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Created October 15, 2014 08:20
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Oct 9 21:41:08 2014
@author: Steven Cutting
@author email: [email protected]
@project site:
Notes on formatting:
**Triple quote uses**
+ docstrings use doule quotes
+ commented out code use single quotes.
# TODO (Steven): need to update/do doc strings
# TODO (Steven): need to add the ability to define date points
# TODO (Steven) Continue switch to using dictionaries to hold 'options'
# --dictionaries of list/arrays.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Options classes and subclasses
class Options(object):
def __init__(self, argsList):
if any(ea_tokens['default']) in argsList:
api = ''
tickers = np.array([('S&P 500', '^GSPC'),
('NASDAQ', '^IXIC'),
('Russell 2000', '^RUT'),
('Nikkei 225', '^N225'),
('Crude Oil', 'CLX14.NYM'),
('10-Yr Bond', '^TNX'),
data_codes = np.array([('Name', 'n'),
('LTrade', 'l1'),
('DaysValueChg', 'w4')
temporal_option = 'rt'
_arrays = {'keys': ['yahoof', 'tickers', 'data_codes', 'temporal_option'],
'yahoof': api,
'tickers': tickers,
'data_codes': data_codes,
'temporal_option': temporal_option
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Getting the data and providing it in a more usable format
class URL(object):
"""Creats an url object to be used to make requests from Yahoo Finances API.
$ ex = yahoo_url(mkt.index)
$ print ex._url()
def __init__(self, options_dict):
if options_dict in ['df', 'default']:
options_dict = Options._arrays
self.keys = options_dict['keys']
if 'yahoof' is self.keys[0]: # non agnostic term -----------!!!
self._baseUrl = options_dict[self.keys[0]]
self._urlPrtOne = '.csv?s='
self._tickerSet = options_dict[self.keys[1]]
self._utlPrtTwo = '&f='
self._optionSet = options_dict[self.keys[2]]
def _compile_string_list_from_options(self, options, delimiter):
"""Pulls the tickers from a numpy array and/or list of tickers and
places them in a single string delmited by plus signs ('+') for the
url builder to use.
**This version is for tickers stored in the secound column of a numpy
option_string = ''
if type(options) == np.ndarray:
for i in range(len(options) - 1):
option_string += options[i][1] + delimiter
option_string += options[-1][1]
elif type(options) == list:
for i in range(len(options) - 1):
option_string += options[i] + delimiter
option_string += options[-1]
# TODO (Steven): change to an actual error thing
print "blerg!"
return option_string
# TODO (Steven): figure out the historical api shit
def _build_yahoof_url(self): # non agnostic term -----------!!!
url_tickers = self._compile_string_list_from_options(self._tickerSet,
url_options = self._compile_string_list_from_options(self._optionSet,
url = (self._baseUrl + self._urlPrtOne + url_tickers +
self._utlPrtTwo + url_options)
return url
def url_(self):
# TODO (Steven): Make it not specific to one api
builds the url
calls the correct url builder based on api selected
and passes relevant info to the url builder
if self.keys[0] is 'yahoof': # non agnostic term -----------!!!
url = self._build_yahoof_url() # non agnostic term -----------!!!
return url
class DataTable(object):
def __init__(self, options_dict):
if options_dict in ['df', 'default', '']:
options_dict = Options._arrays
self.keys = options_dict['keys']
if 'yahoof' is self.keys[0]:
self._ticker_set = options_dict[self.keys[1]]
self._option_set = options_dict[self.keys[2]]
self._temporal_option = options_dict[self.keys[3]]
self._url = URL(options_dict).url_()
def _headers(self):
headers = []
for i in range(len(self._option_set)):
headers.append((self._option_set[i][0]) + ':')
return headers
def print_table(self):
if self._temporal_option is 'rt':
table = pd.read_csv(self._url,
names=(self._headers()), header=None,
return table
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Testing
# need to move to a dedicated doc at somepoint
def test():
"""Using this to test code, remove before final"""
'''df = DefaultOptions()'''
#ex = URL('df')
#print ex.url_()
#print '\n'
terst = DataTable('df')
print terst.print_table()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Yahoo Finance data options cheatsheet (short list)
c6: Change (Realtime)
k2: Change Percent (Realtime)
c8: After Hours Change (Realtime)
k1: Last Trade (Realtime) With Time
l: Last Trade (With Time)
l1: Last Trade (Price Only)
w4: Day’s Value Change (Realtime)
m2: Day’s Range (Realtime)
**Symbol Info**
v: More Info
j1: Market Capitalization
j3: Market Cap (Realtime)
f6: Float Shares
n: Name
n4: Notes
s: Symbol
s1: Shares Owned
x: Stock Exchange
j2: Shares Outstanding
m5: Change From 200 Day Moving Average
m6: Percent Change From 200 Day Moving Average
m7: Change From 50 Day Moving Average
m8: Percent Change From 50 Day Moving Average
m3: 50 Day Moving Average
m4: 200 Day Moving Average
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# easyAnalysis Token dictionaries
"""ea = easyAnalysis"""
ea_tokens = {'default': ['df', 'defaul', ''],
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# mktdotpy Token dictionaries
dataCodeDict = {' Change (Realtime)': 'c6',
' Change Percent (Realtime)': 'k2',
' After Hours Change (Realtime)': 'c8',
' Last Trade (Realtime) With Time': 'k1',
' Last Trade (With Time)': 'l',
' Last Trade (Price Only)': 'l1',
' Day’s Value Change (Realtime)': 'w4',
' Day’s Range (Realtime)': 'm2',
' More Info': 'v',
' Market Capitalization': 'j1',
' Market Cap (Realtime)': 'j3',
' Float Shares': 'f6',
' Name': 'n',
' Notes': 'n4',
' Symbol': 's',
' Shares Owned': 's1',
' Stock Exchange': 'x',
' Shares Outstanding': 'j2',
' Change From 200 Day Moving Average': 'm5',
' Percent Change From 200 Day Moving Average': 'm6',
' Change From 50 Day Moving Average': 'm7',
' Percent Change From 50 Day Moving Average': 'm8',
' 50 Day Moving Average': 'm3',
' 200 Day Moving Average': 'm4',
tickerDict = {'S&P 500': '^GSPC',
'^GSPC': '^GSPC',
'^IXIC': '^IXIC',
'Russell 2000': '^RUT',
'^RUT': '^RUT',
'Nikkei 225': '^N225',
'^N225': '^N225',
'Crude Oil': 'CLX14.NYM',
'CLX14.NYM': 'CLX14.NYM',
'10-Yr Bond': '^TNX',
'^TNX': '^TNX',
tickerDict_extended = {'S&P 500': '^GSPC',
'S&P500': '^GSPC',
's&p 500': '^GSPC',
's&p500': '^GSPC',
'^GSPC': '^GSPC',
'^Gspc': '^GSPC',
'^gspc': '^GSPC',
'nasdaq': '^IXIC',
'Nasdaq': '^IXIC',
'^IXIC': '^IXIC',
'^ixic': '^IXIC',
'^Ixic': '^IXIC',
'NASDAQ Composite': '^IXIC',
'nasdaq Composite': '^IXIC',
'Nasdaq Composite': '^IXIC',
'NASDAQ Composite': '^IXIC',
'nasdaq composite': '^IXIC',
'Nasdaq composite': '^IXIC',
'Russell 2000': '^RUT',
'Russell2000': '^RUT',
'RUSSELL 2000': '^RUT',
'RUSSELL2000': '^RUT',
'russell 2000': '^RUT',
'russell2000': '^RUT',
'^RUT': '^RUT',
'^Rut': '^RUT',
'^rut': '^RUT',
'Nikkei 225': '^N225',
'Nikkei225': '^N225',
'Nikkei 225': '^N225',
'NIKKEI225': '^N225',
'NIKKEI 225': '^N225',
'nikkei225': '^N225',
'nikkei 225': '^N225',
'^N225': '^N225',
'^n225': '^N225',
'Crude Oil': 'CLX14.NYM',
'crude oil': 'CLX14.NYM',
'Crude Oil Nov 14': 'CLX14.NYM',
'CrudeOil': 'CLX14.NYM',
'crudeoil': 'CLX14.NYM',
'CLX14.NYM': 'CLX14.NYM',
'Clx14.Nym': 'CLX14.NYM',
'clx14.nym': 'CLX14.NYM',
'10-Yr Bond': '^TNX',
'10-yr bond': '^TNX',
'Bond 10yr': '^TNX',
'bond 10yr': '^TNX',
'Bond 10yr': '^TNX',
'CBOE Interest Rat': '^TNX',
'CBOE Interest Rate': '^TNX',
'cboe interest rate': '^TNX',
'^TNX': '^TNX',
'^Tnx': '^TNX',
'^tnx': '^TNX',
'Eur/Usd': 'EURUSD=X',
'eur/usd': 'EURUSD=X',
'Eur to Usd': 'EURUSD=X',
'eur to usd': 'EURUSD=X',
'Euro/USD': 'EURUSD=X',
'Euro/usd': 'EURUSD=X',
'euro/USD': 'EURUSD=X',
'euro/usd': 'EURUSD=X',
'Euro to USD': 'EURUSD=X',
'Euro to usd': 'EURUSD=X',
'euro to USD': 'EURUSD=X',
'euro to usd': 'EURUSD=X',
'EurUsd=x': 'EURUSD=X',
'eurusd=x': 'EURUSD=X',
'usd/jpy': 'USDJPY=X',
'USD/Yen': 'USDJPY=X',
'usd/yen': 'USDJPY=X',
'usd to jpy': 'USDJPY=X',
'USD to Yen': 'USDJPY=X',
'usd to yen': 'USDJPY=X',
'UsdJpy=x': 'USDJPY=X',
'usdjpy=x': 'USDJPY=X',
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