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Created March 3, 2022 22:30
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Patched wowchemy.js
* Wowchemy
* Core JS functions and initialization.
import mediumZoom from './_vendor/medium-zoom.esm';
import {hugoEnvironment, codeHighlighting, searchEnabled} from '@params';
import {scrollParentToChild} from './wowchemy-utils';
import {
} from './wowchemy-theming';
console.debug(`Environment: ${hugoEnvironment}`);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Responsive scrolling for URL hashes.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Dynamically get responsive navigation bar height for offsetting Scrollspy.
function getNavBarHeight() {
let navbar = document.getElementById('navbar-main');
let navbarHeight = navbar ? navbar.getBoundingClientRect().height : 0;
console.debug('Navbar height: ' + navbarHeight);
return navbarHeight;
* Responsive hash scrolling.
* Check for a URL hash as an anchor.
* If page anchor matches hash, scroll to it responsively considering dynamic height elements.
* If `target` argument omitted (e.g. after event), assume it's the window's hash.
* Default to 0ms animation duration as don't want animation for fixing scrollspy Book page ToC highlighting.
function scrollToAnchor(target, duration = 0) {
// If `target` is undefined or HashChangeEvent object, set it to window's hash.
// Decode the hash as browsers can encode non-ASCII characters (e.g. Chinese symbols).
target =
typeof target === 'undefined' || typeof target === 'object' ? decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash) : target;
// If target element exists, scroll to it taking into account fixed navigation bar offset.
if ($(target).length) {
// Escape special chars from IDs, such as colons found in Markdown footnote links.
target = '#' + $.escapeSelector(target.substring(1)); // Previously, `target = target.replace(/:/g, '\\:');`
let elementOffset = Math.ceil($(target).offset().top - getNavBarHeight()); // Round up to highlight right ID!
$('html, body').animate(
scrollTop: elementOffset,
function () {
} else {
console.debug('Cannot scroll to target `#' + target + '`. ID not found!');
// Make Scrollspy responsive.
function fixScrollspy() {
let $body = $('body');
let data = $'bs.scrollspy');
if (data) {
data._config.offset = getNavBarHeight();
$'bs.scrollspy', data);
function removeQueryParamsFromUrl() {
if (window.history.replaceState) {
let urlWithoutSearchParams =
window.location.protocol + '//' + + window.location.pathname + window.location.hash;
window.history.replaceState({path: urlWithoutSearchParams}, '', urlWithoutSearchParams);
// Check for hash change event and fix responsive offset for hash links (e.g. Markdown footnotes).
window.addEventListener('hashchange', scrollToAnchor);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Add smooth scrolling to all links inside the main navbar.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$('#navbar-main li.nav-item a.nav-link, .js-scroll').on('click', function (event) {
// Store requested URL hash.
let hash = this.hash;
// If we are on a widget page and the navbar link is to a section on the same page.
if (this.pathname === window.location.pathname && hash && $(hash).length && $('.js-widget-page').length > 0) {
// Prevent default click behavior.
// Use jQuery's animate() method for smooth page scrolling.
// The numerical parameter specifies the time (ms) taken to scroll to the specified hash.
let elementOffset = Math.ceil($(hash).offset().top - getNavBarHeight()); // Round up to highlight right ID!
// Uncomment to debug.
// let scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
// let scrollDelta = (elementOffset - scrollTop);
// console.debug('Scroll Delta: ' + scrollDelta);
$('html, body').animate(
scrollTop: elementOffset,
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Hide mobile collapsable menu on clicking a link.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$(document).on('click', '', function (e) {
//get the <a> element that was clicked, even if the <span> element that is inside the <a> element is
let targetElement = $('a') ? $( : $(;
if ('a') && targetElement.attr('class') != 'dropdown-toggle') {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* GitHub API.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function printLatestRelease(selector, repo) {
if (hugoEnvironment === 'production') {
$.getJSON('' + repo + '/tags')
.done(function (json) {
let release = json[0];
$(selector).append(' ' +;
.fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
let err = textStatus + ', ' + error;
console.log('Request Failed: ' + err);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Toggle search dialog.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function toggleSearchDialog() {
if ($('body').hasClass('searching')) {
// Clear search query and hide search modal.
$('body').removeClass('searching compensate-for-scrollbar');
// Remove search query params from URL as user has finished searching.
// Prevent fixed positioned elements (e.g. navbar) moving due to scrollbars.
} else {
// Prevent fixed positioned elements (e.g. navbar) moving due to scrollbars.
if (!$('#fancybox-style-noscroll').length && document.body.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight) {
'<style id="fancybox-style-noscroll">.compensate-for-scrollbar{margin-right:' +
(window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth) +
// Show search modal.
$('.search-results').css({opacity: 0, visibility: 'visible'}).animate({opacity: 1}, 200);
let algoliaSearchBox = document.querySelector('.ais-SearchBox-input');
if (algoliaSearchBox) {
} else {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Fix Hugo's Goldmark output and Mermaid code blocks.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Fix Hugo's Goldmark output.
function fixHugoOutput() {
// Fix Goldmark table of contents.
// - Must be performed prior to initializing ScrollSpy.
$('#TableOfContents').addClass('nav flex-column');
$('#TableOfContents li').addClass('nav-item');
$('#TableOfContents li a').addClass('nav-link');
// Fix Goldmark task lists (remove bullet points).
// Bootstrap table style is opt-in and Goldmark doesn't add it.
// Get an element's siblings.
function getSiblings(elem) {
// Filter out itself.
return, function (sibling) {
return sibling !== elem;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* On document ready.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$(document).ready(function () {
// Render theme variation, including any HLJS and Mermaid themes.
let {isDarkTheme, themeMode} = initThemeVariation();
renderThemeVariation(isDarkTheme, themeMode, true);
// Initialise code highlighting if enabled for this page.
// Note: this block should be processed after the Mermaid code-->div conversion.
if (codeHighlighting) {
// Scroll Book page's active menu sidebar link into view.
let child = document.querySelector('.docs-links .active');
let parent = document.querySelector('.docs-links');
if (child && parent) {
scrollParentToChild(parent, child);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* On window loaded.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$(window).on('load', function () {
// Re-initialize Scrollspy with dynamic navbar height offset.
// Detect instances of the Portfolio widget.
let isotopeInstances = document.querySelectorAll('.projects-container');
let isotopeInstancesCount = isotopeInstances.length;
// Fix ScrollSpy highlighting previous Book page ToC link for some anchors.
// Check if isotopeInstancesCount>0 as that case performs its own scrollToAnchor.
if (window.location.hash && isotopeInstancesCount === 0) {
scrollToAnchor(decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash), 0);
// Scroll Book page's active ToC sidebar link into view.
// Action after calling scrollToAnchor to fix Scrollspy highlighting otherwise wrong link may have active class.
let child = document.querySelector('.docs-toc');
let parent = document.querySelector('.docs-toc');
if (child && parent) {
scrollParentToChild(parent, child);
// Enable images to be zoomed.
let zoomOptions = {};
if (document.body.classList.contains('dark')) {
zoomOptions.background = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)';
} else {
zoomOptions.background = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)';
mediumZoom('[data-zoomable]', zoomOptions);
// Init Isotope Layout Engine for instances of the Portfolio widget.
let isotopeCounter = 0;
isotopeInstances.forEach(function (isotopeInstance, index) {
console.debug(`Loading Isotope instance ${index}`);
// Isotope instance
let iso;
// Get the layout for this Isotope instance
let isoSection = isotopeInstance.closest('section');
let layout = '';
if (isoSection.querySelector('.isotope').classList.contains('js-layout-row')) {
layout = 'fitRows';
} else {
layout = 'masonry';
// Get default filter (if any) for this instance
let defaultFilter = isoSection.querySelector('.default-project-filter');
let filterText = '*';
if (defaultFilter !== null) {
filterText = defaultFilter.textContent;
console.debug(`Default Isotope filter: ${filterText}`);
// Init Isotope instance once its images have loaded.
imagesLoaded(isotopeInstance, function () {
iso = new Isotope(isotopeInstance, {
itemSelector: '.isotope-item',
layoutMode: layout,
masonry: {
gutter: 20,
filter: filterText,
// Filter Isotope items when a toolbar filter button is clicked.
let isoFilterButtons = isoSection.querySelectorAll('.project-filters a');
isoFilterButtons.forEach((button) =>
button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
// toggle active state of this button'active');
// get all active buttons
let activeButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.project-filters');
// if a button besides 'all' is active, make sure 'all' isnt
if (activeButtons.length > 1){
activeButtons.forEach((b) => {
if (b.getAttribute('data-filter') === '*'){
// refresh activeButton list
activeButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.project-filters');
// get data filters of active buttons
let filters = Array.from(activeButtons).map(a => a.getAttribute('data-filter'));
// join filters to single string
let filterstring = filters.join('');
console.log('filtering with filter string', filterstring)
// filter isotope elements
// Check if all Isotope instances have loaded.
// Hook to perform actions once all Isotope instances have loaded.
function incrementIsotopeCounter() {
if (isotopeCounter === isotopeInstancesCount) {
console.debug(`All Portfolio Isotope instances loaded.`);
// Once all Isotope instances and their images have loaded, scroll to hash (if set).
// Prevents scrolling to the wrong location due to the dynamic height of Isotope instances.
// Each Isotope instance height is affected by applying filters and loading images.
// Without this logic, the scroll location can appear correct, but actually a few pixels out and hence Scrollspy
// can highlight the wrong nav link.
if (window.location.hash) {
scrollToAnchor(decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash), 0);
// Print latest version of GitHub projects.
let githubReleaseSelector = '.js-github-release';
if ($(githubReleaseSelector).length > 0) {
printLatestRelease(githubReleaseSelector, $(githubReleaseSelector).data('repo'));
// Parse Wowchemy keyboard shortcuts.
document.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => {
if (event.code === 'Escape') {
const body = document.body;
if (body.classList.contains('searching')) {
// Close search dialog.
// Use `key` to check for slash. Otherwise, with `code` we need to check for modifiers.
if (event.key === '/') {
let focusedElement =
(document.hasFocus() &&
document.activeElement !== document.body &&
document.activeElement !== document.documentElement &&
document.activeElement) ||
let isInputFocused = focusedElement instanceof HTMLInputElement || focusedElement instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement;
if (searchEnabled && !isInputFocused) {
// Open search dialog.
// Search event handler
// Check that built-in search or Algolia enabled.
if (searchEnabled) {
// On search icon click toggle search dialog.
$('.js-search').click(function (e) {
// Init. author notes (tooltips).
// Theme chooser events.
let linkLight = document.querySelector('.js-set-theme-light');
let linkDark = document.querySelector('.js-set-theme-dark');
let linkAuto = document.querySelector('.js-set-theme-auto');
if (linkLight && linkDark && linkAuto) {
linkLight.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
linkDark.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
linkAuto.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
// Media Query events.
// Live update of day/night mode on system preferences update (no refresh required).
// Note: since we listen only for *dark* events, we won't detect other scheme changes such as light to no-preference.
const darkModeMediaQuery = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
darkModeMediaQuery.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
// Automatic main menu dropdowns on mouse over.
$('body').on('mouseenter mouseleave', '.dropdown', function (e) {
var dropdown = $('.dropdown');
var menu = $('.dropdown-menu', dropdown);
setTimeout(function () {
dropdown[':hover') ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('show');
menu[':hover') ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('show');
}, 300);
// Call `fixScrollspy` when window is resized.
let resizeTimer;
$(window).resize(function () {
resizeTimer = setTimeout(fixScrollspy, 200);
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