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Created May 30, 2012 20:03
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Example using OGR and Shapely to compute true distances between geometries and points.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# compute true distance between points
# and closest geometry.
# shaun walbridge, 2012.05.15
# TODO: no indexing used currently, could stand if performance needs
# improving (currently runs in ~1.5hr for 13k points)
from geopy import distance
from osgeo import ogr
from shapely.geometry import Point, MultiPolygon
from shapely.wkt import dumps, loads
import math
import sys
# pairs iterator:
def pairs(lst):
i = iter(lst)
first = prev =
for item in i:
yield prev, item
prev = item
yield item, first
# these methods rewritten from the C version of Paul Bourke's
# geometry computations:
def magnitude(p1, p2):
vect_x = p2.x - p1.x
vect_y = p2.y - p1.y
return math.sqrt(vect_x**2 + vect_y**2)
def intersect_point_to_line(point, line_start, line_end):
line_magnitude = magnitude(line_end, line_start)
u = ((point.x - line_start.x) * (line_end.x - line_start.x) + \
(point.y - line_start.y) * (line_end.y - line_start.y)) \
/ (line_magnitude ** 2)
intersect_point = None
# closest point does not fall within the line segment,
# take the shorter distance to an endpoint
if u < 0.00001 or u > 1:
ix = magnitude(point, line_start)
iy = magnitude(point, line_end)
if ix > iy:
intersect_point = line_end
intersect_point = line_start
ix = line_start.x + u * (line_end.x - line_start.x)
iy = line_start.y + u * (line_end.y - line_start.y)
intersect_point = Point([ix, iy])
return intersect_point
# convert OGR readable format to WKT representation
def ogrWkt2Shapely(input_shape):
# this throws away the other attributes of the feature, but is
# sufficient in this use case
shp = ogr.Open(input_shape)
lyr = shp.GetLayer()
for n in range(0, lyr.GetFeatureCount()):
feat = lyr.GetFeature(n)
wkt_feat = loads(feat.geometry().ExportToWkt())
return shapely_objects
def toLon(x):
if x > 180:
lon = x - 360
lon = x
return lon
# use the vincenty formula to get accurate distance measurements
def sphereDistance(from_point, to_point):
distance.VincentyDistance.ELLIPSOID = 'WGS-84'
return distance.distance((toLon(from_point.x), from_point.y), \
(toLon(to_point.x), to_point.y))
def findIntersectionPoint(from_point, to_polygon):
nearest_point = None
min_dist = float(sys.maxint)
for seg_start, seg_end in pairs(list(to_polygon.exterior.coords)[:-1]):
line_start = Point(seg_start)
line_end = Point(seg_end)
intersection_point = intersect_point_to_line(from_point, line_start, line_end)
cur_dist = magnitude(from_point, intersection_point)
if cur_dist < min_dist:
min_dist = cur_dist
nearest_point = intersection_point
return nearest_point
def computeLinearDistance(from_point, to_polygon):
# first, find the intersection point with the geometry
to_point = findIntersectionPoint(from_point, to_polygon)
# compute the distance on the sphere
dist = sphereDistance(from_point, to_point)
print "from %s to %s: %f" % (from_point.wkt, to_point.wkt, dist.meters)
return dist.meters
def computeDistance(from_geom, to_geom):
min_dist = float(sys.maxint)
for g in to_geom:
# returns results in DD, approximate true dist
dist = g.distance(from_geom) * 111 * 1000
if dist < min_dist:
#print "computed dist: %f" % dist
min_dist = dist
to_poly = g
return computeLinearDistance(from_geom, to_poly)
data_dir = '/data/project/marinesdm/Original_Datasets/' + \
# around 200m of memory RES with these two objects loaded
print "loading data...",
land = ogrWkt2Shapely("%s/%s" % \
(data_dir, 'merge_swbd_gshhs_land_corals.shp'))
sites = ogrWkt2Shapely("%s/%s" % \
(data_dir, 'sites_rasterized.shp'))
print " done."
distances = []
f = open("%s/%s" % (data_dir, 'dists.csv'), 'w')
i = 1
for site in sites:
if i % 10 == 0:
print "%i..." % i
dist = computeDistance(site, land)
f.write("%f,%f,%f\n" % (toLon(site.x), site.y, dist))
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