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Run Kubernetes Locally
# How to install and run kubernetes locally (Ubuntu)
## 1. Intsall [Kubectl](
## 2. Intsall [MiniKube](
## 3. Add Docker to Sudo group:
# (required) to be able to start minikube
$ sudo groupadd docker
# Add your user to the docker group, replace [user] with your username
$ sudo usermod -aG docker [user]
# To activate changes to the group
$ newgrp docker
## 4. Build, test and push application to dockerhub:
# (required) build the docker image from the Dockerfile
$ docker build -t comingsoon-img .
# (Optional) you can test the application locally with docker before pushing it to dockerhub to make sure it is working fine
$ docker run -d -p 8000:80 comingsoon-img
$ curl localhost:8000
# to stop and remove container after testing
$ docker stop comingsoon-img
$ docker rm comingsoon-img
# (required) make sure you logedin to your dockerhub account before you push the image
$ docker login
# (required) tag the image that you will push with your dockerhub user
$ docker tag comingsoon-img dockerhub.user/comingsoon-img
# (required) push image to dockerhub
$ docker push dockerhub.user/comingsoon-img
## 5. Add Docker to Sudo Group
# Create the docker group if not exist
$ sudo groupadd docker
# Add user to the docker group
$ sudo usermod -aG docker [user]
# To activate changes to the group
$ newgrp docker
## 6. Start MiniKube:
minikube start
## 7. Install K9s
### a) Click on the following link: [Download K9s](
### b) Unzip the downloaded tar.gz file
``` bash
# Download K9s
$ sudo tar -xvzf file.tar.gz
### c) Install
``` bash
# Make sure you are into the directory and see the k9s file
$ sudo install -m 755 k9s
## 8. Deploy the application:
``` bash
# run deployment.yml & service.yml
$ kubectl create namespace <name>
$ kubectl -n <namespace-name> apply -f deployment.yml
$ kubectl -n <namespace-name> apply -f service.yml
## 9. Get App URL
minikube service -n <namespace-name> <service-name> --url
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