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Last active December 17, 2020 05:53
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import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import convolve
LINES = open("inputs/day17").read().splitlines()
dims = 3 # 4 for part 2
steps = 6
front = 2 * steps + 1
filt = np.full((3,) * dims, 1)
filt[(1,) * dims] = 100
board = np.zeros((front,) * (dims - 2) + (front + len(LINES), front + len(LINES[0])), dtype=np.uint8)
for i, l in enumerate(LINES):
for j, c in enumerate(l):
board[(steps,) * (dims - 2) + (steps + i, steps + j)] = c == "#"
for i in range(steps):
conv = convolve(board, filt, mode="constant")
board[:] = (conv == 3) | (conv == 102) | (conv == 103)
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