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Last active April 14, 2024 11:31
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TS0601_air_filter external converter for Z2M with cache
const fz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/fromZigbee');
const tz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/toZigbee');
const exposes = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/exposes');
const utils = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/utils');
const legacy = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/legacy');
const e = exposes.presets;
const ea = exposes.access;
const STARTUP_DELAY = 4.0 ; // how much to wait before reporting for the first time
const PUBLISH_DELAY = 10.0 ; // And the delay before
const legacy_tuya_air_quality_with_cache = {
cluster: 'manuSpecificTuya',
type: ['commandDataReport', 'commandDataResponse'],
convert: (model, msg, publish, options, meta) => {
// return legacy.fromZigbee.tuya_air_quality.convert(model, msg, publish, options, meta);
const now =; // current time in ms
if ( ! ('_priv' in meta.device) ) {
// Initialize the cache at startup
meta.device.private_cache = {} ;
meta.device.private_next_update = now + STARTUP_DELAY*1000;
const changes = legacy.fromZigbee.tuya_air_quality.convert(model, msg, publish, options, meta);
Object.assign( meta.device.private_cache, changes );
if ( now >= meta.device.private_next_update ) {
// Every PUBLISH_DELAY seconds, publish the attributes accumulated in the cache.
const result = meta.device._cache;
meta.device.private_next_update = now + PUBLISH_DELAY*1000;
meta.device.private_cache = {};
return result;
} else {
return {} ;
const definition =
fingerprint: [{ modelID: 'TS0601', manufacturerName: '_TZE200_8ygsuhe1' },
{ modelID: 'TS0601', manufacturerName: '_TZE200_yvx5lh6k' },
{ modelID: 'TS0601', manufacturerName: '_TZE200_ryfmq5rl' },
{ modelID: 'TS0601', manufacturerName: '_TZE200_c2fmom5z' },
{ modelID: 'TS0601', manufacturerName: '_TZE200_mja3fuja' }],
model: 'TS0601_air_quality_sensor',
vendor: 'TuYa',
description: 'Air quality sensor (WITH DELAYED OUTPUT)',
// fromZigbee: [legacy.fromZigbee.tuya_air_quality],
fromZigbee: [ legacy_tuya_air_quality_with_cache ],
toZigbee: [],
exposes: [e.temperature(), e.humidity(), e.co2(), e.voc().withUnit('ppm'), e.formaldehyd()],
} ;
module.exports = definition;

This is my attempt to solve Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt#8154

I do not have the device but it should not be that hard to cache all attribute and publish them together after a delay.

I was not able to test the converter but it compiles and it it successfully loaded on my end.

I will keep the latest version in TS0601_air_filter.js below.


  • Drop the file TS0601_air_filter.js in the directory containing configuration.yaml (e.g. /opt/zigbee2mqtt/data/)
  • Add the external converter either in the Z2M web frontend or in configuration.yaml
  - TS0601_air_filter.js
  • (OPTIONAL) Check that the converter compiles successfully by running node TS0601_air_filter.js. That only works for files in the Z2M directory.
  • Restart Z2M.
  • If the device description now read Air quality sensor (WITH DELAYED OUTPUT) then the external converter was successully loaded.
  • Otherwise, the default converter was used. The log file probably contains some error messages. Please post them below.
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