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Last active October 6, 2015 09:51
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Vue Directives: Prevent Default
const eventNames = {
BUTTON: 'click',
A: 'click',
FORM: 'submit',
export default {
bind() {
const eventName = eventNames[this.el.nodeName];
if (!eventName) {
throw 'Prevent Default: Unhandled element';
} else {
this.el.addEventListener(eventName, e => e.preventDefault());
var eventNames = {
BUTTON: 'click',
A: 'click',
FORM: 'submit'
module.exports = {
bind: function bind() {
var eventName = eventNames[this.el.nodeName];
if (!eventName) {
throw 'Prevent Default: Unhandled element';
} else {
this.el.addEventListener(eventName, function (e) {
return e.preventDefault();
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One small thing: you can omit the update function if you don't need it. Actually it's preferred to omit it so that Vue knows the directive is non-reactive.

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skyrpex commented Oct 6, 2015

Perfect! Thanks for the tip.

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