/* |
Two-Way binding with jQuery and Object.observe |
Author: Garrett |
*********** Notice ************* |
You will need to be using a browser that |
supports Object.observe currently |
the only browser to do so is |
Chrome Canary V 29+ |
You need to turn on Experimental JavaScript |
in chrome://flags |
*********************************** |
How to use it |
*********************************** |
To use this you would create one Object |
this object will house all of the keys |
you're going to want bound to a(n) element(s) |
on the page. In my example I have firstName |
and lastName. Then you would use the |
data-bind attribute on the element setting |
it's value equal to the key in the Object. |
You will need to run jQuery.bindings([bindings object]); |
It'll traverse the DOM and kick everything off for you. |
*/ |
/* The Plugin */ |
;(function ( $, window, undefined ) { |
var pluginName = 'bindings'; |
function Plugin( bindings ) { |
this.bindings = bindings; |
this._name = pluginName; |
this.init(); |
} |
Plugin.prototype.init = function () { |
var self = this; |
$('[data-bind]').each(function(){ |
var $this = $(this) |
, key = $this.attr('data-bind') |
, hasVal = $this.is('select, options, input, textarea') |
, keyup = $this.is('input, textarea'); |
$this[hasVal?'val':'html'](self.bindings[key]); |
// Bind our Element to change the object |
$this.on('keyup.bindings change.bindings', function(){ |
self.bindings[key] = hasVal ? $this.val() : $this.html(); |
$.trigger('bindings.'+key); |
}); |
// Bind our Object to change the element |
Object.observe(self.bindings, function(obj){ |
self.observer($this, obj, key); |
}); |
}); |
}; |
Plugin.prototype.observer = function (ele, obj, key) { |
var $elem = ele.jquery === undefined ? $(ele) : ele; |
$elem[$elem.is('select, option, input, textarea')?'val':'html']( obj[0].object[key] ); |
$.trigger('bindings.'+key); |
}; |
$[pluginName] = function ( bindings ) { |
if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) { |
$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new Plugin( bindings )); |
} |
}; |
}(jQuery, window)); |
if(Object.hasOwnProperty('observe')) { |
var binds = { |
firstName: 'John', |
lastName: 'Doe', |
age: 22, |
color: 'Blue' |
}; |
$(function(){ |
$.bindings(binds); |
}); |
} else { |
alert('Sorry your browser does not support Object.observe! Please Read "Notice" section in the JS panel.'); |
} |