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Created October 29, 2018 15:22
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Android: Coloring (Helper Class)
package me.angrybyte.coloringdemo;
import static;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.ColorStateList;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Log;
* Factory is used for creating colored elements for the whole app. <br>
* Instantiates using the {@code Singleton} pattern, with the {@code get()} method.
* @version 1.3
* @see ColorStateList
* @see StateListDrawable
* @see Color
public class Coloring {
private static final String LOG_TAG = Coloring.class.getSimpleName();
private static final int BOUNDS = 1500;
private static final int BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLD = 180;
private static final int FADE_DURATION = 200;
private static final Object mInitializerLock;
private static Coloring mInstance;
static {
mInitializerLock = new Object();
* Destroys everything related to coloring.<br>
public static synchronized void destroy() {
mInstance = null;
* Returns the singleton factory object.
* @return The only available {@code Coloring}
public static Coloring get() {
if (mInstance == null) {
synchronized (mInitializerLock) {
if (mInstance == null) {
mInstance = new Coloring();
return mInstance;
/* ********** Factory methods go below this line ********** */
* Converts a String hex color value to an Integer color value.<br>
* <br>
* <b>Supported formats:</b><br>
* <ul>
* <li>#aaRRggBb</li>
* <li>0xaaRRggBb</li>
* <li>0XaaRRggBb</li>
* <li>#RRggBb</li>
* <li>0xRRggBb</li>
* <li>0XRRggBb</li>
* </ul>
* @param colorString String value of the desired color
* @return Integer value for the color, or gray if something goes wrong
public int decodeColor(String colorString) {
if (colorString == null || colorString.trim().isEmpty())
return Color.BLACK;
if (colorString.startsWith("#"))
colorString = colorString.replace("#", "");
if (colorString.startsWith("0x"))
colorString = colorString.replace("0x", "");
if (colorString.startsWith("0X"))
colorString = colorString.replace("0X", "");
int alpha = -1, red = -1, green = -1, blue = -1;
try {
if (colorString.length() == 8) {
alpha = Integer.parseInt(colorString.substring(0, 2), 16);
red = Integer.parseInt(colorString.substring(2, 4), 16);
green = Integer.parseInt(colorString.substring(4, 6), 16);
blue = Integer.parseInt(colorString.substring(6, 8), 16);
} else if (colorString.length() == 6) {
alpha = 255;
red = Integer.parseInt(colorString.substring(0, 2), 16);
green = Integer.parseInt(colorString.substring(2, 4), 16);
blue = Integer.parseInt(colorString.substring(4, 6), 16);
return Color.argb(alpha, red, green, blue);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Error parsing color ", e);
return Color.GRAY;
* Blends given color with white background. This means that a full color<br>
* with transparency (alpha) will be lightened to make it look like it is<br>
* rendered over a white background. Resulting color will be non-transparent.
* @param color Color to use for blending
* @return Lightened color to match a white underlay render
public int alphaBlendWithWhite(int color) {
float alpha = Color.alpha(color) / 255f;
int origR =;
int origG =;
int origB =;
int white = 255;
// rule: outputRed = (foregroundRed * foregroundAlpha) + (backgroundRed * (1.0 - foregroundAlpha))
int r = (int) ((origR * alpha) + (white * (1.0 - alpha)));
if (r > 255)
r = 255;
int g = (int) ((origG * alpha) + (white * (1.0 - alpha)));
if (g > 255)
g = 255;
int b = (int) ((origB * alpha) + (white * (1.0 - alpha)));
if (b > 255)
b = 255;
return Color.argb(255, r, g, b);
* Makes the given color a little bit darker.
* @param color Original color that needs to be darker
* @return Darkened original color
public int darkenColor(int color) {
int amount = 30;
int r =;
int g =;
int b =;
int a = Color.alpha(color);
if (r - amount >= 0) {
r -= amount;
} else {
r = 0;
if (g - amount >= 0) {
g -= amount;
} else {
g = 0;
if (b - amount >= 0) {
b -= amount;
} else {
b = 0;
return Color.argb(a, r, g, b);
* Makes the given color a little bit lighter.
* @param color Original color that needs to be lighter
* @return Lightened original color
public int lightenColor(int color) {
int amount = 60;
int r =;
int g =;
int b =;
int a = Color.alpha(color);
if (r + amount <= 255) {
r += amount;
} else {
r = 255;
if (g + amount <= 255) {
g += amount;
} else {
g = 255;
if (b + amount <= 255) {
b += amount;
} else {
b = 255;
return Color.argb(a, r, g, b);
* Creates a new drawable (implementation of the Drawable object may vary depending on OS version).<br>
* Drawable will be colored with given color, and clipped to match given boundaries.
* @param color Integer color used to color the output drawable
* @param bounds Four-dimensional vector bounds
* @return Colored and clipped drawable object
public Drawable createDrawable(int color, Rect bounds) {
// init normal state drawable
Drawable drawable = new GradientDrawable(Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP, new int[] {
color, color
if (color == Color.TRANSPARENT) {
return drawable;
* Colors the given drawable to a specified color. Uses mode SRC_ATOP.
* @param context Which context to use
* @param drawable Which drawable to color
* @param color Which color to use
* @return A colored drawable ready for use
public Drawable colorDrawable(Context context, Drawable drawable, int color) {
if (!(drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable)) {
Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Original drawable is not a bitmap! Trying with constant state cloning.");
return colorUnknownDrawable(drawable, color);
Bitmap original = ((BitmapDrawable) drawable).getBitmap();
Bitmap copy = Bitmap.createBitmap(original.getWidth(), original.getHeight(), original.getConfig());
Paint paint = new Paint();
Canvas c = new Canvas(copy);
paint.setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(color, SRC_ATOP));
c.drawBitmap(original, 0, 0, paint);
return new BitmapDrawable(context.getResources(), copy);
* Colors the given drawable to a specified color set using the drawable wrapping technique.
* @param drawable Which drawable to color
* @param colorStates Which color set to use
* @return A colored drawable ready to use
public Drawable colorDrawableWrap(Drawable drawable, ColorStateList colorStates) {
if (drawable != null) {
drawable = DrawableCompat.wrap(drawable);
DrawableCompat.setTintList(drawable, colorStates);
DrawableCompat.setTintMode(drawable, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP);
drawable = DrawableCompat.unwrap(drawable);
return drawable;
return null;
* Colors the given drawable to a specified color using the drawable wrapping technique.
* @param drawable Which drawable to color
* @param color Which color to use
* @return A colored drawable ready to use
public Drawable colorDrawableWrap(Drawable drawable, int color) {
if (drawable != null) {
Drawable wrapped = DrawableCompat.wrap(drawable);
DrawableCompat.setTint(wrapped, color);
DrawableCompat.setTintMode(wrapped, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP);
return DrawableCompat.unwrap(wrapped);
return null;
* Tries to clone and just color filter the drawable. Uses mode SRC_ATOP.
* @param drawable Which drawable to color
* @param color Which color to use
* @return A colored drawable ready for use
public Drawable colorUnknownDrawable(Drawable drawable, int color) {
if (drawable instanceof DrawableWrapper || drawable instanceof {
drawable = DrawableCompat.wrap(drawable);
DrawableCompat.setTint(drawable, color);
DrawableCompat.setTintMode(drawable, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP);
drawable = DrawableCompat.unwrap(drawable);
return drawable;
} else {
try {
Drawable copy = drawable.getConstantState().newDrawable();
copy.setColorFilter(color, SRC_ATOP);
return copy;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Failed to color unknown drawable: " + drawable.getClass().getSimpleName());
return drawable;
* Colors the given drawable to a specified color. Uses mode SRC_ATOP.<br>
* Automatically loads a good quality bitmap from the {@code resourceId} if it is valid.
* @param context Which context to use
* @param resourceId Which drawable resource to load
* @param color Which color to use
* @return A colored {@link Drawable} ready for use
public Drawable colorDrawable(Context context, int resourceId, int color) {
BitmapFactory.Options opts = new BitmapFactory.Options();
opts.inDither = false; // disable dithering
//noinspection deprecation
opts.inPurgeable = true; // allocate pixels that could be freed by the system
//noinspection deprecation
opts.inInputShareable = true; // see javadoc
opts.inTempStorage = new byte[32 * 1024]; // temp storage - advice is to use 16K
opts.inPreferQualityOverSpeed = false;
Bitmap original = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), resourceId, opts);
return colorDrawable(context, new BitmapDrawable(context.getResources(), original), color);
* Creates a new {@code StateListDrawable} drawable. States that should be provided are "normal",<br>
* "clicked" (pressed) and "checked" (selected). All states are actually integer colors.<br>
* Optionally, {@code shouldFade} can be set to false to avoid the fading effect.<br>
* <br>
* Note: <i>{@link Color#TRANSPARENT} can be used to supply a transparent state.</i>
* @param normal Color for the idle state
* @param clicked Color for the clicked/pressed state
* @param checked Color for the checked/selected state
* @param shouldFade Set to true to enable the fading effect, false otherwise
* @return A {@link StateListDrawable} drawable object ready for use
"InlinedApi", "NewApi"
public Drawable createStateDrawable(int normal, int clicked, int checked, boolean shouldFade) {
// init state arrays
int[] selectedState = new int[] {
int[] pressedState = new int[] {
int[] checkedState = new int[] {
int[] focusedState = new int[] {
int[] activatedState = new int[] {};
activatedState = new int[] {
// init normal state drawable
Drawable normalDrawable = new GradientDrawable(Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP, new int[] {
normal, normal
if (normal == Color.TRANSPARENT)
normalDrawable.setBounds(BOUNDS, BOUNDS, BOUNDS, BOUNDS);
// init clicked state drawable
Drawable clickedDrawable = new GradientDrawable(Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP, new int[] {
clicked, clicked
if (clicked == Color.TRANSPARENT)
clickedDrawable.setBounds(BOUNDS, BOUNDS, BOUNDS, BOUNDS);
// init checked state drawable
Drawable checkedDrawable = new GradientDrawable(Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP, new int[] {
checked, checked
if (checked == Color.TRANSPARENT)
checkedDrawable.setBounds(BOUNDS, BOUNDS, BOUNDS, BOUNDS);
// init focused state drawable (use normal color)
Drawable focusedDrawable = new GradientDrawable(Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP, new int[] {
normal, normal
if (normal == Color.TRANSPARENT)
focusedDrawable.setBounds(BOUNDS, BOUNDS, BOUNDS, BOUNDS);
// prepare state list (order of adding states is important!)
StateListDrawable states = new StateListDrawable();
states.addState(pressedState, clickedDrawable);
if (!shouldFade) {
states.addState(selectedState, clickedDrawable);
states.addState(focusedState, focusedDrawable);
states.addState(checkedState, checkedDrawable);
// add fade effect if applicable
if (shouldFade) {
states.addState(new int[] {}, normalDrawable);
} else {
states.addState(activatedState, clickedDrawable);
states.addState(new int[] {}, normalDrawable);
} else {
states.addState(new int[] {}, normalDrawable);
return states;
* Creates a new {@code RippleDrawable} used in Lollipop's ListView.
* @param context Which context to use
* @param rippleColor Color for the clicked, pressed and focused ripple states
* @return A fully colored RippleDrawable instance
public Drawable createListViewRipple(Context context, int rippleColor) {
RippleDrawable ripple;
ripple = (RippleDrawable) context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.list_selector, null);
if (ripple != null) {
return ripple;
* Creates a new {@code RippleDrawable} used in Lollipop and later.
* @param normalColor Color for the idle ripple state
* @param rippleColor Color for the clicked, pressed and focused ripple states
* @param bounds Clip/mask drawable to these rectangle bounds
* @return A fully colored RippleDrawable instance
public Drawable createRippleDrawable(int normalColor, int rippleColor, Rect bounds) {
ColorDrawable maskDrawable = null;
if (bounds != null) {
maskDrawable = new ColorDrawable(Color.WHITE);
if (normalColor == Color.TRANSPARENT) {
return new RippleDrawable(ColorStateList.valueOf(rippleColor), null, maskDrawable);
} else {
return new RippleDrawable(ColorStateList.valueOf(rippleColor), new ColorDrawable(normalColor), maskDrawable);
* Creates a new drawable using given parameters. States that should be provided are "normal",<br>
* "clicked" (pressed) and "checked" (selected). All states are actually integer colors.<br>
* Optionally, {@code shouldFade} can be set to false to avoid the fading effect.<br>
* Depending on API level, Drawable instance will be a Ripple drawable (Lollipop) or StateListDrawable.<br>
* <br>
* Note: <i>{@link Color#TRANSPARENT} can be used to supply a transparent state.</i>
* @param normal Color for the idle state
* @param clicked Color for the clicked/pressed state
* @param checked Color for the checked/selected state
* @param shouldFade Set to true to enable the fading effect, false otherwise
* @return A {@link StateListDrawable} drawable object ready for use
public Drawable createBackgroundDrawable(int normal, int clicked, int checked, boolean shouldFade) {
return createBackgroundDrawable(normal, clicked, checked, shouldFade, null);
* Very similar to {@link #createBackgroundDrawable(int, int, int, boolean)}, adding only one more parameter.
* @param bounds Clip/mask drawable to these rectangle bounds
* @return Clipped/masked drawable instance
public Drawable createBackgroundDrawable(int normal, int clicked, int checked, boolean shouldFade, Rect bounds) {
return createRippleDrawable(normal, clicked, bounds);
} else {
return createStateDrawable(normal, clicked, checked, shouldFade);
* Similar to {@link #createContrastStateDrawable(Context, int, int, boolean,} but using colors
* only, no drawables.
* @param normal Color normal state to this color
* @param clickedBackground Background color of the View that will show when view is clicked
* @return The color state list that is in contrast with the on-click background color
"InlinedApi", "NewApi"
public ColorStateList createContrastStateColors(int normal, int clickedBackground) {
// init state arrays
int[] normalState = new int[] {};
int[] selectedState = new int[] {
int[] pressedState = new int[] {
int[] checkedState = new int[] {
int[] activatedState = new int[] {};
activatedState = new int[] {
// initialize identifiers
int[] stateColors;
int[][] stateIdentifiers;
int contrastColor = getContrastColor(clickedBackground);
stateIdentifiers = new int[][] {
selectedState, pressedState, checkedState, activatedState, normalState
stateColors = new int[] {
contrastColor, contrastColor, contrastColor, contrastColor, normal
} else {
stateIdentifiers = new int[][] {
selectedState, pressedState, checkedState, normalState
stateColors = new int[] {
contrastColor, contrastColor, contrastColor, normal
return new ColorStateList(stateIdentifiers, stateColors);
* Similar to {@link #createBackgroundDrawable(int, int, int, boolean)} but with additional {@code original} drawable parameter.
* @param context Which context to use
* @param normal Color normal state of the drawable to this color
* @param clickedBackground Background color of the View that will show when view is clicked
* @param shouldFade Set to true if the state list should have a fading effect
* @param original This drawable will be contrasted to the {@code clickedBackground} color on press
* @return The state list drawable that is in contrast with the on-click background color
"InlinedApi", "NewApi"
public Drawable createContrastStateDrawable(Context context, int normal, int clickedBackground, boolean shouldFade, Drawable original) {
if (original == null || original instanceof StateListDrawable) {
if (original != null) {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Original drawable is already a StateListDrawable");
original = original.getCurrent();
// overridden in previous if clause, so check again
if (original == null) {
return null;
// init state arrays
int[] selectedState = new int[] {
int[] pressedState = new int[] {
int[] checkedState = new int[] {
int[] activatedState = new int[] {};
activatedState = new int[] {
Drawable normalStateDrawable = colorDrawable(context, original, normal);
Drawable clickedStateDrawable = colorDrawable(context, original, getContrastColor(clickedBackground));
Drawable checkedStateDrawable = colorDrawable(context, original, getContrastColor(clickedBackground));
// prepare state list (order of adding states is important!)
StateListDrawable states = new StateListDrawable();
states.addState(pressedState, clickedStateDrawable);
if (!shouldFade) {
states.addState(selectedState, clickedStateDrawable);
states.addState(checkedState, checkedStateDrawable);
// add fade effect if applicable
if (shouldFade) {
states.addState(new int[] {}, normalStateDrawable);
} else {
states.addState(activatedState, clickedStateDrawable);
states.addState(new int[] {}, normalStateDrawable);
} else {
states.addState(new int[] {}, normalStateDrawable);
return states;
* Very similar to {@link #createContrastStateDrawable(Context context, int, int, boolean,} but
* creates a Ripple drawable available in Lollipop.
* @param normal Color normal state of the drawable to this color
* @param clickedBackground Background color of the View that will show when view is clicked
* @param original This drawable will be contrasted to the {@code clickedBackground} color on press
* @return The Ripple drawable that is in contrast with the on-click background color
public Drawable createContrastRippleDrawable(int normal, int clickedBackground, Drawable original) {
if (original == null) {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Creating a boundless drawable for contrast ripple request - original was null!");
return createRippleDrawable(normal, clickedBackground, null);
return new RippleDrawable(ColorStateList.valueOf(clickedBackground), original, new ColorDrawable(clickedBackground));
* This basically chooses between {@link #createContrastStateDrawable(Context, int, int, boolean,}
* and {@link #createContrastRippleDrawable(int, int,} depending on the available API level.
* @param context Which context to use
* @param normal Color normal state of the drawable to this color
* @param clickedBackground Background color of the View that will show when view is clicked
* @param shouldFade Set to true if the state list (pre-API 21) should have a fading effect
* @param original This drawable will be contrasted to the {@code clickedBackground} color on press (pre-API 21) or used for masking in
* ripples on post-API 21
* @return The state list drawable (< API21) or a ripple drawable (>= API21) that is in contrast with the on-click background color
public Drawable createContrastBackgroundDrawable(Context context, int normal, int clickedBackground, boolean shouldFade,
Drawable original) {
return createContrastRippleDrawable(normal, clickedBackground, original);
} else {
return createContrastStateDrawable(context, normal, clickedBackground, shouldFade, original);
* Calculates the contrasted color from the given one. If the color darkness is under<br>
* the {@link #BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLD}, contrasted color is white. If the color darkness is<br>
* over the {@link #BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLD}, contrasted color is black.
* @param color Calculating contrasted color to this one
* @return White or black, depending on the provided color's brightness
public int getContrastColor(int color) {
int r =;
int g =;
int b =;
// human eye is least sensitive to blue, then to red, then green; calculating:
int brightness = (b + r + r + g + g + g) / 6;
if (brightness < BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLD)
return Color.WHITE;
return Color.BLACK;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<color name="transparent">#00000000</color>
<color name="gray_light">#FFF0F0F0</color>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ripple xmlns:android=""
<item android:id="@android:id/mask">
<shape android:shape="rectangle">
<solid android:color="@android:color/white" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android=""
<item android:drawable="@color/gray_light" android:state_pressed="true" />
<item android:drawable="@color/transparent" />
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