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Last active September 6, 2024 21:51
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Free2Z Markdown Syntax

Free2Z-flavored markdown (F2ZM) is a superset of Github-flavored markdown which is a superset of basic markdown. F2ZM is a powerful way to write and express ideas with videos, images, tables, footnotes, math equations, code samples, links, typography, and such.


You can embed a plethora of exciting content with the embed[URL] directive.

Feast your eyes on this mesmerizing fractal video:


Try any of over 1900 providers! If something isn't as great as it could be let us know!


Free2Z math is a little different from github. Start inline math with two dollar signs, $$. Start display math with blank lines around the $$ to begin and end.

You can do inline math and $$\LaTeX$$ like: $$\int_{a}^{b} x^2 dx$$.

You can also do display math like:

$$ \oint_{C} \vec{E} \cdot d\vec{A} = \frac{1}{\varepsilon_0} \int_{\text{volume}} \rho, dV, \quad \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}, \quad \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{\sin(x)}{x} = 1 $$

So many symbols to use! $$\aleph_{0}$$.

Note that a literal dollar sign is just a literal dollar sign, "I have $80 and Jim has $20".

Code Blocks

You can create code blocks and specify the language.


def fibonacci(n: int) -> int:
    if n <= 1:
        return n
        return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)


interface TimeTraveler {
    name: string,
    originYear: number,
    destinationYear: number,

You can also add line numbers and highlight particular lines:

function timeTravel(person, year) {
  if (year > 2100) {
    console.warn("Time travel beyond 2100 is not recommended!")
  person.destinationYear = year;

Mermaid Graphs

You can use a mermaid language code block and get a nice graph rendered. The copy-paste button has the code:


    %% WebAuthn-based authentication process with group setup

    ParticipantA->>HTTPS: Request New Group
    HTTPS->>ParticipantA: Send WebAuthn Challenge
    ParticipantA->>HTTPS: Respond with Signed Challenge and Public Key
    HTTPS->>ParticipantA: Return Unique Group URL and Token
    %% Passing URL out-of-band for group joining
    ParticipantA->>ParticipantB: Pass Unique Group URL Out-of-Band
    ParticipantB->>HTTPS: Request Group Membership
    HTTPS->>ParticipantB: Send WebAuthn Challenge
    ParticipantB->>HTTPS: Respond with Signed Challenge and Public Key
    HTTPS->>ParticipantB: Return Token

    ParticipantA-->ParticipantB: Confirm authentication out-of-band

QR Codes

You can get a nice QRCode display with a copy-paste button using ::qrcode[{insert content or address here}]:


Github-flavored Markdown Extensions

F2Z markdown has all of GFM except for emojis ;9 You can add your own how you like! 😉


Planet Distance from Sun (AU) Fun Fact
Mercury 0.39 Smallest planet in our solar system
Venus 0.72 Hottest planet with a surface temp of 900°F
Earth 1.00 The only planet known to support life
Mars 1.52 Home to the tallest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons

Task lists

  • Task 1
  • Task 2


This was a mistake


You can just add a link and it will be a link. Use a hyperlink like or and email like [email protected]


This is a footnote reference1.

Regular Markdown reference

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6

This is a paragraph about a T-Rex 🦖 playing the guitar 🎸.

This is a quote from Albert Einstein: "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."


This is a bullet list of some quirky animals:

  • Axolotl
  • Blobfish
  • Pangolin

Enumerated list of peculiar fruits:

  1. Salak
  2. Jabuticaba
  3. Mangosteen


You can use italics or bold or both italics and bold.


Space Cat

For more on basic syntax you can checkout this guide


  1. This is the footnote content.

Copy link

skyl commented Apr 22, 2023

You can see how it renders on free2z here:

Copy link

skyl commented Jun 10, 2024

Adding all of GFM syntax now ...

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