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Created January 28, 2021 08:10
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New Twiddle
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
export default class ApplicationController extends Controller {
appName = 'Ember Twiddle';
data = [
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
points: 99
firstName: 'Tom',
lastName: 'Dale',
points: 100
class="input" type="search" placeholder="Search..."
value={{this.filterText}} oninput={{action (mut this.filterText) value="target.value"}}>
as |table|>
<table.thead as |head|>
<table.header as |header|>
<header.column @prop="firstName">
First name
<header.column @prop="lastName">
Last name
<header.column @prop="points">
{{!- filters in header-}}
{{!- body -}}
"version": "0.17.1",
"EmberENV": {
"options": {
"use_pods": false,
"enable-testing": false
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "3.22.1",
"ember-template-compiler": "3.18.1",
"ember-testing": "3.18.1"
"addons": {
"@glimmer/component": "1.0.0",
"ember-yeti-table": "1.7.0"
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