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Last active July 22, 2023 19:44
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Linux Terminal Efficiency

  1. Ctrl + a - Move cursor to start of line
  2. Ctrl + e - Move cursor to end of line
  3. Ctrl + b - Move back one character
  4. Alt + b - Move back one word
  5. Ctrl + f - Move forward one character
  6. Alt + f - Move forward one word
  7. Ctrl + d - Delete current character
  8. Ctrl + w - Cut the last word
  9. Ctrl + k - Cut everything after the cursor
  10. Alt + d - Cut word after the cursor
  11. Alt + w - Cut word before the cursor
  12. Ctrl + y - Paste the last deleted command
  13. Ctrl + _ - Undo
  14. Ctrl + u - Cut everything before the cursor
  15. Ctrl + xx - Toggle between first and current position
  16. Ctrl + l - Clear the terminal
  17. Ctrl + c - Cancel the command
  18. Ctrl + r - Search command in history type the search term
  19. Ctrl + j - End the search at current history entry
  20. Ctrl + g - Cancel the search and restore original line
  21. Ctrl + n - Next command from the History
  22. Ctrl + p - previous command from the History
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