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Created February 6, 2020 11:57
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PS C:\Windows\system32> # Following
icrosoft-dynamics-365-server-roles#group-membership-requirements ?
>> $configName = "CRMDomainCustomizations"
>> Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Defining DSC"
>> try
>> {
>> Configuration $configName
>> {
>> param(
>> [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
>> [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()]
>> [PSCredential]
>> $SqlRSAccountCredential,
>> [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
>> [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()]
>> [PSCredential]
>> $CRMInstallAccountCredential,
>> [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
>> [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()]
>> [PSCredential]
>> $CRMServiceAccountCredential,
>> [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
>> [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()]
>> [PSCredential]
>> $DeploymentServiceAccountCredential,
>> [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
>> [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()]
>> [PSCredential]
>> $SandboxServiceAccountCredential,
>> [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
>> [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()]
>> [PSCredential]
>> $VSSWriterServiceAccountCredential,
>> [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
>> [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()]
>> [PSCredential]
>> $AsyncServiceAccountCredential,
>> [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
>> [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()]
>> [PSCredential]
>> $MonitoringServiceAccountCredential
>> )
>> Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
>> Import-DscResource -ModuleName ActiveDirectoryDsc -ModuleVersion 5.0.0
>> $domainName = "contos00.local";
>> Node $AllNodes.NodeName
>> {
>> WaitForADDomain domain
>> {
>> DomainName = $domainName
>> }
>> ADUser SqlRSAccountCredentialUser
>> {
>> DomainName = $domainName
>> UserName = $SqlRSAccountCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
>> Password = $SqlRSAccountCredential
>> PasswordNeverExpires = $true
>> DependsOn = "[WaitForADDomain]domain"
>> }
>> ADUser CRMInstallAccountUser
>> {
>> DomainName = $domainName
>> UserName = $CRMInstallAccountCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
>> Password = $CRMInstallAccountCredential
>> PasswordNeverExpires = $true
>> DependsOn = "[WaitForADDomain]domain"
>> }
>> ADUser CRMServiceAccountUser
>> {
>> DomainName = $domainName
>> UserName = $CRMServiceAccountCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
>> Password = $CRMServiceAccountCredential
>> PasswordNeverExpires = $true
>> DependsOn = "[WaitForADDomain]domain"
>> }
>> ADUser DeploymentServiceAccountUser
>> {
>> DomainName = $domainName
>> UserName = $DeploymentServiceAccountCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
>> Password = $DeploymentServiceAccountCredential
>> PasswordNeverExpires = $true
>> DependsOn = "[WaitForADDomain]domain"
>> }
>> ADUser SandboxServiceAccountUser
>> {
>> DomainName = $domainName
>> UserName = $SandboxServiceAccountCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
>> Password = $SandboxServiceAccountCredential
>> PasswordNeverExpires = $true
>> DependsOn = "[WaitForADDomain]domain"
>> }
>> ADUser VSSWriterServiceAccountUser
>> {
>> DomainName = $domainName
>> UserName = $VSSWriterServiceAccountCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
>> Password = $VSSWriterServiceAccountCredential
>> PasswordNeverExpires = $true
>> DependsOn = "[WaitForADDomain]domain"
>> }
>> ADUser AsyncServiceAccountUser
>> {
>> DomainName = $domainName
>> UserName = $AsyncServiceAccountCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
>> Password = $AsyncServiceAccountCredential
>> PasswordNeverExpires = $true
>> DependsOn = "[WaitForADDomain]domain"
>> }
>> ADUser MonitoringServiceAccountUser
>> {
>> DomainName = $domainName
>> UserName = $MonitoringServiceAccountCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
>> Password = $MonitoringServiceAccountCredential
>> PasswordNeverExpires = $true
>> DependsOn = "[WaitForADDomain]domain"
>> }
>> ADOrganizationalUnit CRMGroupsOU
>> {
>> Name = "CRM groups"
>> Path = "DC=contos00,DC=local"
>> DependsOn = "[WaitForADDomain]domain"
>> }
>> ADGroup CRMPrivUserGroup
>> {
>> GroupName = "CRM01PrivUserGroup"
>> MembersToInclude = $CRMInstallAccountCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
>> GroupScope = "Universal"
>> Path = 'OU=CRM groups,DC=contos00,DC=local'
>> DependsOn = "[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU", "[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser"
>> }
>> ADObjectPermissionEntry OUPermissions
>> {
>> Ensure = 'Present'
>> Path = 'OU=CRM groups,DC=contos00,DC=local'
>> IdentityReference = 'contos00\CRM01PrivUserGroup'
>> ActiveDirectoryRights = 'GenericAll'
>> AccessControlType = 'Allow'
>> ObjectType = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
>> ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance = 'All'
>> InheritedObjectType = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
>> DependsOn = "[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup"
>> }
>> ADGroup CRMSQLAccessGroup
>> {
>> GroupName = "CRM01SQLAccessGroup"
>> GroupScope = "Universal"
>> Path = 'OU=CRM groups,DC=contos00,DC=local'
>> DependsOn = "[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU"
>> }
>> ADGroup CRMUserGroup
>> {
>> GroupName = "CRM01UserGroup"
>> Path = 'OU=CRM groups,DC=contos00,DC=local'
>> DependsOn = "[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU"
>> }
>> ADGroup CRMReportingGroup
>> {
>> GroupName = "CRM01ReportingGroup"
>> GroupScope = "Universal"
>> Path = 'OU=CRM groups,DC=contos00,DC=local'
>> DependsOn = "[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU"
>> }
>> ADGroup CRMPrivReportingGroup
>> {
>> GroupName = "CRM01PrivReportingGroup"
>> MembersToInclude = $SqlRSAccountCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
>> GroupScope = "Universal"
>> Path = 'OU=CRM groups,DC=contos00,DC=local'
>> DependsOn = "[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU"
>> }
>> ADGroup EnterpriseAdminGroup
>> {
>> GroupName = "Enterprise Admins"
>> MembersToInclude = $CRMInstallAccountCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
>> DependsOn = "[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser"
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> catch
>> {
>> Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Exception in defining DCS:"
>> $_.Exception.Message
>> Exit 1;
>> }
>> $configurationData = @{ AllNodes = @(
>> @{ NodeName = $env:COMPUTERNAME; PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $True; PsDscAllowDomainUser = $True }
>> ) }
>> $securedPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "c0mp1Expa~~" -AsPlainText -Force
>> $SqlRSAccountCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential( "contos00\_ssrs", $securedPassword )
>> $CRMInstallAccountCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential( "contos00\_crmadmin", $securedP
ssword );
>> $CRMServiceAccountCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential( "contos00\_crmsrv", $securedPas
word );
>> $DeploymentServiceAccountCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential( "contos00\_crmdplsrv", $
ecuredPassword );
>> $SandboxServiceAccountCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential( "contos00\_crmsandbox", $se
uredPassword );
>> $VSSWriterServiceAccountCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential( "contos00\_crmvsswrit", $
ecuredPassword );
>> $AsyncServiceAccountCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential( "contos00\_crmasync", $secure
Password );
>> $MonitoringServiceAccountCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential( "contos00\_crmmon", $sec
redPassword );
>> Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Compiling DSC"
>> try
>> {
>> &$configName `
>> -ConfigurationData $configurationData `
>> -SqlRSAccountCredential $SqlRSAccountCredential `
>> -CRMInstallAccountCredential $CRMInstallAccountCredential `
>> -CRMServiceAccountCredential $CRMServiceAccountCredential `
>> -DeploymentServiceAccountCredential $DeploymentServiceAccountCredential `
>> -SandboxServiceAccountCredential $SandboxServiceAccountCredential `
>> -VSSWriterServiceAccountCredential $VSSWriterServiceAccountCredential `
>> -AsyncServiceAccountCredential $AsyncServiceAccountCredential `
>> -MonitoringServiceAccountCredential $MonitoringServiceAccountCredential;
>> }
>> catch
>> {
>> Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Exception in compiling DCS:";
>> $_.Exception.Message
>> Exit 1;
>> }
>> Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Starting DSC"
>> try
>> {
>> Start-DscConfiguration $configName -Verbose -Wait -Force;
>> }
>> catch
>> {
>> Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Exception in starting DCS:"
>> $_.Exception.Message
>> Exit 1;
>> }
02/06/2020 11:56:37 Defining DSC
02/06/2020 11:56:37 Compiling DSC
Directory: C:\Windows\system32\CRMDomainCustomizations
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 2/6/2020 11:56 AM 18202 AD01.mof
02/06/2020 11:56:39 Starting DSC
VERBOSE: Perform operation 'Invoke CimMethod' with following parameters, ''methodName' =
SendConfigurationApply,'className' = MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager,'namespaceName' =
VERBOSE: An LCM method call arrived from computer AD01 with user sid S-1-5-21-4287140351-2631862933-3649857852-1001.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[WaitForADDomain]domain]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[WaitForADDomain]domain]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[WaitForADDomain]domain] Determining the current state of the Active
Directory domain 'contos00.local'. (WFADD0013)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[WaitForADDomain]domain] Searching for a domain controller in the domain
'contos00.local'. (WFADD0001)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[WaitForADDomain]domain] Impersonating the credentials 'NT
AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' when looking for a domain controller. (WFADD0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[WaitForADDomain]domain] Searching for a domain controller in the domain
'contos00.local'. (ADCOMMON0052)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[WaitForADDomain]domain] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[WaitForADDomain]domain] Get a new Active Directory context of the type
'Domain'. (ADCOMMON0046)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[WaitForADDomain]domain] The Active Directory context will target
'contos00.local'. (ADCOMMON0047)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[WaitForADDomain]domain] The Active Directory context will be accessed
using the 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' credentials. (ADCOMMON0048)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[WaitForADDomain]domain] Found a domain controller in the domain
'contos00.local'. (ADCOMMON0049)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[WaitForADDomain]domain] Found domain controller. (WFADD0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[WaitForADDomain]domain] Evaluating the state of the property
'IsAvailable'. (ADCOMMON0003)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[WaitForADDomain]domain] The parameter 'IsAvailable' is in desired state.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[WaitForADDomain]domain] Domain 'contos00.local' is in the desired state.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[WaitForADDomain]domain] in 0.4470 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Skip Set ] [[WaitForADDomain]domain]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[WaitForADDomain]domain]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_ssrs' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Active Directory user '_ssrs'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Creating connection to Active
Directory domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Missing the type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' from the PowerShell session. (ADCOMMON0044)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Adding the assembly
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement' into the PowerShell session. (ADCOMMON0045)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Checking Active Directory user '_ssrs'
password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] User 'Password' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected '<Password>', actual '<Password>'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] User 'PasswordNeverExpires' property
is NOT in the desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] User 'Ensure' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'Present', actual 'Absent'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] User 'Enabled' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] in 0.8790 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_ssrs' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Active Directory user '_ssrs'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Adding Active Directory user '_ssrs'.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_ssrs' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Active Directory user '_ssrs'
([email protected]) is present. (ADU0007)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Creating connection to Active
Directory domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Checking Active Directory user '_ssrs'
password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Setting Active Directory user
password. (ADU0013)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Updating user property
'PasswordNeverExpires' with/to 'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Updating user property 'Enabled'
with/to 'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] Updating Active Directory user
'_ssrs'. (ADU0012)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser] in 1.1930 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADUser]SqlRSAccountCredentialUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmadmin' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmadmin'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Creating connection to Active Directory
domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user '_crmadmin'
password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] User 'Password' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected '<Password>', actual '<Password>'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] User 'PasswordNeverExpires' property is NOT
in the desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] User 'Ensure' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'Present', actual 'Absent'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] User 'Enabled' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] in 0.1100 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmadmin' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmadmin'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Adding Active Directory user '_crmadmin'.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmadmin' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmadmin'
([email protected]) is present. (ADU0007)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Creating connection to Active Directory
domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user '_crmadmin'
password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Setting Active Directory user password.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Updating user property
'PasswordNeverExpires' with/to 'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Updating user property 'Enabled' with/to
'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] Updating Active Directory user '_crmadmin'.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser] in 0.5960 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADUser]CRMInstallAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user '_crmsrv'
([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmsrv'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Creating connection to Active Directory
domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user '_crmsrv'
password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] User 'Password' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected '<Password>', actual '<Password>'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] User 'PasswordNeverExpires' property is NOT
in the desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] User 'Ensure' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'Present', actual 'Absent'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] User 'Enabled' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] in 0.1730 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user '_crmsrv'
([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmsrv'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Adding Active Directory user '_crmsrv'.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user '_crmsrv'
([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmsrv'
([email protected]) is present. (ADU0007)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Creating connection to Active Directory
domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user '_crmsrv'
password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Setting Active Directory user password.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Updating user property
'PasswordNeverExpires' with/to 'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Updating user property 'Enabled' with/to
'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] Updating Active Directory user '_crmsrv'.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser] in 0.6280 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADUser]CRMServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmdplsrv' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmdplsrv'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Creating connection to Active
Directory domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user
'_crmdplsrv' password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] User 'Password' property is NOT in
the desired state. Expected '<Password>', actual '<Password>'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] User 'PasswordNeverExpires' property
is NOT in the desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] User 'Ensure' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'Present', actual 'Absent'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] User 'Enabled' property is NOT in
the desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] in 0.1730 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmdplsrv' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmdplsrv'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Adding Active Directory user
'_crmdplsrv'. (ADU0010)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmdplsrv' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmdplsrv'
([email protected]) is present. (ADU0007)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Creating connection to Active
Directory domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user
'_crmdplsrv' password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Setting Active Directory user
password. (ADU0013)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Updating user property
'PasswordNeverExpires' with/to 'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Updating user property 'Enabled'
with/to 'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] Updating Active Directory user
'_crmdplsrv'. (ADU0012)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser] in 0.5650 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADUser]DeploymentServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmsandbox' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmsandbox'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Creating connection to Active Directory
domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user
'_crmsandbox' password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] User 'Password' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected '<Password>', actual '<Password>'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] User 'PasswordNeverExpires' property is
NOT in the desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] User 'Ensure' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'Present', actual 'Absent'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] User 'Enabled' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] in 0.1570 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmsandbox' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmsandbox'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Adding Active Directory user
'_crmsandbox'. (ADU0010)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmsandbox' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmsandbox'
([email protected]) is present. (ADU0007)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Creating connection to Active Directory
domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user
'_crmsandbox' password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Setting Active Directory user password.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Updating user property
'PasswordNeverExpires' with/to 'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Updating user property 'Enabled'
with/to 'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] Updating Active Directory user
'_crmsandbox'. (ADU0012)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser] in 0.4710 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADUser]SandboxServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmvsswrit' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmvsswrit'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Creating connection to Active
Directory domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user
'_crmvsswrit' password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] User 'Password' property is NOT in
the desired state. Expected '<Password>', actual '<Password>'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] User 'PasswordNeverExpires' property
is NOT in the desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] User 'Ensure' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'Present', actual 'Absent'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] User 'Enabled' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] in 0.1570 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmvsswrit' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmvsswrit'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Adding Active Directory user
'_crmvsswrit'. (ADU0010)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmvsswrit' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmvsswrit'
([email protected]) is present. (ADU0007)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Creating connection to Active
Directory domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user
'_crmvsswrit' password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Setting Active Directory user
password. (ADU0013)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Updating user property
'PasswordNeverExpires' with/to 'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Updating user property 'Enabled'
with/to 'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] Updating Active Directory user
'_crmvsswrit'. (ADU0012)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser] in 0.4860 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADUser]VSSWriterServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmasync' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmasync'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Creating connection to Active Directory
domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user
'_crmasync' password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] User 'Password' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected '<Password>', actual '<Password>'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] User 'PasswordNeverExpires' property is
NOT in the desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] User 'Ensure' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'Present', actual 'Absent'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] User 'Enabled' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] in 0.1260 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmasync' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmasync'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Adding Active Directory user '_crmasync'.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmasync' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmasync'
([email protected]) is present. (ADU0007)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Creating connection to Active Directory
domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user
'_crmasync' password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Setting Active Directory user password.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Updating user property
'PasswordNeverExpires' with/to 'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Updating user property 'Enabled' with/to
'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] Updating Active Directory user
'_crmasync'. (ADU0012)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser] in 0.4240 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADUser]AsyncServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmmon' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmmon'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Creating connection to Active
Directory domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user
'_crmmon' password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] User 'Password' property is NOT in
the desired state. Expected '<Password>', actual '<Password>'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] User 'PasswordNeverExpires' property
is NOT in the desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] User 'Ensure' property is NOT in the
desired state. Expected 'Present', actual 'Absent'. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] User 'Enabled' property is NOT in
the desired state. Expected 'True', actual ''. (ADU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] in 0.1090 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmmon' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmmon'
([email protected]) was NOT present. (ADU0008)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Adding Active Directory user
'_crmmon'. (ADU0010)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Retrieving Active Directory user
'_crmmon' ([email protected]). (ADU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Active Directory user '_crmmon'
([email protected]) is present. (ADU0007)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Creating connection to Active
Directory domain 'contos00.local'. (ADU0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] The type
'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext' is already loaded into the PowerShell session.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Checking Active Directory user
'_crmmon' password. (ADU0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Setting Active Directory user
password. (ADU0013)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Updating user property
'PasswordNeverExpires' with/to 'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Updating user property 'Enabled'
with/to 'True'. (ADU0014)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] Updating Active Directory user
'_crmmon'. (ADU0012)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser] in 0.5030 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADUser]MonitoringServiceAccountUser]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU] Retrieving OU 'CRM groups' from path
'DC=contos00,DC=local'. (ADOU0001)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU] OU 'CRM groups' does not exist when it
should exist. (ADOU0009)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU] in 0.2040 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU] Retrieving OU 'CRM groups' from path
'DC=contos00,DC=local'. (ADOU0001)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU] Creating OU 'CRM groups'. (ADOU0004)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU] in 0.2200 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADOrganizationalUnit]CRMGroupsOU]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup] AD Group 'CRM01PrivUserGroup' was not found.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup] AD Group 'GroupScope' is not correct. Expected
'Universal', actual ''. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup] AD Group 'Path' is not correct. Expected
'OU=CRM groups,DC=contos00,DC=local', actual ''. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup] Group membership is NOT in the desired state.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup] AD Group 'Ensure' is not correct. Expected
'Present', actual 'Absent'. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup] in 0.2660 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup] AD Group 'CRM01PrivUserGroup' was not found.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup] Creating AD Group 'CRM01PrivUserGroup'.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup] Adding '1' member(s) to AD group
'CRM01PrivUserGroup'. (ADG0003)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup] in 0.4240 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADGroup]CRMPrivUserGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADObjectPermissionEntry]OUPermissions]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADObjectPermissionEntry]OUPermissions]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADObjectPermissionEntry]OUPermissions] Creating new AD: PSDrive.
Cannot find drive. A drive with the name 'AD' does not exist.
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (AD:) [], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DriveNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetAclCommand
+ PSComputerName : AD01
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADObjectPermissionEntry]OUPermissions] Object permission entry not found
on object 'OU=CRM groups,DC=contos00,DC=local'. (OPE0002)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADObjectPermissionEntry]OUPermissions] Object permission entry on object
'OU=CRM groups,DC=contos00,DC=local' is not in the desired state. (OPE0006)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADObjectPermissionEntry]OUPermissions] in 0.3920 seconds.
The PowerShell DSC resource '[ADObjectPermissionEntry]OUPermissions' with SourceInfo
'::143::13::ADObjectPermissionEntry' threw one or more non-terminating errors while running the Test-TargetResource
functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW channel called Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this
channel for more details.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NonTerminatingErrorFromProvider
+ PSComputerName : AD01
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADGroup]CRMSQLAccessGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADGroup]CRMSQLAccessGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMSQLAccessGroup] AD Group 'CRM01SQLAccessGroup' was not found.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMSQLAccessGroup] AD Group 'GroupScope' is not correct. Expected
'Universal', actual ''. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMSQLAccessGroup] AD Group 'Path' is not correct. Expected
'OU=CRM groups,DC=contos00,DC=local', actual ''. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMSQLAccessGroup] AD Group 'Ensure' is not correct. Expected
'Present', actual 'Absent'. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADGroup]CRMSQLAccessGroup] in 0.0470 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADGroup]CRMSQLAccessGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMSQLAccessGroup] AD Group 'CRM01SQLAccessGroup' was not found.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMSQLAccessGroup] Creating AD Group 'CRM01SQLAccessGroup'.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADGroup]CRMSQLAccessGroup] in 0.2370 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADGroup]CRMSQLAccessGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADGroup]CRMUserGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADGroup]CRMUserGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMUserGroup] AD Group 'CRM01UserGroup' was not found. (ADG00010)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMUserGroup] AD Group 'Path' is not correct. Expected 'OU=CRM
groups,DC=contos00,DC=local', actual ''. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMUserGroup] AD Group 'Ensure' is not correct. Expected
'Present', actual 'Absent'. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADGroup]CRMUserGroup] in 0.0620 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADGroup]CRMUserGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMUserGroup] AD Group 'CRM01UserGroup' was not found. (ADG00010)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMUserGroup] Creating AD Group 'CRM01UserGroup'. (ADG0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADGroup]CRMUserGroup] in 0.1880 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADGroup]CRMUserGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADGroup]CRMReportingGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADGroup]CRMReportingGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMReportingGroup] AD Group 'CRM01ReportingGroup' was not found.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMReportingGroup] AD Group 'GroupScope' is not correct. Expected
'Universal', actual ''. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMReportingGroup] AD Group 'Path' is not correct. Expected
'OU=CRM groups,DC=contos00,DC=local', actual ''. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMReportingGroup] AD Group 'Ensure' is not correct. Expected
'Present', actual 'Absent'. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADGroup]CRMReportingGroup] in 0.0470 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADGroup]CRMReportingGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMReportingGroup] AD Group 'CRM01ReportingGroup' was not found.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMReportingGroup] Creating AD Group 'CRM01ReportingGroup'.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADGroup]CRMReportingGroup] in 0.1570 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADGroup]CRMReportingGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup] AD Group 'CRM01PrivReportingGroup' was not
found. (ADG00010)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup] AD Group 'GroupScope' is not correct.
Expected 'Universal', actual ''. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup] AD Group 'Path' is not correct. Expected
'OU=CRM groups,DC=contos00,DC=local', actual ''. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup] Group membership is NOT in the desired
state. (ADG0002)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup] AD Group 'Ensure' is not correct. Expected
'Present', actual 'Absent'. (ADG0011)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup] in 0.1250 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup] AD Group 'CRM01PrivReportingGroup' was not
found. (ADG00010)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup] Creating AD Group
'CRM01PrivReportingGroup'. (ADG0005)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup] Adding '1' member(s) to AD group
'CRM01PrivReportingGroup'. (ADG0003)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup] in 0.2190 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADGroup]CRMPrivReportingGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[ADGroup]EnterpriseAdminGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[ADGroup]EnterpriseAdminGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]EnterpriseAdminGroup] Retrieving group membership based on
'SamAccountName' property. (ADG0001)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]EnterpriseAdminGroup] Group membership is NOT in the desired
state. (ADG0002)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[ADGroup]EnterpriseAdminGroup] in 0.3420 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[ADGroup]EnterpriseAdminGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]EnterpriseAdminGroup] Retrieving group membership based on
'SamAccountName' property. (ADG0001)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]EnterpriseAdminGroup] Updating AD Group 'Enterprise Admins'.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]EnterpriseAdminGroup] Retrieving group membership based on
'SamAccountName' property. (ADG0001)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: [[ADGroup]EnterpriseAdminGroup] Adding '1' member(s) to AD group
'Enterprise Admins'. (ADG0003)
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[ADGroup]EnterpriseAdminGroup] in 0.3460 seconds.
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[ADGroup]EnterpriseAdminGroup]
VERBOSE: [AD01]: LCM: [ End Set ]
The SendConfigurationApply function did not succeed.
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (root/Microsoft/...gurationManager:String) [], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MI RESULT 1
+ PSComputerName : AD01
VERBOSE: Operation 'Invoke CimMethod' complete.
VERBOSE: Time taken for configuration job to complete is 11.457 seconds
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