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Last active February 7, 2024 12:41
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[POC] Using SharedWorker in vanilla javascript to synchronize data between tabs/windows when polling an expensive computation
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<p id="data-output">Nothing</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
const DomUpdateWorker = {
_pollingInterval: 1000,
_sharedWorker: new SharedWorker('./worker.js'),
_connectionId: null,
_updateCallback: null,
_lastTriggeringMessageId: null,
_intervalPointer: null,
* @callback updateCallback
* @param {any} data
* @param cb {updateCallback}
init: function (cb) {
this._updateCallback = cb;
this._sharedWorker.port.onmessage = this._onResponse.bind(this);
startPolling: function () {
this._intervalPointer = setInterval(
stopPolling: function () {
if (typeof this._intervalPointer === 'number') {
this._intervalPointer = null;
* @return {string}
* @private
_genId: function () {
try {
return crypto.randomUUID();
} catch (e) {
return "10000000-1000-4000-8000-100000000000".replace(
c =>
(c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)
_onResponse: function (e) {
switch (e?.data?.type) {
case 'connection':
if (typeof e?.data?.id === 'string') {
this._connectionId = e?.data?.id;
case 'data':
const data = e?.data?.data;
const dataId = e?.data?.id;
if (typeof this._updateCallback === 'function') {
if (typeof dataId === 'string') {
if (dataId === this._lastTriggeringMessageId) {
this._lastTriggeringMessageId = dataId;
console.warn('Invalid response', e)
* @param type {string}
* @param data {any|null}
* @private
_sendRequest: function (type, data = null) {
type: type,
connectionId: this._connectionId,
messageId: this._genId(),
data: data,
_intervalTrigger: function () {
DomUpdateWorker.init((data) => {
document.getElementById('data-output').innerHTML = data;
const _sharedWorker = {
expensiveCalculation: async function () {
//TODO: Implement expensive calculation/request
//The code below is just a placeholder sleeps for 2 secs and then returns a uuid.
await (new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)));
try {
return crypto.randomUUID();
} catch (e) {
return "10000000-1000-4000-8000-100000000000".replace(
c =>
(c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)
_intervalTime: 5000,
* @return {string}
_idGen: () => {
try {
return crypto.randomUUID();
} catch (e) {
return "10000000-1000-4000-8000-100000000000".replace(
c =>
(c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)
_onConnect: async function (ev) {
//get the port that is connecting.
let port = ev.ports[0];
//Assign message handler for the connecting port.
port.onmessage = this._onRequest.bind(this)
//Start the port.
//Generate a identifier for the connection.
const uuid = this._idGen();
//Save the connection under the identifier.
this._ports[uuid] = port;
//Let the client know what its identifier is.
this._sendResponse(uuid, { type: 'connection', id: uuid })
_onRequest: async function (e) {
//Make sure the request we are getting has a valid connectionId and a messageId
if (!this._isValidRequest(e)) {
//Identifiers from the request.
const type = e?.data?.type;
const messageId = e?.data?.messageId;
const connectionId = e?.data?.connectionId;
switch (type) {
case 'data':
//Make a date in the past to check if the data we have is too old.
const inThePast = new Date( - this._intervalTime);
//if the data we have is to old.
if (!(this._data?.timestamp instanceof Date) || this._data?.timestamp < inThePast) {
// If a request already has triggered the expensive calculation, and it is not this request, then just return.
if (this._calculatingFlag !== null && this._calculatingFlag !== messageId) {
//Lock the computation so that other requests cant do it at the same time.
this._calculatingFlag = messageId;
//perform the expensive calculation and assign data to worker state..
const dataFromCalc = await this.expensiveCalculation();
this._data = {
id: this._idGen(),
timestamp: new Date(,
type: 'data',
data: dataFromCalc
//Open for new expensive calculations.
this._calculatingFlag = null;
//Send the data we have to the requester.
this._sendResponse(connectionId, this._data)
* @param connectionId {string}
* @param data {any}
* @private
_sendResponse: function (connectionId, data) {
if (!Object.keys(this._ports).includes(connectionId)) {
* @param request {any}
* @return {boolean}
* @private
_isValidRequest: function (request) {
return typeof request?.data?.connectionId === 'string' &&
Object.keys(this._ports).includes(request?.data?.connectionId) &&
typeof request?.data?.messageId === 'string' &&
typeof request?.data?.type === 'string'
//internal state for the worker, should not be modified.
_ports: {},
_data: {},
_calculatingFlag: null,
onconnect = _sharedWorker._onConnect.bind(_sharedWorker)
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