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Created April 2, 2013 12:49
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WLAN SSID Sniffer in Python using Scapy
#!/usr/bin/env python
from scapy.all import *
ap_list = []
def PacketHandler(pkt) :
if pkt.haslayer(Dot11) :
if pkt.type == 0 and pkt.subtype == 8 :
if pkt.addr2 not in ap_list :
print "AP MAC: %s with SSID: %s " %(pkt.addr2,
sniff(iface="mon0", prn = PacketHandler)
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If you want to sniff SSID then why you only catch beacon packets? Correct version and probe request sniffer . Also please try keep your script running a long period of time and look your cpu/mem... all packets will be in memory.

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@uforek: yes, subtype 8 is beacon

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vck commented Feb 14, 2015

is there some spesification for the network interface ? it didn't works well on mine

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I'm having a problem with my sniff().
I used from scapy import * instead of scapy.all import *

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hello evryone,
I am using mininet-wifi to send dot11 packets from station1 to station 2 but I am not able to send.May b I am making mistake in send and sniff commands...Please suggest

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Thank you, very much!

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I'am rather new by using python (lotst ofe experience with other languages). I bougth a raspberry and know tries to find out if I can use my Pi for notifying if a dedicated person is in the neighbouhood. I.e. by detecting Wifi, bluetooth or other specifc signal (also for automatic opening doors; get ligths on etc.)
I loaded the code and tried to run the application.
it just gave me the error it could not find scapy
--> I did install the scapy modules by PIP
What did probably go wrong?


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MushuDG commented May 9, 2020


Thanks for this script, I'm using it for a personal project!

I don't know if it's currently obsolete or not, the if condition which tests the type and the subtype never returns positive value to me. So I changed if pkt.haslayer (Dot11): so that it becomes if pkt.haslayer (Dot11ProbeReq):

I was then able to delete the if type && subtype

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