- Open Data definition
- Structured data that is
- machine-readable
- freely shared
- used and built on without restrictions
- Structured data that is
- Specific types of open data
- Budget
-- Read the docs: https://www.lunarvim.org/docs/configuration | |
-- Video Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFA9kX-Ud_c&list=PLhoH5vyxr6QqGu0i7tt_XoVK9v-KvZ3m6 | |
-- Forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/lunarvim/ | |
-- Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Xb9B4Ny | |
-- Plugins | |
lvim.plugins = { | |
{ | |
"sainnhe/everforest", | |
}, |
#!/usr/bin/env node | |
const program = require('commander') | |
const { promisify } = require('util') | |
const fs = require('fs') | |
const csv = require('csv') | |
const moment = require('moment') | |
const { | |
map, | |
filter | |
} = require('lodash') |
I hereby claim:
- I am sethetter on github.
- I am sethetter (https://keybase.io/sethetter) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASCdP3Ho9peBaeukPLxqjSLrvy3fKZekOmLaEJz1FxC0kQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
const url = require('url') | |
const qs = require('querystring') | |
const path = require('path') | |
const fs = require('fs') | |
const { createServer } = require('http') | |
const { exec } = require('child_process') | |
const envFile = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'dbctl.env'), { encoding: 'utf8' }) |
But why?
The natural way that a programmer gets interested in programming is to see others doing it, get intrigued, and then try it out for themselves. The same is true of probably any hobby, profession, educational topic, etc. The problem with this is that it limits a newcomer's likelihood to learn a different and potentially better way to approach said activity.
#!/usr/bin/env node | |
const path = require('path') | |
const fs = require('fs') | |
const yaml = require('js-yaml') | |
const _ = require('lodash') | |
const AWS = require('aws-sdk') | |
const program = require('commander') |
The term "civic hacking" can, at times, raise an eyebrow or two. It just so happens that each one of these words packs quite a bit of meaning individually. When you combine them, something magical happens. Let's define them.
civic - adj. -- Of, relating to, or belonging to a city, a citizen, or citizenship.
hacking - v. -- Creating clever modifications or improvements, often using
const fs = require('fs') | |
const path = require('path') | |
const csv = require('csv') | |
const request = require('request') | |
const getRemoteFileContent = (url) => { | |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { | |
request(url, (err, response) => { | |
if (err) return reject(err) | |
return resolve(response.body) |
I get asked this question quite a bit, and I totally understand why! We're definitely not like any other group in the area, and "civic tech" might not be a thing you've really heard much about.
Maybe you've heard about us, maybe not. Either way, I would like to take some time to jot down what exactly Open Wichita is all about. Our mission relies heavily on having awesome people involved, and how could you get involved if you don't even know what we do?