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wind smileboywtu

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dcalsky / champions.csv
Created December 29, 2019 06:55
LOL champion list
name zh_name title nicknames upper_name
olaf 奥拉夫 狂战士 {} Olaf
galio 加里奥 正义巨像 {} Galio
twistedfate 崔斯特 卡牌大师 {} TwistedFate
leblanc 乐芙兰 诡术妖姬 {} Leblanc
kayle 凯尔 正义天使 {} Kayle
alistar 阿利斯塔 牛头酋长 {} Alistar
nunu 努努和威朗普 雪原双子 {} Nunu
ashe 艾希 寒冰射手 {} Ashe
jax 贾克斯 武器大师 {} Jax
smileboywtu /
Created October 24, 2018 03:33 — forked from joepie91/
Secure random values (in Node.js)

Not all random values are created equal - for security-related code, you need a specific kind of random value.

A summary of this article, if you don't want to read the entire thing:

  • Don't use Math.random(). There are extremely few cases where Math.random() is the right answer. Don't use it, unless you've read this entire article, and determined that it's necessary for your case.
  • Don't use crypto.getRandomBytes directly. While it's a CSPRNG, it's easy to bias the result when 'transforming' it, such that the output becomes more predictable.
  • If you want to generate random tokens or API keys: Use uuid, specifically the uuid.v4() method. Avoid node-uuid - it's not the same package, and doesn't produce reliably secure random values.
  • If you want to generate random numbers in a range: Use random-number-csprng.

You should seriously consider reading the entire article, though - it's

dhagrow /
Last active October 30, 2024 01:44
Dynamic function creation in Python
Python is a dynamic language, and it is relatively easy to dynamically create
and modify things such as classes and objects. Functions, however, are quite
challenging to create dynamically.
One area where we might want to do this is in an RPC library, where a function
defined on a server needs to be available remotely on a client.
The naive solution is to simply pass arguments to a generic function that
accepts `*args` and `**kwargs`. A lot of information is lost with this approach,
tegansnyder /
Created February 23, 2018 02:41
Preventing Puppeteer Detection

I’m looking for any tips or tricks for making chrome headless mode less detectable. Here is what I’ve done so far:

Set my args as follows:

const run = (async () => {

    const args = [
folt / gist:a98e9368dbe1dcbfce7198c16b862c92
Last active November 28, 2024 11:57
Balsamiq Mockups 3 crack
Name: Flash
Serial: eNrzzU/OLi0odswsqnHLSSzOqDGoca7JKCkpsNLXLy8v1ytJTczVLUotKNFLzs8FAJHYETc=
if anyone wants to thank ETH: 0x527c2aB55b744D6167dc981576318af96ed26676
Thank you!
luckydev / gist:b2a6ebe793aeacf50ff15331fb3b519d
Last active September 28, 2024 15:41
Increate max no of open files limit in Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 for Nginx
# maximum capability of system
user@ubuntu:~$ cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
# available limit
user@ubuntu:~$ ulimit -n
# To increase the available limit to say 200000
user@ubuntu:~$ sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf
orenitamar / Dockerfile
Last active March 22, 2024 05:13
Installing numpy, scipy, pandas and matplotlib in Alpine (Docker)
# Below are the dependencies required for installing the common combination of numpy, scipy, pandas and matplotlib
# in an Alpine based Docker image.
FROM alpine:3.4
RUN echo "" >> /etc/apk/repositories
RUN apk --no-cache --update-cache add gcc gfortran python python-dev py-pip build-base wget freetype-dev libpng-dev openblas-dev
RUN ln -s /usr/include/locale.h /usr/include/xlocale.h
RUN pip install numpy scipy pandas matplotlib
swayson /
Last active September 28, 2022 07:21
Numpy and scipy ways to calculate KL Divergence.
Specifically, the Kullback–Leibler divergence from Q to P, denoted DKL(P‖Q), is
a measure of the information gained when one revises one's beliefs from the
prior probability distribution Q to the posterior probability distribution P. In
other words, it is the amount of information lost when Q is used to approximate
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import entropy
joepie91 /
Last active January 10, 2025 14:34
Secure random values (in Node.js)

Not all random values are created equal - for security-related code, you need a specific kind of random value.

A summary of this article, if you don't want to read the entire thing:

  • Don't use Math.random(). There are extremely few cases where Math.random() is the right answer. Don't use it, unless you've read this entire article, and determined that it's necessary for your case.
  • Don't use crypto.getRandomBytes directly. While it's a CSPRNG, it's easy to bias the result when 'transforming' it, such that the output becomes more predictable.
  • If you want to generate random tokens or API keys: Use uuid, specifically the uuid.v4() method. Avoid node-uuid - it's not the same package, and doesn't produce reliably secure random values.
  • If you want to generate random numbers in a range: Use random-number-csprng.

You should seriously consider reading the entire article, though - it's

mondain / public-stun-list.txt
Last active January 12, 2025 03:38
Public STUN server list