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Created July 6, 2020 06:44
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import cats.implicits._
case class Container(key: String, parentKey: String, amount: Double, size: Int)
case class World(containers: Map[String, Container])
object World {
def apply(keys: String*): World = World( { k =>
k -> Container(k, k, 0.0, 1)
object Speed3 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
import syntax._
val world = World("a", "b", "c", "d")
val setup = for {
_ <- "a" addWater 12
_ <- "d" addWater 8
_ <- "a" connectTo "b"
_ <- "b" connectTo "c"
} yield ()
val program = for {
_ <- setup
a <- "a".getAmount
d <- "d".getAmount
} yield (a, d)
println((program run world).value)
object ops {
def findRootAndCompress(key: String): State[World, Container] = {
State.inspect((_: World) containers key).flatMap{ c =>
if (c.parentKey === key) State.pure[World, Container](c)
else findRootAndCompress(c.parentKey)
def getAmount(key: String): State[World, Double] = findRootAndCompress(key).map(_.amount)
def addWater(key: String, amount: Double): State[World, Unit] = {
findRootAndCompress(key).flatMap{ root =>
val newAmount = root.amount + amount / root.size
State.modify{(w: World) =>
World(w.containers.updated(root.parentKey, root.copy(amount = newAmount)))
def connectTo(thisKey: String, otherKey: String): State[World, Unit] = for {
root1 <- findRootAndCompress(thisKey)
root2 <- findRootAndCompress(otherKey)
(rootKey1, rootKey2) = (root1.key, root2.key)
_ <- if (rootKey1 === rootKey2) State.empty[World, Unit] else {
val size1 = root1.size
val size2 = root2.size
val newSize = size1 + size2
val newAmount = (root1.amount * size1 + root2.amount * size2) / newSize
State.modify[World] { world => World(
if (size1 <= size2) world.containers
.updated(rootKey1, root1.copy(parentKey = rootKey2))
.updated(rootKey2, root2.copy(amount = newAmount, size = newSize))
else world.containers
.updated(rootKey2, root2.copy(parentKey = rootKey1))
.updated(rootKey1, root1.copy(amount = newAmount, size = newSize))
} yield ()
object syntax {
implicit class ContainerKeyOps(val key: String) extends AnyVal {
def addWater(amount: Double): State[World, Unit] = ops.addWater(key, amount)
def connectTo(that: String): State[World, Unit] = ops.connectTo(key, that)
def getAmount: State[World, Double] = ops.getAmount(key)
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