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Created May 20, 2020 22:26
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  • Save synapticarbors/b5150165bec6daa11b09c945ad9e27cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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odld with restructured westpa
rm -f west.h5
BSTATES="--bstate initial,1.0"
#TSTATES="--tstate drift,10.01 --tstate bound,1.3"
#TSTATES="--tstate bound,1.2"
w_init $BSTATES $TSTATES "$@"
rm -f west.h5
BSTATES="--bstate initial,1.0"
#TSTATES="--tstate drift,10.01 --tstate bound,1.3"
#TSTATES="--tstate bound,1.2"
w_init $BSTATES $TSTATES "$@"
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import normal as random_normal
from westpa.core.binning import RectilinearBinMapper
from westpa.core.propagators import WESTPropagator
from import WESTSystem
PI = np.pi
pcoord_len = 21
pcoord_dtype = np.float32
class ODLDPropagator(WESTPropagator):
def __init__(self, rc=None):
super(ODLDPropagator, self).__init__(rc)
self.coord_len = pcoord_len
self.coord_dtype = pcoord_dtype
self.coord_ndim = 1
self.initial_pcoord = np.array([8.0], dtype=self.coord_dtype)
self.sigma = 0.001**(0.5)
self.A = 2
self.B = 10
self.C = 0.5
self.x0 = 1
# Implement a reflecting boundary at this x value
# (or None, for no reflection)
self.reflect_at = 10.0
def get_pcoord(self, state):
'''Get the progress coordinate of the given basis or initial state.'''
state.pcoord = self.initial_pcoord.copy()
def gen_istate(self, basis_state, initial_state):
initial_state.pcoord = self.initial_pcoord.copy()
initial_state.istate_status = initial_state.ISTATE_STATUS_PREPARED
return initial_state
def propagate(self, segments):
A, B, C, x0 = self.A, self.B, self.C, self.x0
n_segs = len(segments)
coords = np.empty((n_segs, self.coord_len, self.coord_ndim), dtype=self.coord_dtype)
for iseg, segment in enumerate(segments):
coords[iseg, 0] = segment.pcoord[0]
twopi_by_A = 2 * PI / A
half_B = B / 2
sigma = self.sigma
gradfactor = self.sigma * self.sigma / 2
coord_len = self.coord_len
reflect_at = self.reflect_at
all_displacements = np.zeros((n_segs, self.coord_len, self.coord_ndim), dtype=self.coord_dtype)
for istep in range(1,coord_len):
x = coords[:,istep-1,0]
xarg = twopi_by_A*(x - x0)
eCx = np.exp(C*x)
eCx_less_one = eCx - 1.0
all_displacements[:,istep,0] = displacements = random_normal(scale=sigma, size=(n_segs,))
grad = half_B / (eCx_less_one*eCx_less_one)*(twopi_by_A*eCx_less_one*np.sin(xarg)+C*eCx*np.cos(xarg))
newx = x - gradfactor*grad + displacements
if reflect_at is not None:
# Anything that has moved beyond reflect_at must move back that much
# boolean array of what to reflect
to_reflect = newx > reflect_at
# how far the things to reflect are beyond our boundary
reflect_by = newx[to_reflect] - reflect_at
# subtract twice how far they exceed the boundary by
# puts them the same distance from the boundary, on the other side
newx[to_reflect] -= 2*reflect_by
coords[:,istep,0] = newx
for iseg, segment in enumerate(segments):
segment.pcoord[...] = coords[iseg,:]['displacement'] = all_displacements[iseg]
segment.status = segment.SEG_STATUS_COMPLETE
return segments
class ODLDSystem(WESTSystem):
def initialize(self):
self.pcoord_ndim = 1
self.pcoord_dtype = pcoord_dtype
self.pcoord_len = pcoord_len
#self.bin_mapper = RectilinearBinMapper([[0,1.3] + list(np.arange(1.4, 10.1, 0.1)) + [float('inf')]])
self.bin_mapper = RectilinearBinMapper([list(np.arange(0.0, 10.1, 0.1))])
self.bin_target_counts = np.empty((self.bin_mapper.nbins,), np.int_)
self.bin_target_counts[...] = 10
rm -f west.log
w_run "$@" &> west.log
# The master WEST configuration file for a simulation.
# vi: set filetype=yaml :
driver: odld_system.ODLDSystem
module_path: $WEST_SIM_ROOT
max_total_iterations: 100
max_run_wallclock: 3:00:00
propagator: odld_system.ODLDPropagator
gen_istates: true
block_size: 10000
west_data_file: west.h5
aux_compression_threshold: 16384 # data sets bigger than this are compressed
# unless overridden by an entry in ``datasets`` below
datasets: # dataset storage options
- name: displacement # name used to refer to this in vars
#h5path: auxdata/displacement # HDF5 storage path, overrides default
#store: true # store when writing segment data (defaults to true)
#load: true # load when reading segment data (defaults to false)
store: false
load: false
dtype: float32 # numpy dtype
compression: false # whether to store compressed
scaleoffset: 4 # whether to store with scale/offset filter
chunks: null # custom chunking, or null for auto/no chunking
# - ignored if necessary for other options
- name: pcoord # you can mess CAREFULLY with pcoord as well
scaleoffset: 4
data_refs: # how to convert segments and states to paths, etc
segment: $WEST_SIM_ROOT/traj_segs/{segment.n_iter:06d}/{segment.seg_id:06d}
basis_state: $WEST_SIM_ROOT/bstates/{basis_state.auxref}
initial_state: $WEST_SIM_ROOT/istates/{initial_state.iter_created}/{initial_state.state_id}.gro
#- plugin: westext.wess.WESSDriver # must name Python object
# enabled: true # optional, implied by presence in plugins list
# do_reweighting: true
# window_size: 0.5
# Settings for w_ipa, an interactive analysis program that can also automate analysis.
directory: ANALYSIS # specify the directory all analysis files should exist in.
postanalysis: True # should the routines for w_reweight be run?
kinetics: # general options for both kinetics routines.
# Command line arguments with values should be specified as key: value (see below)
# Command line arguments that are flags without values should be included as a list value
# in the extra key (extra: [ 'disable-correl', 'disable-bootstrap' ])
# These are global options for each scheme; individual schemes can have different values,
# set in their respective section.
step_iter: 10
evolution: cumulative
extra: [ 'disable-correl' ]
analysis_schemes: # Analysis schemes. Required: name (TEST), states, and bins
enabled: True
- label: unbound
coords: [[8.0]]
- label: bound
coords: [[3.99]]
- type: RectilinearBinMapper
boundaries: [[0.0,4.0,8.00,100000]]
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