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Created December 7, 2012 09:22
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Gwan Performance Tuning and Benchmarking
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ab.c is a wrapper for Apache Benchmark, HTTPerf and Weighttp (from Lighttpd)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// For max speed, build and run ab.c: gcc ab.c -O2 -o abc -lpthread (and ./abc)
// You can also edit & play this program in one step this way: ./gwan -r ab.c
// ============================================================================
// Benchmark framework to test the (free) G-WAN Web App. Server
// See the How-To here:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1) invoke Apache Benchmark (IBM), Weighttp (Lighttpd) or HTTPerf (HP) on
// a concurrency range and collect results in a CSV file suitable for
// LibreOffice ( charting.
// 2) optionally, collects CPU / RAM usage for the specified server:
// "ab gwan", or "ab nginx" (collect stats for all server instances).
// Doing 1) and 2) in the same process reduces the overhead of using different
// processes ('htop' and others consume a lot of CPU resources to report the
// RAM / CPU resources usage because they do many things that we don't need):
// Client Requests per second CPU
// ----------- ------------------------------ --------------- -----
// Concurrency min ave max user kernel RAM
// ----------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------ -----
// => 40, 52658, 56100, 59829, 29.46, 70.54, 4.18
// ============================================================================
// A "CPU load" can either be (a) "System Load" or (b) "Application Load":
// (a) "System Load" is what you see in the "system monitor": a process using
// "100% of the CPU" will consume only "25% of the System" on a 4-Core PC.
// (b) "Application Load" is what you see in the "top" command: an application
// with 2 processes using respectively 50% and 100% of the CPU is reported
// as using 150% of the resources.
// Just like for RAM usage, it makes sense to have both information:
// (a) the [percentage of System RAM] used by an application.
// (b) the [amount of RAM] used by an application.
// But as (a) depends on a specific machine: on a 256 GB RAM server, a 256 MB
// memory footprint will be invisible (0.1%) as a percentage of the total RAM.
// This is why the more relevant method (b) is used for application benchmarks.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Select your benchmarking tool below:
//#define IBM_APACHEBENCH // the classic, made better by Zeus' author
//#define HP_HTTPERF // HTTPerf, from HP, less practical than ApacheBench
#define LIGHTY_WEIGHTTP // Lighttpd's test, faster than AB (same interface)
// but a loooong warm-up and no intermediate output
// nor any statistics...
//#define TRACK_ERRORS // makes things slower but signals HTTP errors
// Modify the IP ADDRESS & PORT below to match your server values:
#define IP ""
#define PORT "8080"
// 100.html is a 100-byte file initially designed to avoid testing the
// kernel (I wanted to compare the CPU efficiency of each Web server).
// The ANSI C, C#, Java and PHP scripts used below are available from:
// The ITER define can be set to 1 to speed up a test but in that case
// values are not as reliable as when using more rounds (and using a
// low ITER[ations] value usually gives lower performances):
#define FROM 0 // range to cover (1 - 1,000 concurrent clients)
#define TO 1000 // range to cover (1 - 1,000 concurrent clients)
#define STEP 10 // number of concurrency steps we actually skip
#define ITER 10 // number of iterations (3: worse, average, best)
#define KEEP_ALIVES // comment this for no-HTTP Keep-Alive tests
#define KEEP_ALIVES_STR "-k"
#define KEEP_ALIVES_STR ""
# define CLI_NAME "ab"
#elif defined HP_HTTPERF
# define CLI_NAME "httperf"
#elif defined LIGHTY_WEIGHTTP
# define CLI_NAME "weighttp"
// Select (uncomment) the URL that you want to test:
// ---- Static files ----------------------------------------------------------
#define URL "/100.html"
//#define URL "/?fractal"
// ---- G-WAN/C ---------------------------------------------------------------
//#define URL "/?hello"
//#define URL "/?hellox&name=Eva"
//#define URL "/?loan&name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=1"
//#define URL "/?loan&name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=10"
//#define URL "/?loan&name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=50"
//#define URL "/?loan&name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=100"
//#define URL "/?loan&name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=150"
//#define URL "/?loan&name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=500"
//#define URL "/?loan&name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=800"
// ---- Apache/PHP ------------------------------------------------------------
//#define URL "/hello.php"
//#define URL "/loan.php?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=1"
//#define URL "/loan.php?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=10"
//#define URL "/loan.php?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=50"
//#define URL "/loan.php?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=100"
//#define URL "/loan.php?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=150"
//#define URL "/loan.php?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=500"
//#define URL "/loan.php?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=800"
// ---- GlassFish/Java -------------------------------------------------------
//#define URL "/hello"
//#define URL "/loan/loan/loan.jsp?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=1"
//#define URL "/loan/loan/loan.jsp?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=10"
//#define URL "/loan/loan/loan.jsp?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=50"
//#define URL "/loan/loan/loan.jsp?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=100"
//#define URL "/loan/loan/loan.jsp?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=150"
//#define URL "/loan/loan/loan.jsp?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=500"
//#define URL "/loan/loan/loan.jsp?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=800"
// ---- IIS/ASP.Net C# --------------------------------------------------------
//#define URL "/asp/hello.aspx""
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=1"
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=10"
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=50"
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=100"
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=150"
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=500"
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3.5&term=800"
// your locale settings will need to use a comma or a point for 'rate'
// (using the wrong decimal separator will raise an exception in .Net)
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3,5&term=1"
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3,5&term=10"
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3,5&term=50"
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3,5&term=100"
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3,5&term=150"
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3,5&term=500"
//#define URL "/asp/loan.aspx?name=Eva&amount=10000&rate=3,5&term=800"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Windows:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// usage: define _WIN32 below and use a C compiler to compile and link a.c
//#ifndef _WIN32
//# define _WIN32
#ifdef _WIN32
# pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")
# define read(sock, buf, len) recv(sock, buf, len, 0)
# define write(sock, buf, len) send(sock, buf, len, 0)
# define close(sock) closesocket(sock)
// Unless you target a localhost test, don't use a Windows machine as
// the client (to run ab) as the performances are really terrible (ab
// does not use the 'IO completion ports' Windows proprietary APIs and
// BSD socket calls are much slower under Windows than on Linux).
// G-WAN for Windows upgrades Registry system values to remove some
// artificial limits (original values are just renamed), you need to
// reboot after you run G-WAN for the first time to load those values.
// Rebooting for each test has an effect on Windows (you are faster),
// like testing after IIS 7.0 was tested (you are even faster), and
// the Windows Vista 64-bit TCP/IP stack is 10% faster (for all) if
// ASP.Net is *not* installed.
// Under Windows, run gwan like this:
// C:\gwan> gwan -b
// The -b flag (optional) disables G-WAN's denial of service shield,
// this gives better raw performances (this is mandatory for tests
// under Windows because the overhead of the Denial of Service Shield
// is breaking the benchmarks).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Linux:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// usage: ./gwan -r ab.c (a new instance of G-WAN will run this C source code)
// Linux Ubuntu 8.1 did not show significant boot-related side-effects
// but here also I have had to tune the system (BOTH on the server and
// client sides). ^^^^
// The modification below works after a reboot (if an user is logged):
// sudo gedit /etc/security/limits.conf
// * soft nofile 200000
// * hard nofile 200000
// If you are logged as 'root' in a terminal, type (instant effect):
// ulimit -HSn 200000
/* sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf
# "Performance Scalability of a Multi-Core Web Server", Nov 2007
# Bryan Veal and Annie Foong, Intel Corporation, Page 4/10
fs.file-max = 5000000
net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 400000
net.core.optmem_max = 10000000
net.core.rmem_default = 10000000
net.core.rmem_max = 10000000
net.core.somaxconn = 100000
net.core.wmem_default = 10000000
net.core.wmem_max = 10000000
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control = bic
net.ipv4.tcp_ecn = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_max syn backlog = 12000
net.ipv4.tcp_max tw buckets = 2000000
net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 30000000 30000000 30000000
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 30000000 30000000 30000000
net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 30000000 30000000 30000000
# optionally, avoid TIME_WAIT states on localhost no-HTTP Keep-Alive tests:
# "error: connect() failed: Cannot assign requested address (99)"
# On Linux, the 2MSL time is hardcoded to 60 seconds in /include/net/tcp.h:
# #define TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN (60*HZ)
# The option below lets you reduce TIME_WAITs by several orders of magnitude
# but this option is for benchmarks, NOT for production servers (NAT issues)
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
// # other settings found from various sources
// fs.file-max = 200000
// net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535
// net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
// net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
// net.core.rmem_max = 262143
// net.core.rmem_default = 262143
// net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 32768
// net.core.somaxconn = 2048
// net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 131072 262143
// net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 131072 262143
// net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0
// net.ipv4.tcp_dsack = 0
// net.ipv4.tcp_fack = 0
// net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
// net.ipv4.tcp_orphan_retries = 0
// net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 120
// net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 3
// net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 10
// net.ipv4.tcp_retries2 = 15
// net.ipv4.tcp_retries1 = 3
// net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 5
// net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries = 5
// net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0
// net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 32768
// net.ipv4.tcp_moderate_rcvbuf = 1
// kernel.sysrq = 0
// kernel.shmmax = 67108864
// Use 'sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf' to update your environment
// -the command must be typed in each open terminal for the changes
// to take place (same effect as a reboot).
// As I was not able to make the 'open files limit' persist for G-WAN
// after a reboot, G-WAN attemps to setup this to an 'optimal' value
// depending on the amount of RAM available on your system:
// fd_max = (256 * (totalram / 4) < 200000) ? 256 * (total / 4)
// : 1000000;
// For this to work, you have to run gwan as 'root':
// # ./gwan
// or
// $ sudo ./gwan
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NB: on a 1 GbE LAN and for the for 100.html test, this test was up
// to 2x faster when client and server were using Linux 64-bit
// (instead of Linux 32-bit) but absolute performances are less
// relevant than relative server performances for me, hence the
// localhost test).
// Experiments demonstrate that, for a 100-byte static file, IIS
// and Apache use 90-100% of a 4-Core CPU at high concurrencies
// while being much slower than G-WAN (which uses "0%" of the CPU
// on a gigabit LAN).
// A low CPU usage matters because leaving free CPU resources
// available for other tasks allows G-WAN to:
// - achieve better performances by not starving the system;
// - make room to generate dynamic contents (C servlets);
// - make room for a database, proxy, email or virtual server;
// - save energy (CPUs consume more energy under high loads);
// - save money (doing 20-200,000x more on each of your server).
// For a small static file such as the 100.html file, if your test
// on a LAN is slower than on localhost then your environment is
// the bottleneck (NICs, switch, client CPU, client OS...).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// History
// v1.0.4 changes: initial release to test the whole 1-1,000 concurrency range.
// v1.0.5 changes: added support for non-2xx response codes and trailing stats.
// v1.0.6 changes: corrected 64-bit platform issues and added support for gzip,
// dumped a non-2xx reply on stderr for further investigations.
// 2.1.20 changes: added support for HTTPerf as an alternative to ApacheBench.
// 2.4.20 changes: detect & report open (ab.txt output) file permission errors.
// 2.9.26 changes: collects and logs all server's workers CPU and memory usage
// (use: "ab gwan", or "ab nginx" to enable this feature).
// 2.10.2 changes: prints sum of user/kernel CPU time, signals weighttp errors,
// replaces "pidof " with "ps -C" for not found single-process.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This program is left in the public domain.
// ============================================================================
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <winsock2.h>
# include <process.h>
# include <windows.h>
typedef unsigned __int64 u64;
# define FMTU64 "I64u"
# include <stdint.h>
# include <arpa/inet.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <linux/major.h>
# include <netinet/in.h>
# include <netdb.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/param.h>
# include <sys/resource.h>
# include <sys/socket.h>
# include <sys/sysctl.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/user.h>
# include <sys/utsname.h>
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
# define FMTU64 "llu"
volatile int ab_done = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// "16:14:07" // HH:MM:SS
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
char *tm_now(char *str)
time_t ltime = time(NULL);
struct tm *tm = localtime(&ltime);
sprintf(str,"%02d:%02d:%02d", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);
return str;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// for any reason, 'pidof' fails to list gwan with one process: ./gwan (no -d)
// so we use 'ps -C' as a fallback...
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef USE_PIDOF
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// invoke the 'pidof' command and fetch its output, if any:
// "pidof gwan"
// 13937 13936
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int pidsof(char *process_name, u32 **pids)
if(!process_name || !*process_name || !pids)
return 0;
char str[4096] = "pidof ";
strcat(str, process_name);
FILE *f = popen(str, "r");
return 0;
*str = 0;
char *ok = fgets(str, sizeof(str) - 1, f);
return 0;
u32 *n = *pids = (u32*)malloc(sizeof(u32) * 512), nbr_pids = 0, end = 1;
char *p = str, *e;
e = p;
while(*e && *e != ' ')
if(*e == ' ')
*e = 0;
end = 0;
n[nbr_pids++] = atoi(p);
p = e + end;
*pids = (u32*)realloc(*pids, sizeof(u32) * nbr_pids);
return nbr_pids;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If you don't have 'pidof', or if it does not work as expected:
// "ps -C gwan" is equivalent, but the output requires a bit more work:
// 13936 ? 00:00:00 gwan
// 13937 ? 00:00:00 gwan
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int pidsof(char *process_name, u32 **pids)
if(!process_name || !*process_name || !pids)
return 0;
char str[4096] = "ps -C ";
strcat(str, process_name);
FILE *f = popen(str, "r");
return 0;
*str = 0;
int len = fread(str, 1, sizeof(str) - 1, f);
return 0;
u32 *n = *pids = (u32*)malloc(sizeof(u32) * 512), nbr_pids = 0, end = 1;
char *p = str, *e;
while(*p != '\n') p++; // pass " PID TTY TIME CMD" header
if(*p) p++;
e = p;
while(*e && *e == ' ')
while(*e && *e != ' ')
if(*e == ' ')
*e = 0;
n[nbr_pids++] = atoi(p);
p = e + 1;
while(*p != '\n') p++; // pass " ? 00:00:00 gwan" rest of line
if(*p) p++;
*pids = (u32*)realloc(*pids, sizeof(u32) * nbr_pids);
return nbr_pids;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wait 'n' milliseconds
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void msdelay(u32 milisec)
struct timespec req;
time_t sec = (u32)(milisec / 1000);
milisec = milisec - (sec * 1000);
req.tv_sec = sec;
req.tv_nsec = milisec * 1000000L;
while(nanosleep(&req, &req) == -1)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// update CPU and RAM statistics, only one time per second
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef _WIN32
typedef struct
u64 user, system;
} icpu_t;
typedef struct
char *cpu_buf;
int nbr_pids, *pids;
icpu_t *old_cpu;
} res_args_t;
void th_resources(void *ptr)
res_args_t *arg = (res_args_t*)ptr;
char *cpu_buf = arg->cpu_buf;
int nbr_pids = arg->nbr_pids;
u32 *pids = arg->pids;
icpu_t *old_cpu = arg->old_cpu;
*cpu_buf = 0;
char str[32], buffer[256];
FILE *f;
msdelay(100); // give time for ab to warm-up the server
u64 mem = 0, max_mem = 0;
icpu_t cpu = {0, 0}, max = {0, 0};
int loop = 80; // 100 + (80 * 10 ms) < 1 second (length of the each ab shot)
while(loop-- && !ab_done) // loop to track the (varying) RAM usage
int i = nbr_pids;
while(i-- && !ab_done)
unsigned long new_cpu_user = 0, new_cpu_system = 0;
sprintf(str, "/proc/%u/stat", pids[i]);
f = fopen(str, "r");
char *ok = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, f);
/* pid %d process ID
comm %s executable filename, in parentheses
state %c R:run, S:sleep, D:wait, Z:zombie, T:traced, W:paging
ppid %d parent's PID
pgrp %d process' group ID
session %d process' session ID
tty_nr %d tty used by the process
tpgid %d parent 'terminal' process' group ID
flags %lu process flags (math bit: 4d, traced bit: 10d)
minflt %lu minor faults that did not load a page from disk
cminflt %lu minor faults that the process + children made
majflt %lu major faults that loaded a page from disk
cmajflt %lu major faults that process + children made
utime %lu jiffies that process has spent in user mode
stime %lu jiffies that process has spent in kernel mode
cutime %ld jiffies that process + children have spent in user mode
cstime %ld jiffies that process + children have spent in kernel mode
priority %ld standard nice value, plus fifteen (never negative)
nice %ld nice value ranges from 19 (nicest) to -19 (not nice)
0 %ld hard coded to 0 as a placeholder for a removed field
intvaltm %ld jiffies before next SIGALRM sent due to an interval timer
starttm %lu jiffies the process started after system boot
vsize %lu virtual memory size in bytes
rss %ld nbr of pages the process has in real memory */
char *p = strchr(buffer, ')') + 2;
if(*p >= 'D' && *p <= 'W') // track a [R]unning process
p += 2;
// pass spaces to skip unused variables
int n = 9;
if(*p++ == ' ')
p += 2;
//printf("\nline:%s\n", p);
//sscanf(p, "%lu %lu", &new_cpu_user, &new_cpu_system);
// pass spaces to skip unused variables
n = 10;
if(*p++ == ' ')
//printf("\nline:%s\n", p);
long phys = 0; // physical memory used by process
sscanf(p, "%ld", &phys);
mem += (u64)phys << 12llu; // convert 4096-byte pages into bytes
} // while(i-- && !ab_done)
// we only keep the highest values found during the test
if(mem > max_mem)
max_mem = mem;
msdelay(10); // take another measure after a pause
mem = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// now ab is done, get the (always increasing) CPU time
int i = nbr_pids;
while(i--) // loop to query all the processes
unsigned long new_cpu_user = 0, new_cpu_system = 0;
sprintf(str, "/proc/%u/stat", pids[i]);
f = fopen(str, "r");
char *ok = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, f);
char *p = strchr(buffer, ')') + 2;
if(*p >= 'D' && *p <= 'W') // track a [R]unning process
p += 2;
// pass spaces to skip unused variables
int n = 9;
if(*p++ == ' ')
p += 2;
//printf("\nline:%s\n", p);
sscanf(p, "%lu %lu", &new_cpu_user, &new_cpu_system);
// pass spaces to skip unused variables
n = 10;
if(*p++ == ' ')
//printf("\nline:%s\n", p);
long phys = 0; // physical memory used by process
sscanf(p, "%ld", &phys);
mem += (u64)phys << 12llu; // convert 4096-byte pages into bytes
cpu.user += new_cpu_user - old_cpu[i].user;
cpu.system += new_cpu_system - old_cpu[i].system;
old_cpu[i].user = new_cpu_user;
old_cpu[i].system = new_cpu_system;
// we only keep the highest values found during the test
if(cpu.user + cpu.system > max.user + max.system)
max.user = cpu.user;
max.system = cpu.system;
if(mem > max_mem)
max_mem = mem;
/* format cumulated results (user/kernel proportion)
const double total = (max.user + max.system) / 100.;
sprintf(cpu_buf, "%7.02f, %7.02f, %7.02f", // User, Kernel, MB RAM
(max.user / total),// / nbr_cpu, // "System load"
(max.system / total),// / nbr_cpu, // "System load"
max_mem / (1024. * 1024.)); */
// format cumulated results (user/kernel amounts)
sprintf(cpu_buf, "%7llu, %7llu, %7.02f", // User, Kernel, MB RAM
max_mem / (1024. * 1024.));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// invoke a command and fetch its output
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int run_cmd(char *cmd, char *buf, int buflen)
FILE *f = popen(cmd, "r");
return 0;
*buf = 0;
int len = fread(buf, 1, buflen, f);
return 0;
return len;
// ------------------------------------
// just a wrapper for the code above
// ------------------------------------
typedef struct
char *cmd, *buf;
u32 buflen;
} run_cmd_t;
void th_run_cmd(void *ptr)
run_cmd_t *arg = (run_cmd_t*)ptr;
long len = run_cmd(arg->cmd, arg->buf, arg->buflen);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// return the file PATH of process 'name'
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ps -fC nginx
// root 24569 1 ... nginx: master process /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
// nobody 24570 24569 ... nginx: worker process
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
char *pid_path(char *name, char *path, int pathlen)
char cmd[32] = "ps -fC ";
strcat(cmd, name);
*path = 0;
run_cmd(cmd, path, sizeof(path) - 1);
printf("%s: %s\n", cmd, path);
char *p = strchr(path, '/');
return p;
return path;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// return the version of a server (providing it supports "server -v")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// gwan -v => "\nG-WAN 2.9.16 (Sep 16 2011 13:11:41)"
// nginx -v => "nginx: nginx version: nginx/1.0.6"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
char *proc_ver(char *server_name, char *version, int verlen)
char cmd[256];
sprintf(cmd, "%s -v", server_name);
*version = 0;
run_cmd(cmd, version, verlen);
char *p = version;
while(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\r' || *p == '\n')
return p;
return version;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// return the physical RAM used by process 'pid'
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
u64 pid_ram(u32 pid)
char str[32];
sprintf(str, "/proc/%u/statm", pid);
FILE *f = fopen(str, "r");
unsigned long virt = 0, phys = 0;
int len = fscanf(f, "%lu %lu", &virt, &phys);
return (u64)phys << 12llu; // convert 4096-byte pages into bytes
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// return the free/used physical RAM of the System
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void sys_ram(u64 *free, u64 *total)
*free = 0; *total = 0;
FILE *f = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
char buffer[1024];
while((!*free || !*total) && fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f))
if(!strncmp(buffer, "MemTotal:", 9))
*total = atol(buffer + 10);
if(!strncmp(buffer, "MemFree:", 8))
*free = atol(buffer + 9);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// print the number and type of CPUs and Cores
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int cpu_type(FILE *fo)
int nbr_cpu = 0, phys_cpu_id = -1, nbr_cores = 0;
char buffer[1024], model[80] = {0};
FILE *f = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f))
if(!strncmp(buffer, "processor\t:", 11))
else if(!strncmp(buffer, "physical id\t:", 13))
int id = atoi(buffer + 14);
if(id > phys_cpu_id)
phys_cpu_id = id;
else if(!*model && !strncmp(buffer, "model name\t:", 12))
char *s = buffer + 13, *d = model;
*d++ = *s;
if(*s++ == ' ') // copy string removing consecutive spaces
while(*s == ' ')
*d++ = *s++;
if(!nbr_cores && !strncmp(buffer, "cpu cores\t:", 11))
nbr_cores = atoi(buffer + 12);
if(nbr_cores > 0)
nbr_cpu = nbr_cores;
printf("Machine: %d x %u-Core CPU(s) %s",
phys_cpu_id >= 0 ? phys_cpu_id + 1 : 1,
nbr_cores, model);
fprintf(fo, "Machine: %d x %u-Core CPU(s) %s",
phys_cpu_id >= 0 ? phys_cpu_id + 1 : 1,
nbr_cores, model);
return nbr_cpu << 16 | nbr_cores;
// ============================================================================
static int http_req(char *request);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// usage:
// ab (logs requests per second)
// ab gwan (logs requests per second, CPU and memory of process 'gwan')
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i, j, nbr, max_rps, min_rps, ave_rps;
char str[256], buf[4070], buffer[256], cpu_buf[256] = {0};
time_t st = time(NULL);
u64 tmax_rps = 0, tmin_rps = 0, tave_rps = 0;
FILE *f;
puts(" ");
//fprintf(stderr, "URL=%s\n", URL);
//fprintf(stderr, "ret=%d\n", http_req(URL));
FILE *fo = fopen("test.txt", "w+b");
perror("can't open output file"); // "Permission denied"
return 1;
"G-WAN ab.c ApacheBench wrapper,\n"
"-----------------\n", fo);
#ifndef _WIN32
int nbr_cpu = cpu_type(fo), nbr_cores = nbr_cpu & 0x0000ffff;
nbr_cpu >>= 16;
u64 free = 0, total = 0;
sys_ram(&free, &total);
if(free && total)
sprintf(buf, "RAM: %.02f/%.02f (Free/Total, in GB)\n",
free / (1024. * 1024.), total / (1024. * 1024.));
fputs(buf, fo);
printf("%s", buf);
char name[256] = {0};
f = fopen("/etc/issue", "r");
int len = fread(name, 1, sizeof(name) - 1, f);
if(len > 0)
name[len] = 0; // just in case
char *p = name;
while(*p && !iscntrl(*p)) p++; *p = 0;
struct utsname u; uname(&u);
sprintf(buf, "%s %s v%s %s\n%s\n\n",
u.sysname, u.machine, u.version, u.release, name);
fputs(buf, fo);
printf("%s", buf);
// since servers like Nginx use processes (instead of threads like G-WAN)
// to implement workers, we have to find all of them
icpu_t *old_cpu = 0, *beg_cpu = 0;
int nbr_pids = 0;
u32 *pids = 0;
if(argv[1]) // any server process name provided on command line?
sprintf(buf, "> Collecting CPU/RAM stats for server '%s'", argv[1]);
fputs(buf, fo);
printf("%s", buf);
char str[80];
nbr_pids = pidsof(argv[1], &pids);
old_cpu = (icpu_t*)calloc(nbr_pids, sizeof(icpu_t)),
beg_cpu = (icpu_t*)calloc(nbr_pids, sizeof(icpu_t));
sprintf(buf, ": %u process(es)\n", nbr_pids);
fputs(buf, fo);
printf("%s", buf);
int i = nbr_pids;
float mem = (float)pid_ram(pids[i]) / (1024. * 1024.);
sprintf(buf, "pid[%d]:%u RAM: %.02f MB\n", i, pids[i], mem);
fputs(buf, fo);
printf("%s", buf);
char version[256] = {0};
proc_ver(argv[1], version, sizeof(version) - 1);
printf("version: %s\n", version);
fprintf(fo, "version: %s\n", version);
fputs(" ", fo);
puts(" ");
// get the start count of CPU jiffies for this server
res_args_t res_args = {cpu_buf, nbr_pids, pids, beg_cpu};
fprintf(fo, "\n" CLI_NAME " -n 1000000 -c [%u-%u step:%d rounds:%u] "
"-S -d "
"-t %u "
"%s "
"\"http://" IP ":" PORT URL "\"\n\n",
fputs(" Client Requests per second CPU\n"
"----------- ------------------------------- ---------------- -------\n"
"Concurrency min ave max user kernel MB RAM\n"
"----------- --------- --------- --------- ------- ------- -------\n",
for(i = FROM; i <= TO; i += STEP)
// ApacheBench makes it straight for you since you can directly tell
// the 'concurrency' and 'duration' you wish:
sprintf(str, "ab -n 1000000 -c %d -S -d -t 1 %s "
"-H \"Accept-Encoding: gzip\" " // HTTP compression
"\"http://" IP ":" PORT
URL "\""
#ifdef _WIN32
" > ab.txt"
, i ? i : 1, KEEP_ALIVES_STR);
#elif defined HP_HTTPERF
// HTTPerf does not let you specify the 'concurrency'rate:
// rate : number of TCP connections per second
// num-con : number of TCP connections
// num-call: number of HTTP requests
// If we want 100,000 HTTP requests, we have to calculate how many
// '--num-conn' and '--num-call' to specify for a given '--rate':
// nbr_req = rate * num-call
// 'num-conn' makes it last longer, but to get any given 'rate'
// 'num-conn' must always be >= to 'rate'
// HTTPerf creates new connections grogressively and only collects
// statistics after 5 seconds (to let servers 'warm-up' before they
// are tested). This is NOT reflecting real-life situations where
// clients send requests on short but intense bursts.
// Also, HTTPerf's looooong shots make the TIME_WAIT state become a
// problem if you do any serious concurrency test.
// Finally, HTTPerf is unable to test client concurrency: if 'rate'
// is 1 but num-conn is 2 and num-call is 100,000 then you are more
// than likely to end with concurrent connections because not all
// requests are processed when the second connection is launched.
// If you use a smaller num-call value then you are testing the TCP
// /IP stack rather than the user-mode code of the server.
// As a result, HTTPerf can only be reliably used without Keep-Alives
// (with num-call=1)
sprintf(str, "httperf --server=" IP " --port=" PORT " "
"--rate=%d "
"--num-conns=%d --num-calls 100000 " // KEEP-ALIVES
"--num-conns=1000000 --num-calls 1 " // NO Keep_Alives
"--timeout 5 --hog --uri=\""
URL "\""
#ifdef _WIN32
" > ab.txt"
, i?i:1, i?i:1);
#elif defined LIGHTY_WEIGHTTP
sprintf(str, "weighttp -n 1000000 -c %d -t %u %s "
"-H \"Accept-Encoding: gzip\" "
"\"http://" IP ":" PORT
URL "\""
// Weighttp rejects concurrency inferior to thread count:
, i > nbr_cores ? i : nbr_cores, nbr_cores, KEEP_ALIVES_STR);
for(max_rps = 0, ave_rps = 0, min_rps = 0xffff0, j = 0; j < ITER; j++)
#ifdef _WIN32
// Windows needs to take its breath after system() calls (this is not
// giving any advantage to Windows as all the tests have shown that
// this OS platform is -by far- the slowest and less scalable of all)
// get the information we need from res.txt
if(!(f = fopen("ab.txt", "rb")))
printf("Can't open ab.txt output\n");
return 1;
//memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf) - 1);
*buf = 0;
nbr = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf) - 1, f);
if(nbr <= 0)
printf("Can't read ab.txt output\n");
return 1;
// MUST be done in parallel to 'ab' because otherwise we check the
// resources consumed by the server AFTER the 'ab' test is done
ab_done = 0;
cmd_args = {.cmd = str, .buf = buf, .buflen = sizeof(buf)};
pthread_t th_ab;
pthread_create(&th_ab, NULL, th_run_cmd, (void*)&cmd_args);
res_args_t res_args = {cpu_buf, nbr_pids, pids, old_cpu};
pthread_t th_res;
pthread_create(&th_res, NULL, th_resources, (void*)&res_args);
void *ret_code;
pthread_join(th_ab, (void**)&ret_code);
nbr = (long)ret_code;
ab_done = 1;
pthread_join(th_res, NULL);
nbr = run_cmd(str, buf, sizeof(buf));
if(nbr > 0 && nbr < sizeof(buf))
*(buf + nbr) = 0;
nbr = 0;
// IIS 7.0 quickly stops serving loans and sends error 503 (Service
// unavailable) at a relatively high rate. If we did not detect it
// this would be interpreted as a 'boost' in performance while, in
// fact, IIS is dying. Soon, IIS would really die and we would have
// to reboot the host: a complete IIS stop/restart has no effect).
// Other issues to catch here are error 30x (redirects) or 404
// (not found) on badly configured servers that make users report
// that their application server is fast when this is not the case.
char *p = strstr(buf, "Non-2xx responses:");
if(p) // "Non-2xx responses: 50130"
char *n;
p += sizeof("Non-2xx responses:");
while(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
n = p;
while(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
*p = 0;
nbr = atoi(n);
printf("* Non-2xx responses:%d\n", nbr);
fprintf(fo, "* Non-2xx responses:%d\n", nbr);
// dump the server reply on stderr for examination
goto end;
p = strstr(buf, "Requests per second:");
if(p) // "Requests per second: 16270.00 [#/sec] (mean)"
char *n;
p += sizeof("Requests per second:");
while(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
n = p;
while(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
*p = 0;
nbr = atoi(n);
puts("* 'Requests per second' not found!");
#elif defined HP_HTTPERF
char *p = strstr(buf, "Reply status:");
if(p) // "Reply status: 1xx=0 2xx=1000000 3xx=0 4xx=0 5xx=0"
char *n;
p += sizeof("Reply status: 1xx=") - 1;
// we are not interested in "1xx" errors
if(*p == '0') // pass "2xx=" if no errors
p = strstr(p, "3xx=");
if(p && p[4] == '0') // pass "3xx=" if no errors
p = strstr(p, "4xx=");
if(p && p[4] == '0') // pass "4xx=" if no errors
p = strstr(p, "5xx=");
if(p && p[4] == '0') // pass "5xx=" if no errors
goto no_errors;
while(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; n = p;
while(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') p++; *p = 0;
nbr = atoi(n);
printf("* Non-2xx responses:%d\n", nbr);
fprintf(fo, "* Non-2xx responses:%d\n", nbr);
// dump the server reply on stderr for examination
goto end;
// Reply rate [replies/s]: min 163943.9 avg 166237.2 max 167482.3
// stddev 1060.4 (12 samples)
p = strstr(buf, "Reply rate");
char *n;
p += sizeof("Reply rate [replies/s]: min");
while(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; n = p;
while(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') p++; *p++ = 0; p++;
while(*p<'0' || *p>'9') p++; // avg
while(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') p++; *p++ = 0; p++;
ave_rps = atoi(n);
while(*p < '0' || *p > '9') p++; // max
while(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') p++; *p++ = 0; p++;
max_rps = atoi(n);
puts("* 'Reply rate' not found!");
// HTTPerf needs so many more requests than AB that it quickly
// exhausts the [1 - 65,535] port space. There is no obvious
// solution other than using several HTTPerf workers OR waiting
/* a bit between each shot to let the system evacuate the bloat:
if(!strcmp(IP, ""))
int nop = 60;
printf("waiting:"); fflush(0);
printf("."); fflush(0);
printf("\n"); fflush(0);
goto round_done;
#elif defined LIGHTY_WEIGHTTP
char *p = strstr(buf, "microsec,"); // "microsec, 12345 req/s"
p += sizeof("microsec,");
nbr = atoi(p);
p = strstr(p, "succeeded,"); // "succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored"
u32 nbr_errors = 0;
p += sizeof("succeeded,");
nbr_errors = atoi(p);
printf("* Non-2xx responses:%d\n", nbr);
fprintf(fo, "* Non-2xx responses:%d\n", nbr);
// dump the server reply on stderr for examination
goto end;
//goto round_done;
} // if(nbr_pids)
if(max_rps < nbr)
max_rps = nbr;
if(min_rps > nbr)
min_rps = nbr;
ave_rps += nbr;
} //for(max_rps = 0, ave_rps = 0, min_rps = 0xffff0, j = 0; j < ITER; j++)
ave_rps /= ITER;
tmin_rps += min_rps;
tmax_rps += max_rps;
tave_rps += ave_rps;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// display data for convenience and save it on disk
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
nbr = sprintf(buf, "%10d,%10d,%10d,%10d, %s\n", i ? i : 1, min_rps,
ave_rps, max_rps, cpu_buf);
printf("%s %s", tm_now(str), buf);
if(fwrite(buf, 1, nbr, fo) != nbr)
printf("fwrite(fo) failed");
return 1;
fflush(fo); // in case we interrupt the test
} // for(i = FROM; i <= TO; i += STEP)
end: st = time(NULL) - st;
strcpy(buf, "---------------------------------------------------------"
fputs(buf, fo);
fputs("\n", fo);
strftime(str, sizeof(str) - 1, "%X", gmtime(&st));
sprintf(buf, "min:%"FMTU64" avg:%"FMTU64" max:%"FMTU64
" Time:%ld second(s) [%s]", tmin_rps, tave_rps, tmax_rps, st, str);
fputs(buf, fo);
fputs("\n", fo);
strcpy(buf, "---------------------------------------------------------"
fputs(buf, fo);
if(argv[1]) // any server process name provided on command line?
// print the total count of CPU jiffies for this server
u64 user = 0, kernel = 0;
int i = nbr_pids;
user += (old_cpu[i].user - beg_cpu[i].user),
kernel += (old_cpu[i].system - beg_cpu[i].system);
sprintf(buf, "CPU jiffies: user:%"FMTU64" kernel:%"FMTU64
" total:%"FMTU64,
user, kernel, user + kernel);
fputs(buf, fo);
fputs(" ", fo);
puts(" ");
return 0;
// ============================================================================
// A 'quick and (really) dirty' wget (don't use this code in production!)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// read a CRLF-terminated line of text from the socket
// return the number of bytes read, -1 if error
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static int read_line(int fd, char *buffer, int max)
char *p = buffer;
if(read(fd, p, 1) <= 0)
if(*p == '\r')
if(*p == '\n')
*p = 0;
return p - buffer;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// read 'len' bytes from the socket
// return the number of bytes read, -1 if error
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static int read_len(int fd, char *buffer, int len)
int ret;
char *p = buffer;
while(len > 0)
ret = read(fd, p, len);
if(ret <= 0)
return -1;
p += ret;
len -= ret;
return p - buffer;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// connect to the server, send the HTTP request and dump the server reply
// return the HTTP status sent by the server, -1 if error
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static int http_req(char *request)
char buf[4096], *p;
int ret = -1, s, len;
struct hostent *hp;
struct sockaddr_in host;
#ifdef _WIN32
WORD ver = MAKEWORD(2, 2);
WSAStartup(ver, &sa);
while((hp = gethostbyname(IP)))
memset((char*)&host, 0, sizeof(host));
memmove((char*)&host.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);
host.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
host.sin_port = htons((unsigned short)atoi(PORT));
if((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
if(connect(s, (struct sockaddr*)&host, sizeof(host)) < 0)
len = sprintf(buf, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: " IP ":" PORT "\r\n"
"User-Agent: a.c\r\n"
"Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n"
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n", request);
if(write(s, buf, len) != len)
len = read_line(s, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
fputs(buf, stderr);
putc ('\n',stderr);
if(len <= 0)
else if(sscanf(buf, "HTTP/1.%*d %3d", (int*)&ret) != 1)
if(ret > 0) // ret is the HTTP status, parse the server reply
for(*buf = 0;;)
int n = read_line(s, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
fputs(buf, stderr);
putc ('\n',stderr);
if(n <= 0)
for(p = buf; *p && *p != ':'; p++)
*p = tolower(*p);
sscanf(buf, "content-length: %d", &len);
len = (len > (sizeof(buf) - 1)) ? (sizeof(buf) - 1) : len;
len = read_len(s, buf, len);
if(len > 0)
buf[len] = 0;
fputs(buf, stderr);
putc ('\n',stderr);
return ret;
// ============================================================================
// End of Source Code
// ============================================================================
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