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Last active June 11, 2021 00:01
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  • Save tarruda/ea4b9854955451c66f70 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tarruda/ea4b9854955451c66f70 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Snake for Neovim! Adapted from
# To install, create a ~/.vim/rplugin/python/ file with this
# code, then run `nvim -c 'UpdateRemotePlugins' -c 'q'` from a shell.
# Make sure you have read the internal help explaining how to setup python
# host for external plugins(:help nvim-python)
# To start a new game, use the `:SnakeStart` command on an empty buffer(uses 80
# columns and 20 rows)
from threading import Thread, Lock
from time import sleep
from random import randint
import neovim
class Game(Thread):
def __init__(self, vim):
super(Game, self).__init__()
self.daemon = True
self.vim = vim
self.buf = vim.current.buffer
self.key = 'right'
self.prevKey = 'right'
self.score = 0
# Initial snake co-ordinates
self.snake = [[4,10], [4,9], [4,8]]
# First food co-ordinates = [10,20]
self.lock = Lock()
self.key_subscribe('k', 'up')
self.key_subscribe('j', 'down')
self.key_subscribe('h', 'left')
self.key_subscribe('l', 'right')
self.key_subscribe('<esc>', 'esc')
self.key_subscribe('<space>', 'space')
# Fill the buffer
empty = ' ' * 80
self.buf[0] = empty
for n in xrange(20):
# Print the food
self.addstr([0],[1], '*')
def key_subscribe(self, key, to):
cid = self.vim.channel_id
('nnoremap <silent> <buffer> %s ' +
':call rpcnotify(%d, "keypress", "%s")<cr>') %
(key, cid, to))
def key_unsubscribe(self, key):
self.vim.command('unmap <buffer> %s' % key)
def run(self):
timeout = 0.05
while self.key != 'esc':
with self.lock:
if self.key == 'space':
# If SPACE BAR is pressed pause the snake and wait for
# another
self.key = None
while self.key != 'space':
self.key = self.prevKey
# Calculates the new coordinates of the head of the snake.
# NOTE: len(snake) increases. This is taken care of later at
# [1].
self.snake.insert(0, [
self.snake[0][0] +
(self.key == 'down' and 1) +
(self.key == 'up' and -1),
self.snake[0][1] +
(self.key == 'left' and -1) +
(self.key == 'right' and 1)
# If snake crosses the boundaries, make it enter from the other
# side
if self.snake[0][0] == 0: self.snake[0][0] = 18
if self.snake[0][1] == 0: self.snake[0][1] = 58
if self.snake[0][0] == 19: self.snake[0][0] = 1
if self.snake[0][1] == 59: self.snake[0][1] = 1
l = len(self.snake)
trail = self.snake[1:]
if self.snake[0] in trail:
# Snake runs over itself, game over
# Increases the speed of Snake as its length increases
timeout = 0.001 * (150 - (l / 5 + l /10) % 120)
self.prevKey = self.key # Previous key pressed
def addstr(self, lnum, cnum, string):
line = self.buf[lnum]
line = line[0:cnum] + string + line[cnum + len(string):]
self.buf[lnum] = line
def update(self):
with self.lock:
if self.snake[0] == # When snake eats the food = []
self.score += 1
while == []:
# Calculating next food's coordinates = [randint(1, 18), randint(1, 58)]
if in self.snake: = []
self.addstr([0],[1], '*')
# [1] If it does not eat the food, length decreases
last = self.snake.pop()
self.addstr(last[0], last[1], ' ')
self.addstr(self.snake[0][0], self.snake[0][1], '#')
# Printing 'Score' and
self.addstr(0, 2, 'Score : ' + str(self.score) + ' ')
self.addstr(0, 27, ' SNAKE / MOVEMENTs(hjkl) EXIT(esc) PAUSE(space) ')
def end(self):
with self.lock:
self.buf[:] = None
self.buf.append("Score - " + str(self.score))
def keypress(self, k):
self.key = k
class Snake(object):
def __init__(self, vim):
self.vim = vim
self.current_game = None
def keypress(self, key):
@neovim.command('SnakeStart', sync=True)
def snake_start(self):
if self.current_game:
raise Exception('Snake already running!')
self.current_game = Game(self.vim)
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SirVer commented Nov 21, 2014

Seems like this is not working any longer. Running :UpdateExternalCommands gives me:

Error detected while processing function <SNR>77_UpdateExternalPlugins..<SNR>77_RegistrationCommands..rpc#host#Require..<SNR>77_RequirePythonHost:
line   63:
E605: Exception not caught: Failed to load python host
Error detected while processing function <SNR>77_UpdateExternalPlugins..<SNR>77_RegistrationCommands..rpc#host#Require:
line    6:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing function <SNR>77_UpdateExternalPlugins:
line    5:
E171: Missing :endif

It concerns me little though since all other python plugins seem to work fine. Clipboard is not though. Also, the documentation still seems parse/non existant.

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@SirVer It now goes into rplugin instead of external-plugin, also the command is now UpdateRemotePlugins instead of UpdateExternalPlugins and the help is also now :he remote-plugin I hope that helps.

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tarruda commented Nov 27, 2014

@SirVer Just updated the gist, also the docs have improved a bit:

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tarruda commented Nov 27, 2014

It concerns me little though since all other python plugins seem to work fine

Thats because other python plugins run over the compatibility layer, which is registered manually(doesn't require UpdateRemotePlugins to work)

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osa1 commented Feb 2, 2015

Can anyone help me running this? I copied the file to .vim/rplugin/python/ and :UpdateRemotePlugins seems to run successfully(it's not printing any errors), but :SnakeStart is failing with Not an editor command: SnakeStart.

Do we have a verbose mode for :UpdateRemotePlugins that prints updated/loaded plugins so that I can make sure this plugin is really loaded?

UPDATE: I'm using 2015-01-16 version.

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Shougo commented Apr 30, 2015

@osa1 It seems registration code is changed....

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Shougo commented Apr 30, 2015

@osa1 I tested and it worked.

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