- The paper introduces GuessWhat - a two-player guessing game where the goal is to locate an object in a rich image scene.
- The game is used to produce a large scale dataset of visual question-answer pairs on the image.
- The paper also describes three tasks based on the game and provides a neural architecture based baselines for each task.
- Link to the paper
- One player, called as the oracle, is randomly assigned an object in the given image.
- The second player, called as the questioner, tries to locate the object, given just the image.
- The questioner can ask a series of questions about the object and the oracle can reply in "yes" or "no" or "not applicable".
- Once the questioner is confident of having identified the image, the oracle presents a list of objects to the questioner to choose from.
- A small penalty is added, every time a question is asked, so as to encourage informative questions only.
- A filtered subset of images from MSCOCO is used as the image set.
- Two separate tasks create on Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) - for the role of oracle and questioner.
- Data was post processed -- both manually and using AMT -- to account for things like spelling mistakes and validation.
- Final dataset comprises of 150K thousand human game iterations with 800K question-answer pairs on 60K images.
- Dataset is available at https://guesswhat.ai/download
- an average number of questions, given the number of objects in the image, grows at a rate between logarithmic and linear possibly because:
- questioner does not have access to the list of images while asking the question.
- questioner might ask a few extra questions just to be sure.
- questioner uses abstract object properties like "human/object/furniture" early in the conversation and quickly switch over to spatial/visual aspects like "left/right or table/chair"/
- The paper also includes the analysis of how factors like size of the unknown object, its position, total number of objects etc affect the accuracy of humans (playing on AMT).
- Given an image, a set of segments objects (along with their category and pixel-wise segmentation mask) and the object to be identified.
- The questioner generates a series of questions to ask from the oracle
- Modelled as a single hidden layer MLP.
- Input: Concatenate embeddings for the
- image - obtained using FC8 features from VGG Net - fixed during training
- cropped target object - obtained using FC8 features from VGG Net - fixed during training
- spatial information about the target object (bounding box coordinates, normalised wrt coordinates of the centre) in form of a vector - fixed during training
- category of target object - dense categorical embedding - trained
- current question asked by the questioner - encoded by LSTM - trained
- Output: One of the three answers - "yes", "no", "not applicable"
- Loss: Negative log-likelihood of correct answer
- Performance: The best model achieves the test error of 21.5% and uses question embedding + category embedding + spatial information.
Question performs two sub tasks:
- Input: Concatenate embeddings for the
- image - obtained using FC8 features from VGG Net - fixed during training
- dialogue - the series of question-answer pair are embedded into fixed size vectors using an LSTM or HRED encoder
- Objects are represented by:
- concatenation of their category and spatial features
- passing through an MLP (which shares parameters across objects)
- Perform a dot product between input embedding and embedding for the objects, followed by softmax, to obtain the probability distribution of the objects.
- Performance:
- The best model achieves the test error of 38.7% and uses LSTM alone (no VGG features were used)
- VGG features did not improve the performance, probably because the questions and the objects captured all the information already
- Maybe using some different network for image features may help
- Input: Concatenate embeddings for the
- HRED, conditioned over the VGG features (from the image) and questions asked so far (if any) is used to generate the natural language questions by maximising conditional log-likelihood.
- The questions generated by the generator are answered by the oracle which is ground truth at train time and trained oracle at test time. The paper acknowledges this shortcoming.
- 5 questions are generated before triggering the guesser
- Performance: The best model achieves an error of 38.7% using human generated dialogues.
- the performance is also deteriorated by the fact that oracle and guesser are not perfect.
- The paper has provided a very detailed analysis of the dataset and have experimented with various combinations to find the best embedding model.
- The sample questions show in the paper indicates that the generator model produces the same question many times - indicating poor generalisation.