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Created December 18, 2021 05:50
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def convert(l, d=0):
for i, e in enumerate(l):
if isinstance(e, list):
yield from convert(e, d + 1)
yield (e, d)
def reduce(l):
c = list(l)
for i, (e, d) in enumerate(l):
if d == 4 and l[i + 1][1] == 4:
if i > 0:
c[i - 1] = (c[i - 1][0] + e, c[i - 1][1])
if i < len(l) - 2:
c[i + 2] = (c[i + 2][0] + l[i + 1][0], c[i + 2][1])
c[i : i + 2] = [(0, d - 1)]
return c
for i, (e, d) in enumerate(l):
if e >= 10:
c[i : i + 1] = [(e // 2, d + 1), (math.ceil(e / 2), d + 1)]
return c
return c
def add(a, b):
result = [*[(i, j + 1) for i, j in a], *[(i, j + 1) for i, j in b]]
while True:
b = reduce(result)
if b == result:
return b
result = b
def unconvert(l):
result = []
depth = 0
q = result
for (e, d) in l:
q = result
for i in range(depth):
q = q[-1]
while depth < d:
q = q[-1]
depth += 1
if len(q) >= 2:
depth -= 1
return result
def mag(l):
if isinstance(l, int):
return l
if len(l) == 2:
return 3 * mag(l[0]) + 2 * mag(l[1])
return sum((mag(e) if isinstance(e, list) else e) for e in l)
tot = convert(eval(LINES[0]))
for l in LINES[1:]:
l = convert(eval(l))
tot = add(tot, l)
[[tot[0][0], tot[1][0]], [tot[2][0], tot[3][0]]],
[[tot[4][0], tot[5][0]], [tot[6][0], tot[7][0]]],
[[tot[8][0], tot[9][0]], [tot[10][0], tot[11][0]]],
[[tot[12][0], tot[13][0]], [tot[14][0], tot[15][0]]],
most = 0
for a, b in itertools.combinations(LINES, 2):
res = add(convert(eval(a)), convert(eval(b)))
if all(x[1] == 3 for x in res):
best = mag(
[[res[0][0], res[1][0]], [res[2][0], res[3][0]]],
[[res[4][0], res[5][0]], [res[6][0], res[7][0]]],
[[res[8][0], res[9][0]], [res[10][0], res[11][0]]],
[[res[12][0], res[13][0]], [res[14][0], res[15][0]]],
if best > most:
most = best
res = add(convert(eval(b)), convert(eval(a)))
if all(x[1] == 3 for x in res):
best = mag(
[[res[0][0], res[1][0]], [res[2][0], res[3][0]]],
[[res[4][0], res[5][0]], [res[6][0], res[7][0]]],
[[res[8][0], res[9][0]], [res[10][0], res[11][0]]],
[[res[12][0], res[13][0]], [res[14][0], res[15][0]]],
if best > most:
most = best
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