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Last active February 18, 2024 13:05
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Kali Linux fix for "modprobe: FATAL: Module wl not found"
# Update and install necessary packages
apt-get update
apt-get install linux-image-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,')
# Download some extra packages, that do the trick for "wl module not found"
# Install with correct order
dpkg -i linux-kbuild-4.3_4.3.1-2kali1_amd64.deb
dpkg -i linux-headers-4.3.0-kali1-common_4.3.3-5kali4_amd64.deb
dpkg -i linux-headers-4.3.0-kali1-amd64_4.3.3-5kali4_amd64.deb
# Install broadcom drivers
apt-get install broadcom-sta-dkms
# Enable modules and disabled unnecessary ones
modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma
modprobe wl
# Done :)
echo "WI-FI work now!"
echo "Don't forget to enable network-manager: nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf to true and restart the service."
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I updated the links, converted to variables, moved modprobe -r ... to the start, added apt-get -y --fix-broken install, and made it so it will stop if there's an error.

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I have been trying different solutions and all disappointed me,, this worked. thank you

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It worked for me in kali linux 2020.3 version.
I download linux-kbuild-5.7_5.7.6-1kali2_amd64.deb
from manually just by clicking not by wget to my ~/home directory(it can be any directory )
and then

Install with correct order

sudo dpkg -i linux-kbuild-5.7_5.7.6-1kali2_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-5.7.0-kali1-amd64_5.7.6-1kali2_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-5.7.0-kali1-common_5.7.6-1kali2_all.deb

Install broadcom drivers

sudo apt-get install broadcom-sta-dkms

Enable modules and disabled unnecessary ones

sudo modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma
sudo modprobe wl

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Thanks. I just use this part to solve slow connection issue on kali 2020.3 with BCM4313

Install broadcom drivers

apt-get install broadcom-sta-dkms

Enable modules and disabled unnecessary ones

modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma
modprobe wl

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SifalB commented Mar 27, 2022

Hi everyone,

I found an other option to reinstall everything only using the version number, so you won't have to look for url in kali.

Type :

uname -r

Then :

sudo apt-get install linux-headers- "yourversion"

example for me :

sudo apt-get install linux-headers- 5.16.0

Then follow the rest :

Install broadcom drivers
sudo apt-get install broadcom-sta-dkms

Enable modules and disabled unnecessary ones
sudo modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma
sudo modprobe wl

Wifi works after that for me.

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Ok, here's what you need to do in order to find your CORRECT wireless drivers for your Mac. Open Terminal and run:

uname -r

This will give you the version you will need to look for in the Kali repository. In Firefox ESR, browse to Find the files with your version found with the uname -r command and copy and replace the ones in the wget and dpkg sections of the above with the files you find.

Here was how mine was for the latest Kali 2017.2 amd64 version on my Mid 2013 MacBook Air

wget wget wget dpkg -i linux-kbuild-4.12_4.12.13-1kali2_amd64.deb dpkg -i linux-headers-4.12.0-kali1-common_4.12.6-1kali6_all.deb dpkg -i linux-headers-4.12.0-kali1-amd64_4.12.6-1kali6_amd64.deb apt-get install broadcom-sta-dkms modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma modprobe wl

After that I was able to get mine working properly and also works after a reboot. I just created a shell script to download the files and dpkg them. I had to manually run the modprobe commands after the shell script finished.

Hope this helps.



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dsimonow commented Feb 16, 2024

Since I had to do that too and the dependencies are annoying but this thread seems to be the go to.
Kali 6.5.0 on a late 2013 macbook pro retina.
Here basically the updated installation Order. Just do sudo wget -> sudo dpkg -i for each entry, the dpkg entry obviously just the name.
DH-DKMS and DKMS need to be the same version, that is why the dkms version is not the latest, since I overlooked it. you can probably get away with making sure both have the latest version which is currently 3.0.12 but 3.0.6 worked for me.
(Dependency for "linux headers")
(Dependency for "dkms")
(Dependency for broadcom-sta-dkms)

Here is the full procedure in 3 steps:

sudo wget ; sudo wget ; sudo wget ; sudo wget ; sudo wget ; sudo wget ; sudo wget ; sudo wget

sudo dpkg -i linux-kbuild-6.5.0-kali3_6.5.6-1kali1_amd64.deb ; sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-6.5.0-kali3-common_6.5.6-1kali1_all.deb ; sudo dpkg -i linux-compiler-gcc-13-x86_6.5.6-1kali1_amd64.deb ; sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-6.5.0-kali3-amd64_6.5.6-1kali1_amd64.deb ; sudo dpkg -i dctrl-tools_2.24-3+b1_amd64.deb ; sudo dpkg -i dh-dkms_3.0.6-4_all.deb ; sudo dpkg -i dkms_3.0.6-4_all.deb ; sudo dpkg -i broadcom-sta-dkms_6.30.223.271-23_all.deb

sudo modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma ; sudo modprobe wl

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