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Last active September 6, 2022 01:25
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Install a javascript function as an executable
import cache_dir from "[email protected]/cache_dir/mod.ts";
import { ensureDirSync } from "[email protected]/fs/ensure_dir.ts";
export interface Options {
prelude?: string;
permissions?: string[];
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
export default function installFn(fn: any, options?: Options) {
const name =;
if (!name) {
throw "fn name is required";
const body: string = fn.toString();
let content;
if (body.includes("=>")) {
content = `
const ${name} = ${body}
const output = ${name}(...Deno.args)
} else {
throw "unrecognized function type";
if (options?.prelude) {
content = options.prelude + "\n" + content;
const installDir = `${cache_dir()}/deno-install-fn/`;
const fnPath = `${installDir}/${name}.ts`;
Deno.writeTextFileSync(fnPath, content);
Deno.spawnSync("deno", {
args: ["fmt", fnPath],
Deno.spawnSync("deno", {
args: options?.permissions
? ["install", "-f", ...options.permissions, fnPath]
: ["install", "-f", fnPath],
stdout: "inherit",
stderr: "inherit",
console.log(`%c${name}%c was succefully installed!`, "color:blue", "");
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sigmaSd commented Aug 22, 2022


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sigmaSd commented Aug 22, 2022

How it works

1- create a script with the name of the function
2- Write the script content (to $cache/deno-install-fn/script): Evaluate Deno.args as input to the function body and write it to stdout
3- deno install scriptPath i you have ~/.deno/bin in your path , this make it very convenient as the function will become immediately available

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