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Created November 6, 2015 11:03
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(ns diamond-square
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(defn average-of-coords
"Calculate the average of a number of cells in a 2D doubles array.
Wraps around if coordinates are out of bounds."
[^"[[D" arr coords]
(let [|arr| (dec (alength arr))
;; use modulo to make the grid tiling
coords (map (fn [[i j]] [(mod i |arr|) (mod j |arr|)]) coords)]
(->> (for [[i j] coords] (aget ^doubles (aget arr i) j))
(reduce +)
(* (/ 1.0 (count coords))))))
(defn average-of-diamond
"Relative coordinates in a square of width `len` for diamond coordinates,
e.g. the edges of the square."
[[0 0] [0 len] [len 0] [len len]])
(defn average-of-square
"Relative coordingates in a square of width `len` for square coordinates,
e.g. the locations in the middle of the four edges."
(let [half-len (/ len 2)]
[[half-len 0]
[half-len len]
[0 half-len]
[len half-len]]))
(defn set-center!
"Set an entry in the middle of a square region of a 2D doubles array
to the average of the coordinates given by `relative-coords-fn` plus random noise."
[arr x y len relative-coords-fn]
(let [half-len (/ len 2)
coords (map (fn [[dx dy]] [(+ x dx) (+ y dy)]) (relative-coords-fn len))
avg (average-of-coords arr coords)
noise (* (Math/signum (- (rand) 0.5)) (rand len))]
(aset-double ^doubles (aget ^"[[D" arr (+ x half-len))
(+ y half-len)
(+ noise avg))))
(defn step!
"One step of the diamond-square algorithm."
[arr x y len]
(when (> len 1)
(let [grid-size (dec (alength ^"[[D" arr))
hl (/ len 2)]
(doseq [x (range 0 grid-size len), y (range 0 grid-size len)]
(set-center! arr x y len average-of-diamond))
(doseq [x (range 0 grid-size len), y (range (- hl) grid-size len)]
(set-center! arr x y len average-of-square))
(doseq [x (range (- hl) grid-size len), y (range 0 grid-size len)]
(set-center! arr x y len average-of-square))
(recur arr x y (/ len 2)))))
(defn create-height-map
"Create a new height map using the diamond-square algorithm. Creates a 2D doubles array
of width 2^`power`+1. The height map is tiling, meaning it can be seamlessly
tiled horizontally and vertically."
(let [len (bit-shift-left 1 power)
arr (make-array Double/TYPE (inc len) (inc len))]
; random values for the corners
(doseq [x [0 len] y [0 len]]
(aset-double arr x y (rand len)))
(step! arr 0 0 len)
(defn cut-last-row-and-column
"remove last column/row to make the dimensions pleasing powers of two :)"
(butlast (mapv butlast arr)))
(defn tile-horizontally [arr]
(for [row arr] (concat row row)))
(defn tile-vertically [arr]
(concat arr arr))
(defn write-graymap-file
"Write height map as PGM file."
[filename arr]
(let [values (apply concat arr)
[mi ma] (apply (juxt min max) values)
span (- ma mi)
header (format "P2\n%d %d\n255\n" (count arr) (count (first arr)))
body (map #(int (* 255 (/ (- % mi) span))) values)]
(spit filename (str header (str/join " " body)))))
(->> 8
(write-graymap-file "d:/test.pgm")
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