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Feeding forms

Felipe Oliveira sexptherapy

Feeding forms
  • Berlin
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sexptherapy / object_mccc_sep16.pde
Created November 30, 2018 06:31 — forked from tsulej/object_mccc_sep16.pde
The Object MCCC Sep 16
// The Object
// GenerateMe submission to MCCC Sep 2016
// [email protected]
void setup() {
size(540, 540);
sexptherapy /
Created July 17, 2018 06:46 — forked from igrigorik/
HAR Show links & resources
sexptherapy /
Created July 20, 2017 21:50 — forked from levibostian/
webpack, Tachyons, pug, Vue.js web app.

Today, single page web apps are driving many websites that we use each and every day. Instead of having your browser request a new web page for each and every action you perform on a web page, single page web apps may load all in one request to smoothly and quickly transition with every action you perform.

When building single page web apps, you may decide to retrieve all of the HTML, CSS and Javascript with one single page load or dynamically load these resources as the user moves about your site. Either way, it can be a pain to bundle all of these assets together for the end user to download from your web server. This is where webpack comes into play.

webpack does all of the heavy lifting bundling all of your HTML, CSS and Javascript together. If you write your site all from scratch or depend on dependencies from npm, webpack takes care of packaging it all together for you. It has the ability to take your single page web app, cut out all of the code you don't need, then packa

sexptherapy / insert-url.el
Created July 20, 2017 19:27
Inserts the content of an URL into the Emacs buffer, like VIm's :r <url>
(defun insert-url-1 (url insert-func)
(let* ((tem (funcall insert-func url)))
(push-mark (+ (point) (car (cdr tem))))))
(defun insert-url (url)
"Insert contents of URL into buffer after point.
Set mark after the inserted text.
This function is meant for the user to run interactively.
Don't call it from programs!
sexptherapy / lets split build
Created July 12, 2017 21:39 — forked from nicinabox/lets split build
This guide covers building a Let's Split v2.

This guide is moving

To improve collaboration this guide is moving to GitHub. Continue reading

An Overly Verbose Guide to Building a Let's Split Keyboard

This guide covers building a Let's Split v2. Order your parts and read over this guide while you wait.

sexptherapy / org-style.css
Created June 21, 2017 05:00 — forked from mowen/org-style.css
A stylesheet for the Emacs Org Mode HTML export
* This stylesheet will work pretty well with a regular Org Mode HTML export.
* However, you do have to turn off all of the defaults:
* (setq org-export-html-style-include-scripts nil
* org-export-html-style-include-default nil)
* and insert a call to the stylesheet:
* (setq org-export-html-style
$(window).load(function() {
function waw --description 'Sets a wallpaper with sxiv and feh'
set -l sxiv_var (sxiv -r -o $argv)
set -l read_var (read -s -c '--bg-')
xargs<(feh $read_var<$sxiv_var)
(defn fun1
[x y z]
(defn fun2
[a b]
(fun1 5 7 (fun2 "foo" 42))
timestamp=`date +%s`