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Last active June 18, 2022 13:49
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Alternative ways to write the linear quicksort from
{-# LANGUAGE LinearTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QualifiedDo #-}
import Prelude.Linear hiding (partition)
import qualified Control.Functor.Linear as Linear
import Control.Functor.Linear (State, state, execState, pure)
import qualified Data.Array.Mutable.Linear as Array
import Data.Array.Mutable.Linear (Array)
quickSort :: [Int] -> [Int]
quickSort xs = unur $ Array.fromList xs $ Array.toList . arrQuicksort
arrQuicksort :: Array Int %1 -> Array Int
arrQuicksort = execState
Ur len <- state Array.size
go 0 (len-1)
go :: Int -> Int -> State (Array Int) ()
go lo hi =
if (lo >= hi) then pure () else
Ur pivot <- readST lo
Ur ix <- partition pivot lo hi
swap lo ix
go lo (ix-1)
go (ix+1) hi
partition :: Int -> Int -> Int -> State (Array Int) (Ur Int)
partition pivot lx rx
| (rx < lx) = pure $ Ur (lx-1)
| otherwise =
Ur lVal <- readST lx
Ur rVal <- readST rx
case (lVal <= pivot, pivot < rVal) of
(True, True) -> partition pivot (lx+1) (rx-1)
(True, False) -> partition pivot (lx+1) rx
(False, True) -> partition pivot lx (rx-1)
(False, False) ->
swap lx rx
partition pivot (lx+1) (rx-1)
swap :: Int -> Int -> State (Array Int) ()
swap i j =
Ur ival <- readST i
Ur jval <- readST j
setST i jval
setST j ival
readST :: Int -> State (Array a) (Ur a)
readST i = state (\arr -> arr i)
setST :: Int -> a -> State (Array a) ()
setST i val = state (\arr -> ((), Array.set i val arr))
{-# LANGUAGE LinearTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
import Prelude (Functor(..), Applicative(..), Monad(..))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Prelude.Linear hiding (partition)
import qualified Data.Array.Mutable.Linear as Array
import Data.Array.Mutable.Linear (Array)
import qualified Control.Functor.Linear as Linear
newtype UrT m a = UrT (m (Ur a))
instance Linear.Functor m => Functor (UrT m) where
fmap f (UrT ma) = UrT (Linear.fmap (\(Ur a) -> Ur (f a)) ma)
instance Linear.Applicative m => Applicative (UrT m) where
pure a = UrT (Linear.pure (Ur a))
UrT mf <*> UrT ma = UrT (Linear.liftA2 (\(Ur f) (Ur a) -> Ur (f a)) mf ma)
instance Linear.Monad m => Monad (UrT m) where
UrT ma >>= f = UrT (ma Linear.>>= (\(Ur a) -> case f a of (UrT mb) -> mb))
type State s = UrT (Linear.State s)
state :: (s %1 -> (Ur a, s)) -> State s a
state f = UrT (Linear.state f)
execState :: State s () %1 -> s %1 -> s
execState (UrT f) s = Linear.execState (Linear.fmap unur f) s
quickSort :: [Int] -> [Int]
quickSort xs = unur $ Array.fromList xs $ Array.toList . arrQuicksort
arrQuicksort :: Array Int %1 -> Array Int
arrQuicksort = execState do
len <- state Array.size
go 0 (len-1)
go :: Int -> Int -> State (Array Int) ()
go lo hi =
when (lo < hi) do
pivot <- readST lo
ix <- partition pivot lo hi
swap lo ix
go lo (ix-1)
go (ix+1) hi
partition :: Int -> Int -> Int -> State (Array Int) Int
partition pivot lx rx
| (rx < lx) = pure (lx-1)
| otherwise = do
lVal <- readST lx
rVal <- readST rx
case (lVal <= pivot, pivot < rVal) of
(True, True) -> partition pivot (lx+1) (rx-1)
(True, False) -> partition pivot (lx+1) rx
(False, True) -> partition pivot lx (rx-1)
(False, False) -> do
swap lx rx
partition pivot (lx+1) (rx-1)
swap :: Int -> Int -> State (Array Int) ()
swap i j = do
ival <- readST i
jval <- readST j
setST i jval
setST j ival
readST :: Int -> State (Array a) a
readST i = state (\arr -> arr i)
setST :: Int -> a -> State (Array a) ()
setST i val = state (\arr -> (Ur (), Array.set i val arr))
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