To brush up beginner knowledge: run vimtutor
a.k.a. I hate vim but I'm forced to use it:
Everything here starts in "normal mode"!
# * grab a Gogh color scheme from | |
# * split up into the `colors` and the `fbc` variable (check that the keys are | |
# in the same order!) | |
# * run this script (`elixir gogh_scheme_to_tilda_config.exs`) | |
colors = ~s{ | |
"black": "#000000", | |
"red": "#C75646", | |
"green": "#8EB33B", | |
"yellow": "#D0B03C", |
## There are dependencies we cannot see, e.g. when a task | |
## invokes another one programmatically | |
# find all tasks for which we provide an action | |
tasks1 = { |task| | |
task.actions.any? | |
}.reject { |task| | |
task.actions.first.source_location.first["/gems"] | |
} |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Touches changed files in order to make it work | |
# when filesystem changes are not properly detected | |
# by development mode code reloading. | |
# | |
# Usage: bin/touch_changed [<sleep every>] | |
EVERY=${1:-1} |
module TwoCounters exposing (init, update, view) | |
import Html exposing (..) | |
import Html.App exposing (..) | |
import Counter exposing (Model, init, update, view) | |
type Slot = Top | Bottom | |
type alias Model = Slot -> Counter.Model |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Modified to send email instead. Original copyright message below: | |
# Cronic v2 - cron job report wrapper | |
# Copyright 2007 Chuck Houpt. No rights reserved, whatsoever. | |
# Public Domain CC0: | |
set -eu |
#!/bin/bash | |
source ~/.bash_profile | |
set -e | |
set -x | |
if [ -f ~/evm ]; then | |
echo evm found | |
else |
Ort;Zusatz;Plz;Vorwahl;Bundesland | |
Aach;b Trier;54298;0651;Rheinland-Pfalz | |
Aach;, Hegau;78267;07774;Baden-Württemberg | |
Aachen;;52062;0241;Nordrhein-Westfalen | |
Aachen;;52064;0241;Nordrhein-Westfalen | |
Aachen;;52066;0241;Nordrhein-Westfalen | |
Aachen;;52068;0241;Nordrhein-Westfalen | |
Aachen;;52070;0241;Nordrhein-Westfalen | |
Aachen;;52072;0241;Nordrhein-Westfalen | |
Aachen;;52074;0241;Nordrhein-Westfalen |
# jsxlint does not consider files not ending in .jsx as containing JSX syntax. | |
# With react-rails, a .jsx file is not subject to 6to5/babel transformation, | |
# hence I cannot use JSX syntax and ES6 at the same time. | |
# This little hack (and a little convention) does the trick for me: | |
# | |
# The sprockets-es6 gem provides both transformations I want for the .es6 ending. | |
# I name my files ending in .es6.jsx (which happens to be descriptive as well) | |
# and make the .jsx transformation step a NOP (by overwriting the engine | |
# which has been registered for .jsx before by react-rails). |
Intended at programmers, not absolute beginners. | |
Consume these resources in this order to get the hang of Rust: | |
1) for motivation and the basic resource management notions | |
2) for a tour of the language features and to get a grip on the syntax | |
3) go more into depth | |
Work in progress. Suggestions welcome! |