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Last active October 21, 2024 15:24
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A grid trainer for Grid views
// Author: SwiftUI-Lab (
// Description: this learning tool is designed to showcase the different
// Grid and GridRow view options, added in SwiftUI 2022. It is part of the
// blog article:
import SwiftUI
import UniformTypeIdentifiers
// The root view of the application
struct ContentView: View {
@Environment(\.colorScheme) var scheme
@StateObject var grid = GridData()
@State var opacityPanelOpacity = 0.5
let inspectorWidth: CGFloat = 330
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { proxy in
HStack(spacing: 0) {
.frame(maxWidth: proxy.size.width - inspectorWidth, maxHeight: proxy.size.height)
.background(alignment: .topLeading) {
// Grid Code
if grid.codeOpacity > 0 {
ScrollView {
HStack {
Text(CodeGenerator.shared.generateCode(scheme: scheme, grid: grid))
.modifier(SelectabilityModifier(enabled: grid.selectableCode))
.background { Color.white }
.overlay(alignment: .bottomTrailing) {
// Opacity Sliders
HStack {
Slider(value: $grid.codeOpacity, in: 0...1.0) {
Image(systemName: "doc.text")
.frame(width: 150)
Slider(value: $grid.gridOpacity, in: 0...1.0) {
Image(systemName: "circle.grid.3x3.fill")
.frame(width: 150)
.background { controlBackground }
.padding([.trailing, .bottom], 10)
.onHover { isHovering in
withAnimation(.quick) {
opacityPanelOpacity = isHovering ? 1.0 : 0.5
.overlay(alignment: .topTrailing) {
// Copy Button
Button {
} label: {
Image(systemName: "doc.on.clipboard.fill")
.font(.system(size: 18))
.background { controlBackground }
// Right-side inspector panel
.background {
#if os(macOS)
Rectangle().fill(Color(nsColor: NSColor.controlBackgroundColor))
Rectangle().fill(Color(uiColor: UIColor.tertiarySystemGroupedBackground))
.frame(width: inspectorWidth)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
@ViewBuilder var controlBackground: some View {
if scheme == .dark {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5.0).fill(.white.opacity(0.1))
} else {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5.0).fill(.black.opacity(0.1))
func copyCode() {
let nsAttributedString = NSAttributedString(CodeGenerator.shared.code)
let documentAttributes = [NSAttributedString.DocumentAttributeKey.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.rtf]
let rtfData = try! NSMakeRange(0, nsAttributedString.length), documentAttributes: documentAttributes)
#if os(macOS)
let pb = NSPasteboard.general
pb.setData(rtfData, forType: .rtf)
let pb = UIPasteboard.general
pb.setData(rtfData, forPasteboardType: UTType.rtf.identifier)
// To prevent the I-Beam text cursor when the mouse pointer is over the grid,
// we disable text selectability when we are hovering it.
struct SelectabilityModifier: ViewModifier {
let enabled: Bool
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
if enabled {
} else {
// The view that composes the grid
struct GridView: View {
@EnvironmentObject var grid: GridData
var body: some View {
Grid(alignment: grid.alignemntOption.alignment,
horizontalSpacing: grid.hSpacing,
verticalSpacing: grid.vSpacing) {
ForEach($grid.rows) { $row in
GridRow(alignment: row.alignmentOption != .unspecified ? row.alignmentOption.alignment : nil) {
ForEach($row.cells) { $cell in
CellView(row: $row, cell: $cell)
.onHover { isHovering in
if isHovering {
grid.selectableCode = false
} else {
grid.selectableCode = true
// A configurable view to use with each cell in the grid
struct CellView: View {
@EnvironmentObject var grid: GridData
@Binding var row: Row
@Binding var cell: Cell
var body: some View {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5.0)
.frame(width: cell.flex.axisSet.flexWidth ? nil : cell.width, height: cell.flex.axisSet.flexHeight ? nil : cell.height)
.modifier(ColumnAlignmentModifier(cell: cell))
.modifier(AlignmentModifier(cell: cell))
.overlay {
selectionOverlay(cell: cell)
.overlay {
if grid.showProperties {
textOverlay(cell: cell)
.onTapGesture {
grid.cellSelection(.toggle, cell: $cell)
.contextMenu {
contextMenu(row: $row, cell: $cell)
@ViewBuilder func selectionOverlay(cell: Cell) -> some View {
let lineStyle = StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1.0,
lineCap: .round,
lineJoin: .miter,
dash: [5, 5],
dashPhase: cell.selectionAnimation ? 0 : 10)
if cell.selected {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5.0).stroke(style: lineStyle).foregroundColor(.primary)
} else {
func textOverlay(cell: Cell) -> some View {
VStack {
if cell.alignmentOption != .unspecified {
if cell.span > 1 {
Text("span = \(cell.span)")
if cell.flex.axisSet.contains([.vertical, .horizontal]) {
Text("flex W+H")
} else if cell.flex == .vertical {
Text("flex H")
} else if cell.flex == .horizontal {
Text("flex W")
if cell.unsized != .unspecified {
switch cell.unsized {
case .unspecified: Text("")
case .horizontal: Text("unsize(H)")
case .vertical: Text("unsize(V)")
case .both: Text("unsize(H+V)")
@ViewBuilder func contextMenu(row: Binding<Row>, cell: Binding<Cell>) -> some View {
Group {
Button("Select Cell") { grid.cellSelection(.select, cell: cell) }
Button("Select Row") { grid.rowSelection(.select, row: row) }
Button("Select All") { grid.selectAll() }
Button("Deselect Cell") { grid.cellSelection(.deselect, cell: cell) }
Button("Deselect Row") { grid.rowSelection(.deselect, row: row) }
Button("Deselect All") { grid.deselectAll() }
Group {
Button("Remove Selected Cells") { withAnimation(.quick) { grid.removeSelectedCells() } }
Button("Remove Cell") { withAnimation(.quick) { grid.removeCell(cell) } }
Button("Remove Row") { withAnimation(.quick) { grid.removeRow(row) } }
if let (rowIdx, cellIdx) = grid.getCellIndex(cell: cell.wrappedValue) {
Button("Add Row Before") { withAnimation(.quick) { grid.addRow(.before(rowIdx)) } }
Button("Add Row After") { withAnimation(.quick) { grid.addRow(.after(rowIdx)) } }
Button("Add Cell Before") { withAnimation(.quick) { grid.addCell(rowIdx: rowIdx, .before(cellIdx)) } }
Button("Add Cell After") { withAnimation(.quick) { grid.addCell(rowIdx: rowIdx, .after(cellIdx)) } }
Button("Add First Column") { withAnimation(.quick) { grid.addCol(true) } }
Button("Add Last Column") { withAnimation(.quick) { grid.addCol(false) } }
struct AnimatedAlignmentModifier: ViewModifier {
@EnvironmentObject var grid: GridData
let cell: Cell
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
var alignmentOption = cell.alignmentOption
if cell.alignmentOption == .unspecified {
if let (rowIdx, _) = grid.getCellIndex(cell: cell) {
let row = grid.rows[rowIdx]
alignmentOption = grid.alignemntOption.mergeWithVerticalAlignment(row.alignmentOption)
return content.gridCellAnchor(alignmentOption.unitPoint)
struct ColumnAlignmentModifier: ViewModifier {
let cell: Cell
@ViewBuilder func body(content: Content) -> some View {
if cell.colAlignmentOption == .unspecified {
} else {
content.gridColumnAlignment(cell.colAlignmentOption.alignment ?? .center)
struct AlignmentModifier: ViewModifier {
let cell: Cell
@ViewBuilder func body(content: Content) -> some View {
if cell.alignmentOption == .unspecified {
} else {
// The right-handed inspector panel, used to select grid options
struct Inspector: View {
@EnvironmentObject var grid: GridData
@State var showGridSectionHelp = false
@State var showRowSectionHelp = false
@State var showCellSectionHelp = false
var body: some View {
let anim_row_sources: [Binding<Row>] = $grid.rows.animation(.quick).map { $0 }.filter { $0.wrappedValue.cells.first { $0.selected } != nil }
let anim_col_sources: [Binding<Cell>] = $grid.rows.animation(.quick).flatMap { $0.cells }.filter({ $0.wrappedValue.selected })
let row_sources: [Binding<Row>] = $ { $0 }.filter { $0.wrappedValue.cells.first { $0.selected } != nil }
let col_sources: [Binding<Cell>] = $grid.rows.flatMap { $0.cells }.filter({ $0.wrappedValue.selected })
let disableFlexWidth = col_sources.filter({ !$0.wrappedValue.flex.axisSet.flexWidth != true }).count > 0
let disableFlexHeight = col_sources.filter({ !$0.wrappedValue.flex.axisSet.flexHeight != true }).count > 0
Form {
Section {
Picker("Alignment", selection: $grid.alignemntOption.animation(.quick)) {
ForEach(AlignmentOption.allCases, id: \.self) {
Toggle("Show Cell Properties", isOn: $grid.showProperties.animation(.quick))
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Horizontal Spacing = \(String(format: "%.1f", grid.hSpacing))")
CustomSlider(value: $grid.hSpacing, range: 0...50, updating: $grid.updating)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Vertical Spacing = \(String(format: "%.1f", grid.vSpacing))")
CustomSlider(value: $grid.vSpacing, range: 0...50, updating: $grid.updating)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Grid Padding = \(String(format: "%.1f", grid.padding))")
CustomSlider(value: $grid.padding, range: 0...50, updating: $grid.updating)
} header: {
HStack {
Text("Grid Options")
Button {
} label: {
Image(systemName: "")
.popover(isPresented: $showGridSectionHelp) { HelpGridSection() }
if grid.selectedRows.count > 0 {
Section {
let mixed = Set( { $0.wrappedValue.alignmentOption }).count > 1
Picker("Row Alignment \(mixed ? "⚠️" : "")", sources: anim_row_sources, selection: \.alignmentOption) {
ForEach(VerticalAlignmentOption.allCases, id: \.self) {
} header: {
HStack {
Text("Selected Row Options")
Button {
} label: {
Image(systemName: "")
.popover(isPresented: $showRowSectionHelp) { HelpRowSection() }
if col_sources.count > 0 {
Section {
let mixedColAlignments = Set( { $0.wrappedValue.colAlignmentOption }).count > 1
let mixedAlignments = Set( { $0.wrappedValue.alignmentOption }).count > 1
let mixedSpans = Set( { $0.wrappedValue.span }).count > 1
let mixedFlex = Set( { $0.wrappedValue.flex }).count > 1
let mixedUnsized = Set( { $0.wrappedValue.unsized }).count > 1
Picker("Column Alignment \(mixedColAlignments ? "⚠️" : "")", sources: anim_col_sources, selection: \.colAlignmentOption) {
ForEach(HorizontalAlignmentOption.allCases, id: \.self) {
Picker("Cell Alignment \(mixedAlignments ? "⚠️" : "")", sources: anim_col_sources, selection: \.alignmentOption) {
ForEach(AlignmentOption.allCases, id: \.self) {
Picker("Cell Span \(mixedSpans ? "⚠️" : "")", sources: anim_col_sources, selection: \.span) {
Picker("Frame \(mixedFlex ? "⚠️" : "")", sources: anim_col_sources, selection: \.flex) {
ForEach(FlexOption.allCases, id: \.self) {
Picker("Unsized \(mixedUnsized ? "⚠️" : "")", sources: anim_col_sources, selection: \.unsized) {
ForEach(UnsizedOption.allCases, id: \.self) {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
SpringLoadedSlider(sources: col_sources, selection: \.width, range: 10...800, updating: $grid.updating)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
SpringLoadedSlider(sources: col_sources, selection: \.height, range: 10...800, updating: $grid.updating)
} header: {
HStack {
Text("Selected Cell Options")
Button {
} label: {
Image(systemName: "")
.popover(isPresented: $showCellSectionHelp) { HelpCellSection() }
HStack {
#if os(macOS)
let infoText = Text("Individual cells can be selected with a single click.\nUse right-click for more options.")
let infoText = Text("Individual cells can be selected with a single tap.\nUse long-press for more options.")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
struct HelpGridSection: View {
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 15) {
The selected **Alignment** affects all cells in the grid, unless a cell
specifies its own alignment. Additionally, if a row alignment is selected,
the vertical component of this alignment will be ignored in such rows.
The **Show Cell Properties** will overlay a text with the cell selected
options (if any).
You may also select the inter cell **Vertical Spacing** and **Horizontal Spacing**
The **Padding** option, although not technically part of the grid, is included
here, because it may be a common requiremet to have a space between
the cells and its drawn border. See the generated code to see how the
padding is added.
.font(.system(size: 14.0))
struct HelpRowSection: View {
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 15) {
The properties in this section affect all selected rows. A row
is considered selected, if at least one of its cells is selected.
The **Row Alignment** from this section, sets the vertical alignment of
the cells of the selected rows, overriding the vertical component of
the grid's alignment. However, the value is ignored for cells that
specified their own alignment.
.font(.system(size: 14.0))
struct HelpCellSection: View {
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 15) {
The properties in this section affect all selected cells. A
yellow warning icon indicates that the option has different
values for the selected cells.
The **Column Alignment** specifies a horizontal alignment for all
the cells in the columns of the selected cells. **WARNING**: You
should only set column alignment in one cell per column, otherwise,
behavior is undefined.
The **Alignment** affects the selected cells only, overriding any
grid, column or row alignment.
You may select a **Span** for each selected cell.
The **Frame** picker let you indicate if the rectangles in the
selected cells have a fixed size (modifiable with the sliders),
or if they expand to take as much space as there is available.
This is affected by the next option (unsized)
Cells can be configured to not ask for extra space (**Unsized**). That is,
the cell will take as much space as needed (if it wants to), but the
grid will not grow to provide more space. Note that this option
indicates that the view should not make the grid grow. That is,
selecting horizontal, it means the grid will not grow horizontally,
but will grow vertically (if required).
.font(.system(size: 14.0))
// A custom Slider. Instead of using the system provided Slider,
// we use this custome control, which matches the style of the SpringLoadedSlider,
// used to adjust the width and height of cells.
struct CustomSlider: View {
let knobSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 20, height: 20)
@GestureState(reset: resetGesture) private var offset: CGPoint?
@State var sliderWidth: CGFloat = 1
// View parameters
@Binding var value: CGFloat
let range: ClosedRange<CGFloat>
@Binding var updating: Bool // used to suspend code generation while the slide is being used
// Computed properites
var moved: CGFloat { max(min(offset?.x ?? 0, sliderWidth / 2.0), -sliderWidth / 2.0) }
var body: some View {
let drag = DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
.updating($offset) { val, state, transaction in
state = val.location
if let pos = state?.x {
self.value = positionToValue(pos: pos)
// Only update once at the start of gesture
if !updating {
// suspends code generation while using the slider (for performance)
updating = true
.onEnded { _ in
// resume code generation
updating = false
ZStack {
HStack(spacing: 0) {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 2.5) // green line
.frame(width: valueToPosition(), height: 6.0)
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 2.5) // gray line
.frame(height: 3.0)
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5.0) // knob
.frame(width: knobSize.width, height: knobSize.height)
.offset(x: valueToPosition() - sliderWidth / 2.0)
.background {
GeometryReader { proxy in
setSliderWidth(width: proxy.size.width)
// Converts a knob position, into a slider value
func positionToValue(pos: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
let position = min(max(pos, knobSize.width / 2.0), sliderWidth - knobSize.width / 2.0) - (knobSize.width / 2.0)
let distance = (sliderWidth - knobSize.width)
let pct = position/distance
return (range.upperBound - range.lowerBound) * pct + range.lowerBound
// Converts a slider value, into a knob position
func valueToPosition() -> CGFloat {
let distance = (sliderWidth - knobSize.width)
let rangeSize = range.upperBound - range.lowerBound
let position = ((value - range.lowerBound) / rangeSize) * distance + (knobSize.width / 2.0)
return position
// not elegant, but works in this scenario
func setSliderWidth(width: CGFloat) -> Color {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
sliderWidth = width
return Color.clear
// Animates the knob when it gets let go
static func resetGesture(size: CGPoint?, transaction: inout Transaction) {
transaction = Transaction(animation: .quick)
// A slider that increments a value when the slider is moved to the right,
// and decrements the value when it is moved to the left.
// The further the movement, the quicker the value update.
// When the user lets go, the knob returns to its neutral position.
struct SpringLoadedSlider<C>: View where C : RandomAccessCollection {
@Environment(\.isEnabled) var isEnabled
@GestureState(reset: resetGesture) private var offset: CGSize?
@State var sliderWidth: CGFloat = 1
@State var timer = Timer.publish(every: 0.1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()
// View parameters
let sources: C
let selection: KeyPath<C.Element, Binding<CGFloat>>
let range: ClosedRange<CGFloat>
@Binding var updating: Bool
// Computed properites
var moved: CGFloat { max(min(offset?.width ?? 0, sliderWidth / 2.0), -sliderWidth / 2.0) }
var pct: CGFloat { moved / sliderWidth / 2.0 }
var body: some View {
let drag = DragGesture()
.updating($offset) { value, state, transaction in
if isEnabled {
state = value.translation
// Only update once at the start of gesture
if !updating {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Start timer
timer = Timer.publish(every: 0.03, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()
// suspends code generation while using the slider (for performance)
updating = true
.onEnded { _ in
// stop the timer, we no longer needed
// resume code generation
updating = false
ZStack {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 2.5) // gray line
.frame(height: 3.0)
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 2.5) // green line
.frame(width: abs(moved), height: 6.0)
.offset(x: moved / 2)
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5.0) // knob
.fill(isEnabled ? .yellow : .gray)
.frame(width: 20, height: 20)
.offset(x: moved)
.background {
GeometryReader { proxy in
setSliderWidth(width: proxy.size.width)
.onReceive(timer) { _ in
if pct != 0 {
for value in sources {
let newVal = min(max(value[keyPath: selection].wrappedValue + pct * 25 , range.lowerBound), range.upperBound)
value[keyPath: selection].wrappedValue = newVal
.compositingGroup() // merges opacity of the knob and the lines
.opacity(isEnabled ? 1 : 0.3)
.onAppear {
// we don't need the timer all the time, only
// when interacting with the slider
// not elegant, but works for this scenario
func setSliderWidth(width: CGFloat) -> Color {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
sliderWidth = width
return Color.clear
static func resetGesture(size: CGSize?, transaction: inout Transaction) {
// animate knob when it gets let go
transaction = Transaction(animation: .quick)
// A class used to generate the grid's code as an AttributedString
// The attributed string can later be used in a Text() view,
// and can also be used to copy to pasteboard
class CodeGenerator {
// The last generated code, displayed while the code generation is suspended
// due to slider interaction
var code: AttributedString = AttributedString("")
static var shared = CodeGenerator()
init() { }
// Generate grid code
func generateCode(scheme: ColorScheme, grid: GridData) -> AttributedString {
let colors = CodeColors(scheme: scheme)
if grid.updating {
return code
var txt = AttributedString("")
// Grid()
var gridParams = [CodeParameter]()
if grid.alignemntOption != .unspecified {
gridParams.append(CodeParameter(param: "alignment", argument: .enum(grid.alignemntOption.rawValue)))
gridParams.append(contentsOf: [
CodeParameter(param: "horizontalSpacing", argument: .float(grid.hSpacing)),
CodeParameter(param: "verticalSpacing", argument: .float(grid.vSpacing))
txt += .type(colors, name: "Grid", parameters: gridParams) + .space + .openBrackets(colors) + .newLine
for row in grid.rows {
// Start Row
var rowParams = [CodeParameter]()
if row.alignmentOption != .unspecified {
rowParams.append(CodeParameter(param: "alignment", argument: .enum(row.alignmentOption.rawValue)))
txt += .type(colors, indentation: 2, name: "GridRow", parameters: rowParams) + .space + .openBrackets(colors) + .newLine
for cell in row.cells {
// Start Column
// corner radius
let rectParams = [CodeParameter(param: "cornerRadius", argument: .float(5))]
txt += .type(colors, indentation: 4, name: "RoundedRectangle", parameters: rectParams) + .newLine
// fill
let fillParams = [CodeParameter(argument: .attributed(cell.colorCode(colors)))]
txt += .function(colors, indentation: 6, name: "fill", parameters: fillParams) + .newLine
// Cell frame
if cell.flex != .both {
var frameParams = [CodeParameter]()
if cell.flex == .fixed || cell.flex == .vertical {
frameParams.append(CodeParameter(param: "width", argument: .float(cell.width)))
if cell.flex == .fixed || cell.flex == .horizontal {
frameParams.append(CodeParameter(param: "height", argument: .float(cell.height)))
txt += .function(colors, indentation: 6, name: "frame", parameters: frameParams) + .newLine
if cell.colAlignmentOption != .unspecified {
txt += .function(colors, indentation: 6, name: "gridColumnAlignment", parameters: [CodeParameter(argument: .enum(cell.colAlignmentOption.rawValue))]) + .newLine
if cell.span > 1 {
txt += .function(colors, indentation: 6, name: "gridCellColumns", parameters: [CodeParameter(argument: .integer(cell.span))]) + .newLine
if cell.alignmentOption != .unspecified {
txt += .function(colors, indentation: 6, name: "gridCellAnchor", parameters: [CodeParameter(argument: .enum(cell.alignmentOption.rawValue))]) + .newLine
if cell.unsized != .unspecified {
txt += .function(colors, indentation: 6, name: "gridCellUnsizedAxes", parameters: [CodeParameter(argument: .attributed(cell.unsized.code(colors)))]) + .newLine
// End Column
if != row.cells.last?.id {
txt += .newLine
// End Row
txt += .indentation(2) + .closeBrackets(colors) + .newLine
if != grid.rows.last?.id {
txt += .newLine
// End Grid
txt += .closeBrackets(colors) + .newLine
txt += .function(colors, name: "padding", parameters: [CodeParameter(argument: .float(grid.padding))]) + .newLine
txt += .function(colors, name: "border", parameters: [CodeParameter(argument: .enum("primary"))]) + .newLine
code = txt
return code
// A type used for code generation of a function/type parameter
struct CodeParameter {
enum Argument {
case `enum`(String)
case integer(Int)
case float(Double)
case variable(String)
case attributed(AttributedString)
func attributedString(_ colors: CodeColors) -> AttributedString {
switch self {
case .enum(let string):
return .dot(colors) + AttributedString(string, colors.enum)
case .integer(let value):
return AttributedString("\(value)", colors.number)
case .float(let value):
return AttributedString(String(format: "%.1f", value), colors.number)
case .variable(let string):
return AttributedString(string, colors.variable)
case .attributed(let astr):
return astr
var param: String? = nil
let argument: Argument
func attributedString(_ colors: CodeColors) -> AttributedString {
if let param {
return AttributedString(param, colors.param) + .colon(colors) + .space + argument.attributedString(colors)
} else {
return argument.attributedString(colors)
// The set of Code colors both for dark and light schemes
class CodeColors {
let scheme: ColorScheme
init(scheme: ColorScheme) {
self.scheme = scheme
var punctuation: Color { .primary }
var number: Color { scheme == .dark ? Color(hex: "D0BF69") : .red }
var variable: Color { .primary }
var keyword: Color { scheme == .dark ? Color(hex: "FC5FA3") : Color(hex: "9B2393") }
var function: Color { scheme == .dark ? Color(hex: "67B7A4") : Color(hex: "326D74") }
var param: Color { scheme == .dark ? Color(hex: "A167E6") : Color(hex: "3900A0") }
var type: Color { scheme == .dark ? Color(hex: "D0A8FF") : Color(hex: "6C36A9") }
var `enum`: Color { scheme == .dark ? Color(hex: "A167E6") : Color(hex: "3900A0") }
var constant: Color { scheme == .dark ? Color(hex: "D0BF69") : .red }
// A convenience initializer, used by `CodeGeneration`.
extension AttributedString {
init(_ string: String, _ color: Color) {
#if os(macOS)
let colorObj = NSColor(color) as Any
let fontObj = NSFont(name: "Menlo", size: 16.0)
let colorObj = UIColor(color) as Any
let fontObj = UIFont(name: "Menlo", size: 16.0)
self.init(string, attributes: .init([
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: (colorObj),
NSAttributedString.Key.font: fontObj as Any
// Convenience static properties, used for code generation
extension AttributedString {
static func openSquare(_ colors: CodeColors) -> AttributedString { AttributedString("[", colors.punctuation) }
static func closeSquare(_ colors: CodeColors) -> AttributedString { AttributedString("]", colors.punctuation) }
static func openParenthesis(_ colors: CodeColors) -> AttributedString { AttributedString("(", colors.punctuation) }
static func closeParenthesis(_ colors: CodeColors) -> AttributedString { AttributedString(")", colors.punctuation) }
static func openBrackets(_ colors: CodeColors) -> AttributedString { AttributedString("{", colors.punctuation) }
static func closeBrackets(_ colors: CodeColors) -> AttributedString { AttributedString("}", colors.punctuation) }
static func dot(_ colors: CodeColors) -> AttributedString { AttributedString(".", colors.punctuation) }
static func colon(_ colors: CodeColors) -> AttributedString { AttributedString(":", colors.punctuation) }
static func comma(_ colors: CodeColors) -> AttributedString { AttributedString(", ", colors.punctuation) }
static var newLine = AttributedString("\n", Color.primary)
static var space = AttributedString(" ", Color.primary)
static func indentation(_ count: Int) -> AttributedString {
AttributedString(String(repeating: " ", count: count), Color.primary)
static func type(_ colors: CodeColors, indentation: Int = 0, name: String, parameters: [CodeParameter]) -> AttributedString {
statement(colors, indentation: indentation, name: name, parameters: parameters, color: colors.type)
static func function(_ colors: CodeColors, indentation: Int = 0, name: String, parameters: [CodeParameter], dot: Bool = true) -> AttributedString
statement(colors, indentation: indentation, name: name, parameters: parameters, color: colors.function, dot: dot)
static func statement(_ colors: CodeColors, indentation: Int = 0, name: String, parameters: [CodeParameter], color: Color, dot: Bool = false) -> AttributedString {
var txt = AttributedString()
if indentation > 0 {
txt += .indentation(indentation)
if dot {
txt += .dot(colors)
txt += AttributedString(name, color)
guard parameters.count > 0 else { return txt }
txt += .openParenthesis(colors)
for (k, param) in parameters.enumerated() {
txt += param.attributedString(colors)
if k + 1 != parameters.count {
txt += .comma(colors)
txt += .closeParenthesis(colors)
return txt
extension Axis.Set {
var flexWidth: Bool { self.contains(.horizontal) }
var flexHeight: Bool { self.contains(.vertical) }
// A computed property that returns the name of the color,
// used in `CodeGeneration`.
extension Color {
var colorName: String {
switch self {
case .yellow: return "yellow"
case .orange: return "orange"
case .red: return "red"
case .purple: return "purple"
case .blue: return "blue"
case .green: return "green"
default: return "primary"
// An animation used everywhere a quick animation is needed
extension Animation {
static var quick = Animation.spring()
// A convenience initializer used to create colors with a Hex string
// Do not include the leading # symbol.
extension Color {
init(hex: String) {
guard hex.count == 6 else { self.init(white: 0.5); return }
let rHex = hex[..<hex.index(hex.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)]
let gHex = hex[hex.index(hex.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)..<hex.index(hex.startIndex, offsetBy: 4)]
let bHex = hex[hex.index(hex.startIndex, offsetBy: 4)...]
let red = Double(Int(rHex, radix: 16) ?? 0)/255
let green = Double(Int(gHex, radix: 16) ?? 0)/255
let blue = Double(Int(bHex, radix: 16) ?? 0)/255
self.init(red: red, green: green, blue: blue)
// A type used to store the row options and its cells
struct Row: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var alignmentOption: VerticalAlignmentOption = .unspecified
var cells: [Cell]
//A type used to store the cell options
struct Cell: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var color: Color = .red
var width: CGFloat = 80
var height: CGFloat = 80
var flex: FlexOption = .fixed
var colAlignmentOption: HorizontalAlignmentOption = .unspecified
var alignmentOption: AlignmentOption = .unspecified
var span: Int = 1
var selected: Bool = false
var selectionAnimation: Bool = false
var unsized: UnsizedOption = .unspecified
func colorCode(_ colors: CodeColors) -> AttributedString {
let colorname = color.colorName
return .dot(colors) + AttributedString(colorname, colors.enum) + .dot(colors) + AttributedString("gradient", colors.enum)
// An observable object used to store the grid data and some UI values
class GridData: ObservableObject {
static let colors: [Color] = [.green, .yellow, .orange, .red, .purple, .blue]
// Properties for the UI
@Published var updating = false
@Published var selectableCode = false
@Published var gridOpacity: Double = 1.0
@Published var codeOpacity: Double = 1.0
// Grid Options
@Published var alignemntOption: AlignmentOption = .unspecified
@Published var showProperties = true
@Published var vSpacing: CGFloat = 5.0
@Published var hSpacing: CGFloat = 5.0
@Published var padding: CGFloat = 10.0
// The collection of rows and cells
@Published var rows: [Row] = {
var array = [Row]()
for r in 0..<3 {
var row = Row(cells: [])
for c in 0..<6 {
row.cells.append(Cell(color: GridData.colors[c % GridData.colors.count]))
return array
// Returns the number of selected rows
var selectedRows: [Int] {
rows.enumerated().compactMap { (k, row) in
if row.cells.first(where: { col in col.selected }) != nil {
return k
} else {
return nil
// Selects/Deselects/Toggles Cells
func cellSelection(_ operation: SelectOperation, cell: Binding<Cell>) {
let isSelected = cell.wrappedValue.selected
cell.wrappedValue.selected = operation.change(isSelected)
// Only animate selection, not deselection
if operation == .deselect || (operation == .toggle && isSelected) {
} else {
withAnimation(.linear(duration: 1.0).repeatForever(autoreverses: false)) {
// Selects/Deselects/Toggles a Row
func rowSelection(_ operation: SelectOperation, row: Binding<Row>) {
for c in row.cells {
cellSelection(operation, cell: c)
// Selects All Cells
func selectAll() {
for r in 0..<rows.count {
for c in 0..<rows[r].cells.count {
rows[r].cells[c].selected = true
withAnimation(.linear(duration: 1.0).repeatForever(autoreverses: false)) {
// Deselects All Cells
func deselectAll() {
for r in 0..<rows.count {
for c in 0..<rows[r].cells.count {
rows[r].cells[c].selected = false
// Removes a Cell
func removeCell(_ cell: Binding<Cell>) {
if let (rowIdx, cellIdx) = getCellIndex(cell: cell.wrappedValue) {
rows[rowIdx].cells.remove(at: cellIdx)
// Removes a Row
func removeRow(_ row: Binding<Row>) {
if let rowIdx = rows.firstIndex(where: { $ == }) {
rows.remove(at: rowIdx)
// Removes selected Cells
func removeSelectedCells() {
for r in 0..<rows.count {
let offsets: [Int] = rows[r].cells.enumerated().filter { (k, v) in v.selected }.map { (k, v) in k }
rows[r].cells.remove(atOffsets: IndexSet(offsets))
// Remove empty rows
// Get the row and cell indeces for the Cell
func getCellIndex(cell: Cell) -> (Int, Int)? {
for r in 0..<rows.count {
for c in 0..<rows[r].cells.count {
if rows[r].cells[c].id == {
return (r, c)
return nil
// If a Row has zero Cells, remove it from the rows array
func removeEmptyRows() {
let offsets: [Int] = rows.enumerated().filter { (k, v) in v.cells.isEmpty }.map { (k, v) in k }
rows.remove(atOffsets: IndexSet(offsets))
func addRow(_ position: InsertionPosition) {
let col = Cell(color: GridData.colors.first!)
rows.insert(Row(cells: [col]), at: position.newIdx)
// Add a Cell at the beginning of end of a row
func addCol(_ start: Bool) {
for r in 0..<rows.count {
let newColor = color(row: rows[r], start ? .before(0) : .after(rows[r].cells.count - 1))
if start {
rows[r].cells.insert(Cell(color: newColor), at: 0)
} else {
rows[r].cells.insert(Cell(color: newColor), at: rows[r].cells.count)
// Inserts a Cell on a Row, at the given position
func addCell(rowIdx: Int, _ position: InsertionPosition) {
let newColor = color(row: rows[rowIdx], position)
rows[rowIdx].cells.insert(Cell(color: newColor), at: position.newIdx)
// Gets the color of a cell of a given row
func color(row: Row, _ position: InsertionPosition) -> Color {
let currentColor = row.cells[position.idx].color
let currentColorIdx = GridData.colors.firstIndex(of: currentColor)!
let newColorIdx: Int
switch position {
case .before:
newColorIdx = (currentColorIdx == 0 ? GridData.colors.count - 1 : currentColorIdx - 1)
case .after:
newColorIdx = currentColorIdx + 1
return GridData.colors[newColorIdx % GridData.colors.count]
// An hashable and iterable enum with Alignment values
enum AlignmentOption: String, Hashable, CaseIterable {
case unspecified = "Unspecified"
case topLeading = "topLeading"
case top = "top"
case topTrailing = "topTrailing"
case leading = "leading"
case center = "center"
case trailing = "trailing"
case bottomLeading = "bottomLeading"
case bottom = "bottom"
case bottomTrailing = "bottomTrailing"
var alignment: Alignment {
switch self {
case .topLeading:
return .topLeading
case .top:
return .top
case .topTrailing:
return .topTrailing
case .leading:
return .leading
case .center:
return .center
case .trailing:
return .trailing
case .bottomLeading:
return .bottomLeading
case .bottom:
return .bottom
case .bottomTrailing:
return .bottomTrailing
case .unspecified:
return .center
var unitPoint: UnitPoint {
switch self {
case .topLeading:
return .topLeading
case .top:
return .top
case .topTrailing:
return .topTrailing
case .leading:
return .leading
case .center:
return .center
case .trailing:
return .trailing
case .bottomLeading:
return .bottomLeading
case .bottom:
return .bottom
case .bottomTrailing:
return .bottomTrailing
case .unspecified:
return .center
var shortName: String {
switch self {
case .unspecified: return "(?)"
case .topLeading: return "(LT)"
case .top: return "(Top)"
case .topTrailing: return "(TT)"
case .leading: return "(L)"
case .center: return "(C)"
case .trailing: return "(Tr)"
case .bottomLeading: return "(BL)"
case .bottom: return "(B)"
case .bottomTrailing: return "(BT)"
func mergeWithVerticalAlignment(_ verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignmentOption) -> AlignmentOption {
if self == .leading || self == .topLeading || self == .bottomLeading {
switch verticalAlignment {
case .unspecified: return self
case .top: return .topLeading
case .bottom: return .bottomLeading
case .center: return .leading
} else if self == .trailing || self == .topTrailing || self == .bottomTrailing {
switch verticalAlignment {
case .unspecified: return self
case .top: return .topTrailing
case .bottom: return .bottomTrailing
case .center: return .trailing
} else {
switch verticalAlignment {
case .unspecified: return self
case .top: return .top
case .bottom: return .bottom
case .center: return .center
// An hashable and iterable enum with VerticalAlignment values
enum VerticalAlignmentOption: String, Hashable, CaseIterable {
case unspecified = "Unspecified"
case top = "top"
case center = "center"
case bottom = "bottom"
var alignment: VerticalAlignment? {
switch self {
case .top:
return .top
case .center:
return .center
case .bottom:
return .bottom
case .unspecified:
return nil
// An hashable and iterable enum with VerticalAlignment values
enum HorizontalAlignmentOption: String, Hashable, CaseIterable {
case unspecified = "Unspecified"
case leading = "leading"
case center = "center"
case trailing = "trailing"
var alignment: HorizontalAlignment? {
switch self {
case .leading:
return .leading
case .center:
return .center
case .trailing:
return .trailing
case .unspecified:
return nil
// An enum with flex options
enum FlexOption: String, CaseIterable, Hashable {
case fixed = "fixed size"
case horizontal = "flexible width"
case vertical = "flexible height"
case both = "flexible width and height"
var axisSet: Axis.Set {
switch self {
case .fixed: return []
case .both: return [.horizontal, .vertical]
case .horizontal: return .horizontal
case .vertical: return .vertical
// An enum with unsize options
enum UnsizedOption: String, Hashable, CaseIterable {
case unspecified = "unspecified"
case horizontal = "horizontal"
case vertical = "vertical"
case both = "both"
var axisSet: Axis.Set {
switch self {
case .unspecified: return []
case .horizontal: return .horizontal
case .vertical: return .vertical
case .both: return [.horizontal, .vertical]
func code(_ colors: CodeColors) -> AttributedString {
switch self {
case .unspecified: return AttributedString("")
case .horizontal: return .dot(colors) + AttributedString("horizontal", colors.enum)
case .vertical: return .dot(colors) + AttributedString("vertical", colors.enum)
case .both:
var txt = AttributedString.openSquare(colors)
txt += .dot(colors) + AttributedString("horizontal", colors.enum)
txt += .comma(colors)
txt += .dot(colors) + AttributedString("vertical", colors.enum)
txt += .closeSquare(colors)
return txt
// An enum with select operations
enum SelectOperation {
case select
case deselect
case toggle
func change(_ value: Bool) -> Bool {
switch self {
case .select: return true
case .deselect: return false
case .toggle: return !value
// An enum used to specify the insertion position
enum InsertionPosition {
case before(Int)
case after(Int)
var newIdx: Int {
switch self {
case .before(let idx):
return idx
case .after(let idx):
return idx+1
var idx: Int {
switch self {
case .before(let idx):
return idx
case .after(let idx):
return idx
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