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Created June 7, 2018 20:18
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#! /bin/bash
# Ascii to Small Latin
# Usage: thisscript <in.txt >out.txt
# or: thisscript <<<"some-text"
while IFS= read -d$'\0' -r -n1 c # read single bytes
printf -vd "%d" "'$c" # decimal ordinal
(( d >= 65 && d <=90 )) && (( d += 65248 )) # A-Z -> small latin
((d >= 97 && d <= 122 )) && (( d += 65248 )) # a-z -> small latin
(( d > 255 )) && printf \\U$(printf "%08X" "$d") # Unicode UTF-8
(( d < 256 )) && printf "%s" "$c" # Echo other stuff
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