util/tracing/grpc_interceptor.go:348:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/workload/workloadsql/dataload.go:97:4: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/workload/cli/run.go:306:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/workload/cli/run.go:407:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/workload/cli/run.go:418:4: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/workload/cli/run.go:445:2: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/workload/cli/run.go:451:3: Use of go keyword not allowed, use a Stopper instead
pkg/workload/tpcc/ddls.go:230:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/workload/tpcc/tpcc.go:629:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
pkg/workload/tpcc/tpcc.go:710:3: Illegal call to Group.Go(), Use (*ctxgroup.Group).Go instead
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