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Last active July 1, 2023 09:36
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Save speeddragon/889a454d5a44b60c746c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Wordpress Backdoor Search with Ansible
- hosts: www_servers
user: ubuntu
sudo: yes
folder: /usr/share/nginx/html
- "FilesMan" # OK
- "<?php \\${" # OK
- 'mail(stripslashes(' # OK
- "<?php \\$array = array(" # OK
- "<?php @array_diff_ukey(" # OK
- "\\$_REQUEST\\[chr("
- "; \\$GLOBALS" # OK
- '\"base64_decode\";return' # OK
- "<?php \\$GLOBALS"
- "eval(\\${" # OK
- "isset(\\${" # OK
- "PhpReverseProxy" # OK
- "str_rot13(" # OK
- "@assert(" # OK
- "" # OK
- "@eval($" # OK
- "trim(curl_exec(\\$ch))" # OK
- "eval(stripslashes(\\$" # OK
- name: #
shell: grep -rnw {{folder}} -e "{{item}}" | cut -d":" -f1
register: backdoor_files
with_items: backdoor_keywords
- debug: msg="{{item.stdout.split('\n')}}"
with_items: backdoor_files.results
when: item.stdout
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Hello, How can I add an email notification code in my theme or plugin... If I have a theme or plugin for everyone. I want to add some code to make a backdoor with email notification. If anybody installs my theme on her website I will get an email notification with her website name/URL. If you have those code kindly help me... I need to learn it also, Thank you

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