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Created October 4, 2019 20:39
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// container component
// a constructor is automatically generated for a component that has the same order with field declaration
// for example, for position component following ctor is generated: (x, y, z)
component position
float x
float y
float z
// component with single field
component float health
// tag component
tag component destroyed
// event definition
event damageTaken
float damage
// entity generation
entity newSpaceship
postion = (10, 5, 6)
health = 100
// regular system
system positionSystem
// entity signature filters
all: position
any: x, y
none: z
// read component
pos = entity.position
// write component
entity.position = new pos
x: 5
y: 4
z: 3
entity.position = pos + (1, 2, 3)
// this is also possible
entity.position.x = 10
// this too
// if entity doesn't have a health, it will be added and then set = 5
// add component
add destroyed to entity
add foo to entity
bar: baz
// remove component
remove position from entity
// raise an event
raise damageTaken
// sender -> target
fooEntity -> barEntity
// values
damage: 5
// reactive system
reactive system positionChangeSystem
// define which component this system reacts to
reacts to position
// entity signature filters
all: position
any: foo, bar
none: baz
oldPos = reaction.old
newPos =
// event listener system
listener system damageTakenSystem
// define which event this system listens for
listens to damageTaken
// entity signature filters for the sender entity
all: position
// entity signature filters for the target entity
all: position
// get the sender entity
sender = event.sender
// get the target entity
target =
// read and operate on event values -= event.damage
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Ale1 commented May 20, 2023

for your "damageTakenSystem", wouldn't you want to filter by entities that have "health" component. what happens when en entity with position component but no health component receives damage?

Suggestion: you could consider making use of the "!" to allow/disallow component creation by Setters. i.e : = 5 // should throw error if health component is not part of spaceship.! = 5 // will create health component if it doesnt exist. no error.

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Yes, the gameplay semantics are way off, this is more of a primer for how such a language would look like.

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