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Last active January 30, 2017 01:40
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`super` in Bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source super.bash
foo() {
echo hello
super_function foo
foo() {
echo world
super_function foo
foo # prints "hello\nworld"
is_function() {
[ "$(type -t "$1" || true)" = "function" ]
function_body() {
local name="$1"
if is_function "$name"; then
local body="$(declare -f "$name")"
echo "${body%\}}"
echo "no such function \`$name'" >&2
return 1
define_function() {
local name="$1"
local body="$2"
eval "${name}() { ${body}; }"
alias_function() {
local src="$1"
local dst="$2"
define_function "$dst" "$(function_body "$src")"
rename_function() {
local src="$1"
local dst="$2"
alias_function "$src" "$dst"
unset -f "$src"
chain_function() {
local name="$1"
local prefix="$2"
local prefix_name="${prefix}${name}"
if is_function "$prefix_name"; then
chain_function "$prefix_name" "$prefix"
rename_function "$name" "$prefix_name"
super_function() {
local name="$1"
local body="$(function_body "$name")"
local wrapped_body='
local __last_super_function="$__super_function"
local __super_result=0
{'"$body"';} || __super_result="$?"
return "$__super_result"'
if ! is_function "__super_$name"; then
define_function "__super_$name" 'echo "super: superfunction not found" >&2; return 1'
chain_function "$name" __super_
define_function "__super_$name" "$wrapped_body"
define_function "$name" '"__super_$FUNCNAME" "$@"'
super() {
if is_function "$__super_function"; then
"$__super_function" "$@"
echo "super: must be called from inside a superfunction" >&2
return 1
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