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Last active September 5, 2022 15:53
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Julia code for Caesar shift and columnar transposition cracking.
println("Begin to decrypt cipher text: ", cipherText)
frequencies = Dict( "A" => 8.167,
"B" => 1.492,
"C" => 2.782,
"D" => 4.253,
"E" => 12.702,
"F" => 2.228,
"G" => 2.015,
"H" => 6.094,
"I" => 6.966,
"J" => 0.153,
"K" => 0.772,
"L" => 4.025,
"M" => 2.406,
"N" => 6.749,
"O" => 7.507,
"P" => 1.929,
"Q" => 0.095,
"R" => 5.987,
"S" => 6.327,
"T" => 9.056,
"U" => 2.758,
"V" => 0.978,
"W" => 2.360,
"X" => 0.150,
"Y" => 1.974,
"Z" => 0.074)
println("Initializing frequency array for ENGLISH...")
ENGLISH = [0.0749, 0.0129, 0.0354, 0.0362, 0.1400, 0.0218, 0.0174, 0.0422, 0.0665, 0.0027, 0.0047, 0.0357,
0.0339, 0.0674, 0.0737, 0.0243, 0.0026, 0.0614, 0.0695, 0.0985, 0.0300, 0.0116, 0.0169, 0.0028,
0.0164, 0.0004]
variances = zeros(length(ENGLISH))
counts = zeros(length(ENGLISH))
for letter in cipherText
code = Int(letter) - Int('A')
if code < 1
code += 26
counts[code] += 1
for shift in 0:length(ENGLISH) - 1
println("Applying inverse caesar shift: ", shift)
shiftedCounts = circshift(counts, -1 * shift)
variance = sum(broadcast(abs, ((shiftedCounts / length(cipherText) - ENGLISH) / ENGLISH)))
variances[shift + 1] = variance;
println("The variance for each shift is calculated to be: \n", variances)
minshift = argmin(variances)
println("Inverse Caesar shift by ", minshift, " yielded minimal variance of ", variances[minshift], " respect to frequency of letters in ENGLISH...")
shiftedTextList = []
for letter in cipherText
code = Int(letter) - minshift
if code < Int('A')
code += 26
append!(shiftedTextList, Char(code))
shiftedText = join(shiftedTextList)
println("Deciphering minimal variance shifted text: ", shiftedText, " with columnar transposition...")
#Installing combinatorics library:
#import Pkg; Pkg.add("Combinatorics")
#Installing progress meter:
#import Pkg; Pkg.add("ProgressMeter")
using Combinatorics
using ProgressMeter
filename = "./google-10000-english.txt"
println("Loading common words DICTIONARY from: ", filename)
DICTIONARY = readlines(filename)
for width in 2:10
println("Applying columnar transposition with width: ", width)
matrix = []
height = Int(ceil(length(shiftedText) / width))
total = width * height
for index in 1:total
if index <= length(shiftedText)
append!(matrix, shiftedText[index])
append!(matrix, "?")
matrix = reshape(matrix, (height, width))
orders = collect(permutations(collect(1:width)))
completed = 0
n = length(orders)
p = Progress(n, 1, "Computing all permutations:", 50, :black)
bestPlainText = "?"
bestPlainTextCommonPercentage = 0
for permutation in orders
plainTextMatrix = []
for row in 1:height
for columnIndex in 1:width
char = matrix[row, permutation[columnIndex]]
if char != '?'
append!(plainTextMatrix, char)
plainText = join(plainTextMatrix)
wordCount = 0
wordLengthSum = 0
words = []
for word in DICTIONARY
if length(uppercase(word)) > 3 && occursin(uppercase(word), plainText)
wordCount += 1;
wordLengthSum += length(word)
push!(words, uppercase(word))
percentageCommon = wordLengthSum / length(plainText) * 100
if percentageCommon > 50
println("\rColumnar transposition with the order of: ", permutation, " yielded a string containing ", wordCount, " common word(s) which makes it ", percentageCommon, "% common words, below is the string:\n", plainText, "\ncontaining the words:\n", words)
if percentageCommon > bestPlainTextCommonPercentage
bestPlainText = plainText
bestPlainTextCommonPercentage = percentageCommon
println("Currently, the best plain text is:\n", bestPlainText, " which is ", bestPlainTextCommonPercentage, "% common words...")
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