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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Cursor Proposal
const React = window.React = require('react')
const {map, append, partial, curry, compose} = require('ramda')
const shortid = require('shortid')
// STATE --------------------------------------------------------
// returns a state object, and automatically creates sub-cursors
// state.items = cursor to items
// state.items[0] = cursor to items[0].
const state = magicCursorFunction({
items: [
{id: 1, name: "one"},
{id: 2, name: "two"},
{id: 3, name: "three"}],
// cursor.get()
// cursor.update(f)
// cursor.set(v)
// cursor.x = child cursor
// VIEW -----------------------------------------------------------
// each component gets passed a cursor that points to some js data
// call .get() to get the data, or .set() or .update() to trigger an update
const TodoItem = React.createClass({
render() {
const cursor = this.props.cursor
const item = cursor.get()
// note you can do instead of cursor.get().name
function onChange(e) {
// also works:
// other ways of writing the same thing
// I'm not sure it's helpful to create change functions like this
// it's probably always clearer to define a callback above
// maybe: cursor.makeUpdate()
const onChange2 = compose(cursor.update, setName, eventValue)
return <li>
<input value={} onChange={onChange}/>
const TodoList = React.createClass({
render() {
const itemsCursor = this.props.cursor
const renderItem = i => <TodoItem cursor={i} key={}/>
return <ul>
{map(renderItem, itemsCursor)}
const TodoApp = React.createClass({
render() {
const cursor = this.props.cursor
const onAdd = () => cursor.update(addEmptyItem)
return <div className="row small-12 columns">
<button onClick={onAdd}>Add Item</button>
<TodoList cursor={cursor} />
// I want to add items easily
const App = React.createClass({
render() {
return <TodoApp cursor={state.items}/> }
function render() {
// HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------
// notice that none of these deal with cursors. They're all functions
// that just deal with data, and are immutable-style
const addItem = curry(function(item, items) {
return append(item, items)
const emptyItem = function() {
return {id: shortid.generate(), name: ""}
const addEmptyItem = compose(addItem, emptyItem)
const setName = curry(function(value, item) { = value
return item
const eventValue = function(e) {
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seanhess commented Mar 4, 2015

@murphyrandle yep, great! It's kept up to date the same way as omniscient, the component should get refreshed every time it's updated. I haven't implemented anything yet, so I don't have details, but the basic idea is that a cursor is just an addressing function into the data and a reference to the current data.

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mrmurphy commented Mar 4, 2015

Okay cool. As far as the api goes I think it looks good. @numso and I worked out a potential alternative last night as well, and he implemented a test today. I'd like for him to post that up so that we can all comment on it also.

Btw, I decided not to vet the idea I brought up earlier about pouchdb. I don't really want us to do that. :)

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