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Created September 1, 2014 09:04


  1. syhw created this gist Sep 1, 2014.
    143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions
    Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
    @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.stats import bernoulli

    N_EXPS = 200 # number of experiences to conduct TODO test 10k or 20k EXPS
    N_BAGS = 10 # number of bags
    N_DRAWS = 100 # number of draws
    SMOOTHER = 1.E-2 # shrinkage parameter
    EPSILON_BANDIT = 0.1 # epsilon-greedy bandit epsilon
    EPSILON_NUM = 1.E-9 # numerical epsilon

    bags_p = np.random.random((N_EXPS, N_BAGS)) # the probability of the Bernoulli
    # for N_EXPS with N_BAGS
    mean_s_1 = 0.
    mean_s_2_m = 0.
    mean_s_2_s = 0.
    mean_s_3_m = 0.
    mean_s_3_s = 0.
    mean_s_4_m = 0.
    mean_s_4_s = 0.
    mean_s_5 = 0.
    mean_s_5_e0 = 0.
    mean_s_6 = 0.
    mean_s_7 = 0.
    for i in xrange(bags_p.shape[0]):
    # strategy 1 = take 10 in each of the 10 bags
    b_1 = [bernoulli.rvs(p, size=N_BAGS) for p in bags_p[i]]
    mean_s_1 += np.sum(b_1)

    # strategy 2 = Laplace law of succession estimation with one sample (stupid)
    b_2 = [bernoulli.rvs(p) for p in bags_p[i]]
    estimator = np.array([e+SMOOTHER for e in b_2])
    estimator /= np.sum(estimator)
    mean_s_2_m += np.sum(b_2)
    mean_s_2_s += np.sum(b_2)
    # still 90 draws:
    # maximal picking (_m)
    mean_s_2_m += np.sum(bernoulli.rvs(bags_p[i, np.argmax(estimator)],
    # sampling (_s)
    mean_s_2_s += np.sum([bernoulli.rvs(np.random.choice(bags_p[i],
    p=estimator)) for _ in xrange(N_DRAWS-N_BAGS)])

    # strategy 3 = Laplace law of succession estimation with three samples
    b_3 = [bernoulli.rvs(p, size=3) for p in bags_p[i]]
    estimator = [np.sum(e)+SMOOTHER for e in b_3]
    estimator = np.array(estimator)
    estimator /= np.sum(estimator)
    mean_s_3_m += np.sum(b_3)
    mean_s_3_s += np.sum(b_3)
    # still 70 draws:
    # maximal picking (_m)
    mean_s_3_m += np.sum(bernoulli.rvs(bags_p[i, np.argmax(estimator)],
    # sampling (_s)
    mean_s_3_s += np.sum([bernoulli.rvs(np.random.choice(bags_p[i],
    p=estimator)) for _ in xrange(N_DRAWS-3*N_BAGS)])

    # strategy 4 = Laplace law of succession estimation with five samples
    b_4 = [bernoulli.rvs(p, size=5) for p in bags_p[i]]
    estimator = [np.sum(e)+SMOOTHER for e in b_4]
    estimator /= np.sum(estimator)
    mean_s_4_m += np.sum(b_4)
    mean_s_4_s += np.sum(b_4)
    # still 50 draws:
    # maximal picking (_m)
    mean_s_4_m += np.sum(bernoulli.rvs(bags_p[i, np.argmax(estimator)],
    # sampling (_s)
    mean_s_4_s += np.sum([bernoulli.rvs(np.random.choice(bags_p[i],
    p=estimator)) for _ in xrange(N_DRAWS-5*N_BAGS)])

    # strategy 5 = epsilon-greedy bandit
    b_5 = b_2
    mean_s_5 += np.sum(b_5)
    estimator = np.array([e+EPSILON_NUM for e in b_5])
    for _ in xrange(N_DRAWS-N_BAGS):
    if np.random.random() < EPSILON_BANDIT:
    random_ind = np.random.randint(0, N_BAGS)
    random_sample = bernoulli.rvs(bags_p[i, random_ind])
    estimator[random_ind] += random_sample
    mean_s_5 += random_sample
    max_ind = np.argmax(estimator)
    max_sample = bernoulli.rvs(bags_p[i, max_ind])
    estimator[max_ind] += max_sample
    mean_s_5 += max_sample

    # strategy 5 = epsilon-greedy bandit with epsilon = 0
    b_5 = b_2
    mean_s_5_e0 += np.sum(b_5)
    estimator = np.array([e+EPSILON_NUM for e in b_5])
    for _ in xrange(N_DRAWS-N_BAGS):
    max_ind = np.argmax(estimator)
    max_sample = bernoulli.rvs(bags_p[i, max_ind])
    estimator[max_ind] += max_sample
    mean_s_5_e0 += max_sample

    # strategy 6 = UCB1 bandit
    b_6 = b_2
    mean_s_6 += np.sum(b_6)
    estimator = np.array([e+EPSILON_NUM for e in b_5])
    counts = np.ones(N_BAGS)
    for c in xrange(N_DRAWS-N_BAGS):
    best_estimator = [e + np.sqrt(2*np.log(c+N_BAGS+1.)) /
    (counts[ii] ** 1.5) for ii, e in enumerate(estimator)]
    max_ind = np.argmax(best_estimator)
    max_sample = bernoulli.rvs(bags_p[i, max_ind])
    estimator[max_ind] += max_sample
    counts[max_ind] += 1
    mean_s_6 += max_sample

    # strategy 7 = Bayesian bandit
    b_7 = b_2
    mean_s_7 += np.sum(b_7) # we could even start without pulling each once!
    beta_a = np.ones(N_BAGS)
    beta_b = np.ones(N_BAGS)
    for ii, val in enumerate(b_7):
    beta_a[ii] += val
    beta_b[ii] += 1 - val
    for c in xrange(N_DRAWS - N_BAGS):
    #best_estimator = [np.mean(np.random.beta(beta_a[ii], beta_b[ii],
    # size=100)) for ii in xrange(N_BAGS)]
    best_estimator = [beta_a[ii]/(beta_a[ii] + beta_b[ii]) for ii
    in xrange(N_BAGS)]
    max_ind = np.argmax(best_estimator)
    max_sample = bernoulli.rvs(bags_p[i, max_ind])
    beta_a[max_ind] += max_sample
    beta_b[max_ind] += 1 - max_sample
    mean_s_7 += max_sample

    print "strategy 1 (random/avg):", mean_s_1 / bags_p.shape[0]
    print "strategy 2 (estimate (1 sample) and exploit) max:", mean_s_2_m / bags_p.shape[0]
    print "strategy 2 (estimate (1 sample) and exploit) sample:", mean_s_2_s / bags_p.shape[0]
    print "strategy 3 (estimate (3 samples) and exploit) max:", mean_s_3_m / bags_p.shape[0]
    print "strategy 3 (estimate (3 samples) and exploit) sample:", mean_s_3_s / bags_p.shape[0]
    print "strategy 4 (estimate (5 samples) and exploit) max:", mean_s_4_m / bags_p.shape[0]
    print "strategy 4 (estimate (5 samples) and exploit) sample:", mean_s_4_s / bags_p.shape[0]
    print "strategy 5 (bandit epsilon-greedy with epsilon", EPSILON_BANDIT, "):", mean_s_5 / bags_p.shape[0]
    print "strategy 5 (bandit epsilon-greedy with epsilon 0 ):", mean_s_5_e0 / bags_p.shape[0]
    print "strategy 6 (bandit UCB1):", mean_s_6 / bags_p.shape[0]
    print "strategy 7 (Bayesian bandit):", mean_s_7 / bags_p.shape[0]