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Created May 31, 2018 20:23
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Save suryart/4b2947c83e67c350434a338177324553 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require 'prawn'
Prawn::Document.generate("./my_pdf.pdf") do
# Print Name
fill_color "565656"
font_size(38) { text "HEADING", align: :center }
move_down 20
stroke_color "c0c0c0" #dimgray color code
text "cursor: #{cursor}"
column_box([0, cursor],:columns => 2, :width => bounds.width) do
fill_color "565656"
font_size(20) { text "SUB HEADING", align: :left }
# move_down 2
fill_color "000000"
stroke do
line_width 0.5
move_down 6
string = ((<<-END.gsub(/\s+/,' ')+"\n\n")* 17)
All the States and Governments by which men are or ever have been ruled,
have been and are either Republics or Princedoms. Princedoms are either
hereditary, in which the sovereignty is derived through an ancient line
of ancestors, or they are new. New Princedoms are either wholly new, as
that of Milan to Francesco Sforza; or they are like limbs joined on to
the hereditary possessions of the Prince who acquires them, as the
Kingdom of Naples to the dominions of the King of Spain. The States thus
acquired have either been used to live under a Prince or have been free;
and he who acquires them does so either by his own arms or by the arms of
others, and either by good fortune or by merit.
y_position = cursor - 5
excess_text = text_box string,
width: bounds.width,
height: bounds.height,
overflow: :truncate,
at: [0, y_position]
excess_text = text_box excess_text, width: bounds.width, at: [0, y_position - 500]
text excess_text
# excess_text = text_box excess_text, width: 300, at: [100, y_position- 100]
# text string
# excess_text = text_box string,
# overflow: :truncate,
# at: [0, bounds.height]
# while excess_text
# fill_color "565656"
# font_size(20) { text "SUB HEADING", align: :left }
# # move_down 2
# fill_color "000000"
# excess_text = text_box excess_text,
# overflow: :truncate,
# at: [0, 800]
# end
# excess_text = text string, overflow: :truncate
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