I am using powershell in windows 11 (I don't like windows, but my company uses only windows machine)
so, there is a file that is loaded whenever you start your powershell program in windows. that is $PROFILE
This file might not be present if you have newly installed windows in your machine, but the path is already defined.
Type echo $PROFILE
and it will print the path.
You can open the path in any editor of your choice, and add these lines in that file for creating the alias
Note: these are general alias that can be run from any path in powershell. you can obviously create aliases other than git as per your use case
function gbr { git branch --show-current }
function gsts { git stash save $args }
function gst { git status }
function gbl { git branch $args }
function glogs { git log --pretty=oneline $args }
function glogm { git log --pretty=medium $args }
function glog {
git log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%x09%C(green)%ad%x09%C(blue)%an%x09%C(auto)%d%s" $args
function gcma {
git add .
git commit
function gcm { git commit }
function gpo {
$brName = gcbr
git push origin $brName
function gcmap {