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Sergey Zagoruyko szagoruyko

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rcarmo / .tmux.conf
Last active April 17, 2021 23:01
Raspberry Pi tmux status bar
set-option -g status-right "#(/home/pi/ %H:%M %d-%b-%y"
paclopes /
Last active April 2, 2023 14:37
Fast CUDA implementation of the Hungarian algorithm.
// Fast Block Distributed CUDA Implementation of the Hungarian Algorithm
// Annex to the paper:
// Paulo A. C. Lopes, Satyendra Singh Yadav, Aleksandar Ilic, Sarat Kumar Patra ,
// "Fast Block Distributed CUDA Implementation of the Hungarian Algorithm",
// Parallel Computing
// Hungarian algorithm:
// (This algorithm was modified to result in an efficient GPU implementation, see paper)
hollance / neural.c
Last active April 21, 2023 17:13
Playing with BNNS on macOS 10.12. The "hello world" of neural networks.
The "hello world" of neural networks: a simple 3-layer feed-forward
network that implements an XOR logic gate.
The first layer is the input layer. It has two neurons a and b, which
are the two inputs to the XOR gate.
The middle layer is the hidden layer. This has two neurons h1, h2 that
will learn what it means to be an XOR gate.
ginrou /
Created January 4, 2015 01:45
Fast Bilateral Filter

Fast Bilateral Filter implementation for OpenCV

Algorithm and implementation is based on Please cite above paper for research purpose.

Sample Code

#include <iostream>
#include "fastBilateral.hpp"
wikimatze / gist:9790374
Created March 26, 2014 18:43
Github Two-Factor Authentication Failed For HTTPS

I heard from GitHub Two-Factor Authentication]( nearly a couple of days ago when I was reading my RSS feed. I enabled it and couldn' push to any of my repositories anymore. Learn in this blog post how to fix it.

Two-Factor Authentication

"Is a process involving two stages to verify the identity of an entity trying to access services in a computer or in a network". Github solves this authentication with sending an SMS to a device which wants to push to their platform.

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

xiaom /
Last active April 2, 2024 16:48
install mosh locally
# this script does absolutely ZERO error checking. however, it worked
# for me on a RHEL 6.3 machine on 2012-08-08. clearly, the version numbers
# and/or URLs should be made variables. cheers, [email protected]
mkdir mosh
cd mosh
clayton /
Created August 9, 2013 18:55
Install FFMPEG on OS X with HomeBrew to convert Mp4 to WebM
# Installation
brew install ffmpeg --with-vpx --with-vorbis --with-libvorbis --with-vpx --with-vorbis --with-theora --with-libogg --with-libvorbis --with-gpl --with-version3 --with-nonfree --with-postproc --with-libaacplus --with-libass --with-libcelt --with-libfaac --with-libfdk-aac --with-libfreetype --with-libmp3lame --with-libopencore-amrnb --with-libopencore-amrwb --with-libopenjpeg --with-openssl --with-libopus --with-libschroedinger --with-libspeex --with-libtheora --with-libvo-aacenc --with-libvorbis --with-libvpx --with-libx264 --with-libxvid
# Easy Peasy
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 video.webm